My GF wants me to cum inside her

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well hell, screw the pull out method...try some of these and she won't get pregnant!

First, I hear if she doesn't have an orgasm, she won't get pregnant. If that fails, make sure she douches afterwards (I hear coca-cola douches work best). Oh, and have her take a shower and/or pee right after...that helps to keep her from getting pregnant too.

If that fails, have her jump up and down or do tons of jumping jacks. Not only will it keep her from getting pregnant, but it's some great exercise at the same time. You can also help hold her upside down for about 2 hours.

Then have her drink lots of milk!

Oh, and before you have sex put a watch around your dick so the radio activity kills those pesky sperm and while you're doing it, do it standing, with her on top, or while standing on a telephone directory.

Good luck! :thumbsup:

Nah, except for the Coca-Cola douche and the jumping jacks, that stuff doesn't work! What he needs to do is drink a Mountain Dew (not diet, gotta be the real deal - very important) before they have sex. Now that's a proven method to keep her from getting pregnant.


I came inside my wife numerous times while she was on the pill for years and nothing happened, she goes off the pill and we are pregrant in less than a month. Of couse we have sex 7 times in 3 days so I am sure that had something to do with it.
Care to elaborate instead of just posting a stupid picture?
Okay so since im a female here goes... Birth control is pretty effective but be careful I have a friend that told her her boyfriend she was on birth control and would throw her pill away every day just to get pregnant. So I would be careful with that.. spermicidal lube is a good way to go but its also definitely NOT 100% either. What you can do to make pregnancy even less likely is have sex like the day or two before she is supposed to get her period. A girl can only technically get pregnant 2 days out of the month and it is usually between 12 and 14 days after the first day of her period. Sperm can live up to 5 days though so thats why doing it after her period is a bad idea. If you do it right before shes due for her period its a way safer bet. Also, the Plan B pill (morning after pill) is a good idea. You can get it at almost every local drug store and if you for some reason cant find it there, go to planned parenthood. The Plan B pill can be a little pricey but a baby is worse lol Good luck (And your g/f is in for a treat, I love the way it feels when my husband cums inside me :) )

The Plan B pill is basically an emergency birth control you take it within 24 hours of any *oops* and it pretty much aborts and would be pregnancy.

^^ this is your best bet to not get her preggers aside from abstinence which I don't recommend
^^ this is your best bet to not get her preggers aside from abstinence which I don't recommend

Even abstinence is only 99.9999999999999999% effective. Ever hear of a little fella, in a book that is supposedly true called the bible, He goes by the name Jesus and steals hubcaps from cars.


Well, it's a risk, but your girlfriend will probably become bitchy if you don't. Remember you aren't the boss. GL
Just go ahead and do it. If you are looking for a sure thing its time to wake up. You say that you're 20? Its high time you learn that there a NO SURE THINGS in life. Take a chance and keep her happy.
If you are not sure about your girlfriend and there is trust issues don't you think it would be better to not have sex until you straiten that out? Maybe you should have a discussion with her about it.
Ive never pulled out and have Twin girls. when my wife had an IUD nothing happened same when we were in high school and she had the pill.
Your fine

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Care to elaborate instead of just posting a stupid picture?

Do you remember that kid in your math class that asked questions that everyone already knew the answers to? In fact it was so obvious it almost made the other students embarrassed for you. Well, that reaction and the reaction in the picture are the same as the reaction you're getting for your original post. Does that help?


what the fuck you lookin at?
-She says it's one of her fantasies, and I would really love to do it to because I never have came in a girl before.

Feels great! Do it! :thumbsup:


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Just do it, get the plan b and move on. :thumbsup: