No its because they didnt export there terrorism into other countries and give them an excuse to invade , going into Yugoslavia wasnt worth $$$'s & Indians are fighting muslims in Kashmir , funny how they are involved again with China in amongst it as well and its just not poor people that go and fight and die for religious terrorism theres plenty of poor people who dont and in places like Bosnia , Croatia and Serbia muslims are thankfull the allies entered and saved them from more slaughter even George Bush was treated like a hero by muslims when he went there
That was totally legitimate and in accordance to international law as the Serbs were committing genocide, whether the victims were muslim or not is irrelevant, each crisis should be reviewed on its own merits. Nato was united in that effort, compare that to Iraq that had little international legality as well as little international support (big Players like France and Germany abstained) and has proven to be based on little more than a pack of lies over WMDs, this has been the best propaganda and recruiting tool that al-qeada could have hoped for. Clinton was a smarter president and he was in charge during the balkans wars, I doubt Bush would've done the same. ps I've never had a problem with the Afghan campaign as that was a legitimate target that harboured the taliban and al-qaeda, if the coalition had concentrated on that and eradicating al-qaeda they would've been defeated by now, instead we are fighting 2 wars and will win neither and will pull out with nothing acomplished before we run out of money. Just as Hitler when faced solely by a weakened Britain decided to invade Russia and ended up over committing his already strained troops to 2 fronts and neither battle was ultimately won.