My GF wants me to cum inside her


The problem BlueBalls' suggestion that is that while "Roe v. Wade" and Common Law in the US protects the rights of a woman to abort a child against the wishes of the state ...

It doesn't protect the rights of a man against the wishes of the woman who didn't abort the child and uses the state against the man. ;)

Ahem . . .

I see my ironic statement was lost on thee my dear professor. No matter. Maybe it wasn't and I'm just in irony overload, or something. :cool:

Anyway, I can't be bothered to get political tonight or debate in anyway shape or form. But I'm sure there's someone else around here who will, there always is. So not all is lost.

Happy trails . . .
If she's on the pill AND you use spermicidal lube, AND she takes the pill properly and you follow the directions for the spermkiller, I'd say you have a better shot of winning the lottery than she does getting preggers.
Ahem . . .
I see my ironic statement was lost on thee my dear professor. No matter. Maybe it wasn't and I'm just in irony overload, or something. :cool:
Anyway, I can't be bothered to get political tonight or debate in anyway shape or form. But I'm sure there's someone else around here who will, there always is. So not all is lost.
Happy trails . . .
No, I was making a quip in return.
I was saying, "sure, SHE has a right to an abortion." ;)
Wasn't trying to be political.
No, I was making a quip in return.
I was saying, "sure, SHE has a right to an abortion." ;)
Wasn't trying to be political.

Ah, well then. I see my attempts to try to cover my ass in my post:

"Maybe it wasn't and I'm just in irony overload, or something."

Will actually come in handy in this instance. :D



Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I am a girl and I have more to fear than you guys do. lol
So I wanted to help set the record straight and debunk any myths listed below.

Wooooooosh, That is the sound of the joke flying right over your head.
Although some of the info you posted is very helpful to people.
Petra was being facetious.

I'm not ready to be a father. Because I can't provide for them yet. Because in alot of ways, I'm still an irresponsible, immature person myself. Besides there are still a lot of things I want to do before I'm ready to settle down and take on the family life.

And some people just shouldn't be parents. I haven't decided whether I'm one of them or not.

If you can't provide for one , fair enough.As fot the other point of view there's nothing like a bit of responsibility to change your outlook.True there are some things you can't do if you've got kids but equally there are things you can't do without them.
Truth is you never can afford kids.There's additional expense but your income doesn't rise to meet it.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
But I am very scared to, I am 20 and I DO NOT want a kid.

-She is taking birth control

-She said we can use spermicidal lube

-She says it's one of her fantasies, and I would really love to do it to because I never have came in a girl before.

What are the chances of her getting pregnant?

I don't believe that you are 20 years old. Even stupid 20 year olds know the answer to this question already.

You should probably be getting to bed soon. You have a big spelling test tomorrow in Language Arts class.
I am a girl and I have more to fear than you guys do. lol
So I wanted to help set the record straight and debunk any myths listed below.

Petra, I hope you don't think I am trying to bash you in any way shape or form.
I just want to help farkiller and any other guy here out on making the right choice for them on this issue.

:crash: FAIL!!! :crash: FAIL!!! :crash: FAIL!!! :crash: FAIL!!! :crash: