my supervisor, a stark realization


Believer In GregCentauro
So I am fairly new to my job and have recently picked up a shift where I am constantly with my supervisor. We idle chat quite a bit, and honestly I have come to respect the man in many ways. He seemed like he was all there, and had a pretty educated balance.

But then today, he started to blabber on. He is absolutely convinced that :

A: The continent of Africa will sink according to Gordon Michael Scallion, self proclaimed psychic.

B. Three alien spaceships, one the size of 200 miles wide, were on a direct route to earth according to SETI.

C. That the Constitution was abolished by the SCOTUS.

I sat there and just shook my head and said, "oh yea, interesting".

First off, if you believe any of this I want to cry. 5 minutes of research will provide proof these are whackjob theories...I mean Scallion is practically the father of WTCwaspulled, SETI openly denied the rumor as a hoax on their homepage, and the idea of the SCOTUS abolishing the constitution...well jesus many reasons why thats JUST FUCKING STUPID.

I still can't believe it. He said these things like they were an absolute certainty, and he even cited his sources: WEEKLY WORLD NEWS, AND ABOVETOPSECRET...i wanted to smack him in the face, but hes my supervisor, I was not about to publicly embarrass him and risk my job. I kept thinking How could this normal person believe this shit?

But as I sat there listening to his crazy rant (which you are doing now) I realized what the hell is wrong with people? I mean, does anybody else know a lot of people who would believe this shit? I checked out the websites and sadly enough I realized that the shit on the internet is just a spawning ground of misinformed half truths, and outright lies that are presented as legitimate sources. What will be the future of journalism and media? The weak minded are being fed. I feel things are going in the wrong direction. They can be done right, but my experience today has made my dark world even darker. But thats what whiskey is for.

:why: :beer:
end drunken rant


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
It's good that you didn't argue or indulge him. A good way to circumvent if he starts up again is, "how 'bout them (team you know he likes)" or "how about this weather? man, don't forget to (bundle up/turn on the air conditioner)". -That's how I deal with my religiously insane sisters.
Where do you work, 'See's Candy' or some 'medical' marijuana dispensary?:confused:

(Or, were you high?)


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I often wonder about myself - everyone says certain things are great apart from a few people, and in certain situations I incline to believing the few people.
It would be nice if I'm wrong, really.
What's a SCOTUS?

Seriously, use all this nut job shit to blackmail him down the road.
"just a spawning ground of misinformed half truths, and outright lies that are presented as legitimate sources. " sounds like mainstream media."The weak minded are being fed" definitely sounds like mainstream media. Its just somebody else's opinion. Why worry?


Closed Account
Why would you keep back just because it is your supervisor? Just because of fear? These topics have nothing to do with your job or with your or his capacities. Of course you don't have to name him a retarded shithead for believing these things, that'll cost your job, but disagreeing and stating your own opinions in a respectfull way never was any reason for firing someone. I always did do that (big boss or not) and never had any problems with it.


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Well if he ever gets on your case about being late/missing work then you can always tell him that you were abducted by aliens or detained illegally by secret police.
I have some semi-evil ways which you can mess with him if your interested, but it sounds like you just want him to leave you alone, which is good.
Too bad it isn't a cute girl... If she believed in extra terrestrial contact, it would mean she is gullible and into a little "probing."
What a whako & this guy is your supervisor? Tell him Nibiru 2012 and I bet he won't shut up.....
Aliens stole my nutsack.

Your significant other is going to be upset when she finds out it's not there when she tries to steal it for herself. :1orglaugh

but disagreeing and stating your own opinions in a respectfull way never was any reason for firing someone.

Unless somebody works under contract, which the vast majority of people don't, a business doesn't need a good reason to be able to fire you or even a reason at all. (At least in most of the U.S. it's that way.)