Muslims Attack Free Speech Artist

I'm surprised he went for the headbutt. Good show, sir.


Originally Posted by DrDoomVegas View Post
individual cases should judged individually, do not generalize things...
when you kill poor muslims in middle east with your ultimate machine guns, they only one thing to do? suicide bombing...
even in real life when you push someone to the edge, that person could do anything...
if you test people's limit you d be surprised...
blame iran the way they treat their women, but do not blame muslims or iranian people...
that is the all point. look at the austria one asshole raped his own daughter for years, had three kids from her own daughter and made them in the basement...
so should we call all christians are like him?
same story poped in USA 6 months ago...
just be humanist

Get stuffed.:thefinger

:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2: the point...and a completely perfect answer to such silliness...!

Unless they hurt L3ggy I will remain placid and docile.

Yeah, though, Sweden needs to make examples and show they won't put up with this bullshit.
Unless they hurt L3ggy I will remain placid and docile.

Yeah, though, Sweden needs to make examples and show they won't put up with this bullshit.

Not only them, but Denmark is having issues as well, I believe. Another of my ancestors lands ravished by these eleventh century savage types. :mad:
Ahh, yes, I knew I read it somewhere:

For years, Danes lauded multiculturalism and insisted they had no problem with the Muslim customs - until one day they found that they did. Some major issues:

Living on the dole: Third-world immigrants - most of them Muslims from countries such as Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Lebanon and Iraq - constitute 5 percent of the population but consume upwards of 40 percent of the welfare spending.[4]

Engaging in crime: Muslims are only 4 percent of Denmark's 5,4 million people but make up a majority of the country's convicted rapists,[5] an especially combustible issue given that practically all the female victims are non-Muslim. Similar, if lesser, disproportions are found in other crimes.[6]

Self-imposed isolation: Over time, as Muslim immigrants increase in numbers, they wish less mix with the indigenous population. A recent survey finds that only 5 percent of young Muslim immigrants would readily marry a Dane.[7]

Importing unacceptable customs: Forced marriages - promising a newborn daughter in Denmark to a male cousin in the home country, then compelling her to marry him, sometimes on pain of death - are one problem.
Another threat is to kill Muslims who convert out of Islam: One Kurdish convert to Christianity, who went public to explain why she had changed religion, felt the need to hide her face and conceal her identity, fearing for her life.[8]

Fomenting anti-Semitism: Muslim violence threatens Denmark's approximately 6,000 Jews, who increasingly depend on police protection. Jewish parents were told by one school principal that she could not guarantee their children's safety and were advised to attend another institution.[9] Anti-Israel marches have turned into anti-Jewish riots. One organization, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, openly calls on Muslims to "kill all Jews É wherever you find them."[10]

Seeking Islamic law: Muslim leaders openly declare their goal of introducing Islamic law once Denmark's Muslim population grows large enough[11] - a not-that remote prospect. If present trends persist, one sociologist estimates, every third inhabitant of Denmark in 40 years will be Muslim.[12]

^ I like the first two the best. :rolleyes: I'm just thrilled at this enriching culture my people are being introduced to in lovely Denmark. :crash:


habo9, without any doubt you are one of the the biggest idiots I haver had the "pleasure" of "meeting" on the internet. It's unbelievable that you even know how to work with a computer. You know, it's people like you who should crawl back from where they came from or even better who should be incarcareted for life because of utter stupidity and ignorance. You sir are a menace to the sanity of other people and therefore a menace to society.
Nobody is going to do anything about Europes Islamification, the politicians are obviously perfectly content with it and nothing is changing. This Islamification of Europe must be beneficial to those who call the shots. It is similar to the US problem of Illegal Mexican immigration, the people in power obviously are happy with the status quo. What can a normal concerned citizen do? Nothing, vote for another shitty politician who works for the same gang and nothing changes. I dont see anything changing or getting better, just many powerless people moaning about things that they have zero power to change. If you live in europe you should make friends with the Islamists, maybe convert to Islam, if you live in the US you should learn to speak Spanish, this is the future, unless you are foolish enough to think you can start an armed revolution and take the traitorous leadership out by force?
Yeah these laid back muslims stay laid back instead of fighting the islamists who've taken their religion to dangerous grounds. While the laid back types sleep, the jihadists are winning.

The thing is, one person can only do so much. Not everyone wants to be the president or prime minister or the director general of the US military or a journalist or join some random group or whatever. Some ppl just want to be normal. And even if they did want to, well there can only be one president, etc.

How do you expect ppl to do something when they may be considered attached to these groups through no fault of their own. They could receive severe backlash from said groups.

Winning? Winning what, exactly? Do you really think that anything can stop the US military and its allies?

There are regulations that make things difficult, things like change and action against crazy ppl. Also, in a lot of countries, Islamic ppl are a minority group, as in they have even less say in what goes on.

Yeah, as you can see I rly can't be stuffed researching this.

Moving on, if someone with exactly the same beliefs as me (not religious, so that'll do), goes and kills someone, does that mean that I have to take responsibility for them? Hell no. People should be responsible for themselves, their children (to a certain age), and their employees, etc.

Of course we have to do the best we can, and help others, but it isn't always so clear-cut.
That doesn't make much sense as if you know any muslims (I assume you don't) and ask them what they think about these extremists they will simply reply these people are not muslims and just carry out violence in the name of religion, religion is not a membership club and anyone can go and claim they belong to a religion. When there is a right wing Christian protest against homosexuality at the funeral of a US soldier would you expect every other Christian in the world to come out and condemn them. You got so many different Christian groups/sects like, catholics, protestants, methodists, baptists, anglicans, evangelicalists so imagine these groups getting together to issue statements, it's impossible and Islam is even more segregated than Christianity so simplistic statements like 'all muslims' should do this or say that is not very practical. I've said before US foreign policy needs to be rethought (jump on me all you like) as it will only turn more and more ordinary muslims (who number well over a billion) to terror like the one who tried to bomb Times Square last week, a US citizen. Listen to advice from the great man himself:

You know your stuff. Thank you for your contribution.

There are a lot of smart ppl around here.


habo9, without any doubt you are one of the the biggest idiots I haver had the "pleasure" of "meeting" on the internet. It's unbelievable that you even know how to work with a computer. You know, it's people like you who should crawl back from where they came from or even better who should be incarcareted for life because of utter stupidity and ignorance. You sir are a menace to the sanity of other people and therefore a menace to society.

BTW way I have never conversed with you , so you have never met me or know me

Take it your a muslim in denial , about the religion of peace everything I have pointed out , is quite easily found in the Qu'ran....

Your camel piss drinking buddies are the menace to society , stupid and ignorant

Instead of calling people names , prove me wrong show me evidence to discount anything I have said in this thread , I think you will be here a long time......

So sir instead of thinking you are a smart arse , give a decent arguement back instead of the usual , you know nothing , your ignorant , your starting to sound more like Michael Jackson everyday.....

I have had at least 8 reps for the posts in this thread , so sir everyones an idiot? I think not

So please for everyones benefit in this thread , show me which posts in this thread I lied about or arent accurate

You sir are ignorant & the idiot
BTW way I have never conversed with you , so you have never met me or know me

Take it your a muslim in denial , about the religion of peace everything I have pointed out , is quite easily found in the Qu'ran....

Your camel piss drinking buddies are the menace to society , stupid and ignorant

Instead of calling people names , prove me wrong show me evidence to discount anything I have said in this thread , I think you will be here a long time......

So sir instead of thinking you are a smart arse , give a decent arguement back instead of the usual , you know nothing , your ignorant , your starting to sound more like Michael Jackson everyday.....

I have had at least 8 reps for the posts in this thread , so sir everyones an idiot? I think not

So please for everyones benefit in this thread , show me which posts in this thread I lied about or arent accurate

You sir are ignorant & the idiot

Didn't you use the term 'p*ki bastards' in one of your comments on a BNP thread just a few days ago? Thought we wouldn't notice before the moderators removed it, luckily for you they did and I'm surprised you wasn't banned as that is in clear violation of the rules of the board. Such blatant racist language goes a long way to revealing your credibility.


OK maybe I shouldnt have used that and I apologize for any offence , I dont condone the BNP and I certainly dont agree with them