Muslims Attack Free Speech Artist

No its because they didnt export there terrorism into other countries and give them an excuse to invade , going into Yugoslavia wasnt worth $$$'s & Indians are fighting muslims in Kashmir , funny how they are involved again with China in amongst it as well and its just not poor people that go and fight and die for religious terrorism theres plenty of poor people who dont and in places like Bosnia , Croatia and Serbia muslims are thankfull the allies entered and saved them from more slaughter even George Bush was treated like a hero by muslims when he went there

That was totally legitimate and in accordance to international law as the Serbs were committing genocide, whether the victims were muslim or not is irrelevant, each crisis should be reviewed on its own merits. Nato was united in that effort, compare that to Iraq that had little international legality as well as little international support (big Players like France and Germany abstained) and has proven to be based on little more than a pack of lies over WMDs, this has been the best propaganda and recruiting tool that al-qeada could have hoped for. Clinton was a smarter president and he was in charge during the balkans wars, I doubt Bush would've done the same. ps I've never had a problem with the Afghan campaign as that was a legitimate target that harboured the taliban and al-qaeda, if the coalition had concentrated on that and eradicating al-qaeda they would've been defeated by now, instead we are fighting 2 wars and will win neither and will pull out with nothing acomplished before we run out of money. Just as Hitler when faced solely by a weakened Britain decided to invade Russia and ended up over committing his already strained troops to 2 fronts and neither battle was ultimately won.


So before anyone entered Iraq or Afghanistan , what excuse were Al-Qeada using for a recruiting tool?

Cause if I remember correctly they did fly aeroplanes into buildings in 2001 and Im sure Afghanistan and Iraq got invaded after that what about bombing diplomatic buildings in Africa in the late 90's , they used to use the Russians as a recruiting tool as well and Im sure they tried to blow up the Trade center before in the 90s with a van in the car park underneath the building

Anyway , its been good having a chin wag with you , Im off to my bed , laters :wave2:
So before anyone entered Iraq or Afghanistan , what excuse were Al-Qeada using for a recruiting tool?

Cause if I remember correctly they did fly aeroplanes into buildings in 2001 and Im sure Afghanistan and Iraq got invaded after that what about bombing diplomatic buildings in Africa in the late 90's , they used to use the Russians as a recruiting tool as well and Im sure they tried to blow up the Trade center before in the 90s with a van in the car park underneath the building

Anyway , its been good having a chin wag with you , Im off to my bed , laters :wave2:

I could mention a certain nation that set them up and armed them back in the 80s to fight the then Communist Russians in Afghanistan with little care of their extremist and backwards views, but that's a whole other story and I need some sleep too. :sleep:
I could mention a certain nation that set them up and armed them back in the 80s to fight the then Communist Russians in Afghanistan with little care of their extremist and backwards views, but that's a whole other story and I need some sleep too. :sleep:

different animals, muhajadeen and taliban and al'queda
Remember a lot of it is media BS, especially anything owned by Rupert Murdoch (The Sun, Sky news ans Fox) as he makes money from wars and race baiting. There are poor parts of the Middle East and also Africa and Asia where people remain uneducated and will take time to hit our 'standard' of living. A lot of the rich Arabs send their kids to study abroad (Abdullah II of Jordan studied in the UK) and the numbers prospering in areas like investments, banking, finance and real estate is huge. You'll be surprised to find what assets they hold in the western world (we know of football clubs and horse racing etc) even if it's just the minority. Arabs are very hospitable and honourable people but extremism is polluting the region (poor people in any country can be exploited for money) and this needs to be tackled, both through less middle east based US foreign policy and Arab leaders themselves eradicating the extremists, but put yourself in the shoes of the leaders, how can they convince their people to turn away terror and embrace the west when civilans that have nothing to do with al-qaeda are being killed by coalition troops everyday?

The Rich Arabs are the worst ones. I see the way they behave in D.C. and LA along with Europe. They're the ones most tied into sex slavery, drugs, rapes on indigenous women and financing terror to "keep it real."

They are the ones who say they're going to "fix" Western Civilization by pumping money into think tanks, religious schools and prostylization to get the left wing to embrace Islam.

They are playing a long game, and are smart enough to see what works better than terrorism. They want to win by Demographics, well they can go to hell. It's never going to happen.
I could mention a certain nation that set them up and armed them back in the 80s to fight the then Communist Russians in Afghanistan with little care of their extremist and backwards views, but that's a whole other story and I need some sleep too. :sleep:

Those people are mostly Northern Alliance and Pashtuns, many of them are still working with us today. We never worked with the Al Qaeda prototype and the Taliban figures are just the people who won the civil war, not the entire Afghan resistance.
That was totally legitimate and in accordance to international law as the Serbs were committing genocide,

Wrong. Rwanda was genocide, the Balkan conflict was a civil war.

Oh and Slick Willy did a piss poor job over there by joining one side of a civil conflict and ignored the legitimate fears of the other.