Multi Faith Prayer Rooms "Should" Be In Catholic Schools.


Multi-faith prayer rooms 'should be in Catholic schools'
Catholic schools should set aside multi-faith prayer rooms to accommodate Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and Sikh students, according to guidance.

02 Dec 2008

A document issued by the Catholic Education Service said facilities for other faiths should be made available in all primary and secondary schools if possible.

Catholic schools in England and Wales should also consider adapting toilet facilities to accommodate ritual cleansing, the document said.

The guidance also said "respectful understanding" should be shown to pupils of other faiths who are withdrawn from or remain silent during Christian worship.

The advice - issued on behalf of the Catholic bishops of England and Wales – comes in response to new rules forcing all state schools to promote "community cohesion".
Continued Article

Is this Progressivism, Coercion or both ?
So what!!!

Really, why does it really matter if any faith school has to put a multi faith prayer room inside their school UK school usually take about 10% non Catholic or whatever unless they are one of those private wacko schools that dont teach science because only god created the world.

So what if some lost soul wants to pray to some invisible man in the sky, and if they go to a faith based school that is not of their faith then I suppose its in the interest of fairness to accomodate their idiotic beliefs.

You know what I have an idea ban faith schools altogether.

But then what will happen a new thread will be opened deriding the fact that people are not allowed to practice their faith in the way they choose.



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Why would a Hindu attend a Catholic school? Just another idiotic example of social and political correctness going way too far?

What's next? Badets in the men's room just in case a woman happens to wander in?

Will E Worm

Why would a Hindu attend a Catholic school? Just another idiotic example of social and political correctness going waytoo far?

What's next? Badets in the men's room just in case a woman happens to wander in?

People of other faiths sometimes attend these schools on the basis of they think the education is better.And make no mistake about it the catholics very much want them too.If you noticed this idea of other faiths rooms is coming from the catholics themselves trying to be more welcoming and attract more students.While I if I had my way would probably best like Blueballs idea of just ban all of them that is probably not in the cards.But I think the idea that tax dollars being allowed to be used to attend them advocated by some(so called choice) is a clear violation of the seperation of church and state.That pesky constitution again,although that is one of the things that has hardly been adhered to in our history.
Will faith based schools (of other religions) have to make accommodations for Catholic students?

Damn political correctness :bs:
Why would a Hindu attend a Catholic school? Just another idiotic example of social and political correctness going way too far?

What's next? Badets in the men's room just in case a woman happens to wander in?

It happens ALL the time in Britain.

For example, many of the schools in places like Newham, Hackney or Tower Hamlets are designated Roman Catholic for historical reasons - yet because of the extremely high proportion of ethnic minorities in those boroughs, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and of course, Protestants attend these schools in large numbers. Obviously this is rarer when the scenario is reversed - a Christian attending a Jewish or Muslim school, for example.

Sometimes I think people kick up a stink for no reason. Most schools can set aside areas like this very easily. It's usually just a case of leaving a classroom or the school gym open at lunch time.

The anti-PC brigade are at least as annoying as the PC brigade, IMO.
Alright. "The camel's nose is in the tent" is a line I'm going to borrow and probably not atribute to you. So, it's rep time for Facetious.
I respect every religion, being an atheist myself. If you serious about your religion why do you want to go to a catholic school?.

The eduction might be better but you can't always have everything, so i think they should make a decision what's more important to them. I study at a public university with a lot of facilities to practice your believes. How much i respect them its also annoying me that WE have to adjust to them. I also got the feeling that some of them use there religion to escape from doing certain tasks or even showing up to a class.

In my opinion religion should not be practice during school time, yes i know its easy for me to say something like this.


^ BB ^ the problem is that the schools will not have the ability to sustain the exorbitant costs i.e. separate wash rooms, special foot baths etc ad nauseam.
You'd need half a city block to accommodate this program.

That's the whole idea, to overwhelm the institution and bring it down to . . well . . . it's knees, if you will.

The Jewish people have never requested any of this overwhelming nonsense.
For the same reason that Jews do.

Non State Sanctioned Education.

If someone chooses to attend that school, then they also choose to abide by that schools rules. Why should an entire school have to change its policies for a handful of students?
^ BB ^ the problem is that the schools will not have the ability to sustain the exorbitant costs i.e. separate wash rooms, special foot baths etc ad nauseam.
You'd need half a city block to accommodate this program.

That's the whole idea, to overwhelm the institution and bring it down to . . well . . . it's knees, if you will.

The Jewish people have never requested any of this overwhelming nonsense.

It seems to be working fine in schools that already have this policy and they have been doing it for a while.

Seems like a storm in a tea cup to me.

Like I said before a childs education would run much smoother if religion was not involved but as thats not going to happen what can you do :dunno:
No one is forcing the catholic schools to do anything.If you read the story there was talk about requiring certain amount of non catholics but that was not passed.This idea of faith rooms is coming from the catholics themselves.If people read the story it says the segregation in the state schools is a "ticking time bomb" and the new rules about "community cohesion" only apply to the state schools not the private catholic ones.The catholics are just trying to do what they can here to be more inclusive as they obviously agree with the idea or they would not be proposing their schools do this.


It seems to be working fine in schools that already have this policy and they have been doing it for a while.

Seems like a storm in a tea cup to me.

Like I said before a childs education would run much smoother if religion was not involved but as thats not going to happen what can you do :dunno:

You're quite possibly correct, however, in the states, churches and related institutions receive tax exempt status, yet they are funded by private donations / contributions / endowments, therefore, they, for the most part, need not follow any State guidelines, so there you go. ;)

If I may be so bold to


I can't help but notice all of this separatism that the muslims are importing into the western world.

IMO, they want to break the bank with all of their special demands. It's prohibitively expensive to have these people aboard and it's only going to get worse.
The Camel's head is in the tent ! :tongue:

They know exactly what they're doing. A true to form, fifth column if there ever was one.
My alma mater built a multi-faith prayer room onto the side of the existing campus chapel while I was there. It was complete bullshit. Purely an excuse to fleece their alumni for money and then spend it on a multi-million dollar renovation/expansion that only benefited the half dozen Muslims enrolled there, who hadn't even requested that the thing be built and barely used it once it was. Utter exploitation of their religious affiliation for the sake of making a 99.9% caucasian university look "multi-cultural".