My GF wants me to cum inside her

But I am very scared to, I am 20 and I DO NOT want a kid.

-She is taking birth control

-She said we can use spermicidal lube

-She says it's one of her fantasies, and I would really love to do it to because I never have came in a girl before.

What are the chances of her getting pregnant?
I believe on the show manswers, they did some studies that show that this makes women less bitchy. However....If all those protection methods fail, you could abort the mission if you don't mind being a murderer.
add the morning after pill to your list and fire away:thumbsup:
LOL if you are not using a condom and "pull out" at the grand finale already i wouldn't worry too much ;)

No sir!! Pulling out sucks and doesn't compare to cumming inside of a puss.

To the question...if you're serious about not wanting a child at this point in life and she's assured you she's taking b/c....the best you can do is get it in writing...I know, I know...not the most romantic thing nor is it particularly legally binding in most US jurisdictions since if you DON'T want a child the burden is on you to take reasonable precautions. But at least having something in writing shows the perspective of both people at the time if it cums to that.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Okay so since im a female here goes... Birth control is pretty effective but be careful I have a friend that told her her boyfriend she was on birth control and would throw her pill away every day just to get pregnant. So I would be careful with that.. spermicidal lube is a good way to go but its also definitely NOT 100% either. What you can do to make pregnancy even less likely is have sex like the day or two before she is supposed to get her period. A girl can only technically get pregnant 2 days out of the month and it is usually between 12 and 14 days after the first day of her period. Sperm can live up to 5 days though so thats why doing it after her period is a bad idea. If you do it right before shes due for her period its a way safer bet. Also, the Plan B pill (morning after pill) is a good idea. You can get it at almost every local drug store and if you for some reason cant find it there, go to planned parenthood. The Plan B pill can be a little pricey but a baby is worse lol Good luck (And your g/f is in for a treat, I love the way it feels when my husband cums inside me :) )

The Plan B pill is basically an emergency birth control you take it within 24 hours of any *oops* and it pretty much aborts and would be pregnancy.
No sir!! Pulling out sucks and doesn't compare to cumming inside of a puss.

To the question...if you're serious about not wanting a child at this point in life and she's assured you she's taking b/c....the best you can do is get it in writing...I know, I know...not the most romantic thing nor is it particularly legally binding in most US jurisdictions since if you DON'T want a child the burden is on you to take reasonable precautions. But at least having something in writing shows the perspective of both people at the time if it cums to that.

What I mean is that if he is fuckign her without a condom already he can cum inside her too since "pulling out" is as safe as fucking with a broke condom lol.
What I mean is that if he is fuckign her without a condom already he can cum inside her too since "pulling out" is as safe as fucking with a broke condom lol.


Roald you're definitely one of the most gregarious, high spirited individuals in cyberspace!! Don't ever change my "friend".!!:glugglug:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Yeah I think ill just stick to pulling out for now, im too worried.

Well hell, screw the pull out method...try some of these and she won't get pregnant!

First, I hear if she doesn't have an orgasm, she won't get pregnant. If that fails, make sure she douches afterwards (I hear coca-cola douches work best). Oh, and have her take a shower and/or pee right after...that helps to keep her from getting pregnant too.

If that fails, have her jump up and down or do tons of jumping jacks. Not only will it keep her from getting pregnant, but it's some great exercise at the same time. You can also help hold her upside down for about 2 hours.

Then have her drink lots of milk!

Oh, and before you have sex put a watch around your dick so the radio activity kills those pesky sperm and while you're doing it, do it standing, with her on top, or while standing on a telephone directory.

Good luck! :thumbsup:


I'm watching some specialist videos
Yeah I think ill just stick to pulling out for now, im too worried.

Pulling out is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. If you put your dick in her, sperm will get in, regardless of whether or not you actually ejaculate. Ever heard of pre-cum fluid - this is full of sperm. If you are just pulling out, you may as well come inside her. If she's on the pill and you're using a spermicidal gel, your about as safe from pregnancy as you can be without using a condom.
But I am very scared to, I am 20 and I DO NOT want a kid.

-She is taking birth control

-She said we can use spermicidal lube

-She says it's one of her fantasies, and I would really love to do it to because I never have came in a girl before.

What are the chances of her getting pregnant?