Either I'm missing something about the UK school system or they have "state" schools that are officially designated as "Catholic"??? If the taxpayers (of various faiths) are paying for the schools, then why are they considered "Catholic" rather than just "state" (or, "public" as they're called in the States) ????
If it's a govt.-run school, then it shouldn't claim to be of any religion. Accommodations of any individual students' religion should be limited to holidays and personal prayer times (within reason) - it gets to be a good bit much when rooms and buildings need to be renovated to accommodate a particular religion (and I mean ANY of them). If you want to go to a school to learn religion, PAY for it yourself and go - otherwise, schools should be learning the secular, proveable standard stuff. Let's keep religion limited to the interior of anyone's mind, their home, and their places of worship!
:2 cents::2 cents: