It has more to do with economics then anything else. I have been all over the world in the military and as a defense contractor. I never heard of a black immune system problem.
not true. many studies have proven that blacks are more likely to catch HIV and STD than other races.
You can read it here
and here are the stats from a 2010 study done by the CDC showing that African American cases of HIV/AIDS diagnosed was 16,741 compared to 9,467 in whites and 6,719 in Hispanics. Now considering that blacks only make up 12% of the US population, that is a seriously large number.
If this was posted by anyone else other than a OCSM they'd be calls of racism already...
Mariah, do you know what racism actually means?
I take it you side as an anthropologist when you're not doing any porn work? I'm black and I can assure you I have nothing wrong with my immune system.
As for the commentators on the first two pages...If you follow someone on twitter, watch the majority of their scenes and frequently visit their website I think that qualifies for having an opinion...hell being human qualifies for having an opinion...why should anyone of us give two shits who does or does not work in the industry? You're not an authority on the life events of "Mr Marcus"...regardless of how well you know or 'knew' him.
There is only one requirement to participate in this discussion...COMMON SENSE.
Relax, relax. You are all right in some manner regarding this particular issue. Mariah wasn't being a racist when she said what she said. Her execution on the matter needs much work, but she wasn't being racist. Did anyone even read the article? Bottom line, there is a genetic trait that does influence one's susceptibility in contracting the HIV virus. That particular trait is common in black Africans(which is an umbrella term) particularly in the western part of the continent due to specific alleles. That doesn't mean that black people have an immune system problem or any other genetic problem. Quite the contrary. In the field of Molecular Biology and Genetics, it is well known that black Africans are the most genetically resilient(allow fewer deadly mutations of genes) and genetically diverse(more diversity=less stagnation of gene pool=fewer deadly mutations) group of humans on the planet. By and large, this makes the term "Black African" the biggest umbrella term there is in regards to the classification of humans because the ethnic groups(people with their own distinct language, culture, and genetic signature) of black Africans number in the hundreds. This is a discussion for another time as it is quite extensive. Those same alleles that may make particular groups of black Africans more susceptible to the HIV virus also provide some boosts to the immune system in terms of warding of some other biological threats such as malaria and scurvy. Oddly enough, that same allele also has ties to the frequency in which the sickle cell trait occurs, which goes right back into that umbrella term I was talking about earlier(to make it short, the frequency of the sickle cell trait in some black African groups is about the same as northern Europeans). Lastly, have a look at the article Mariah posted. Right under the title it says that this trait
MAY account for 11% of HIV cases in Africa. That still leaves a whopping 89% of HIV cases was due to something other than this trait. When you stop and look at it, the trait itself is but a miniscule part of the contraction of HIV. There is still a whole lot of fuckin' without rubbers and other forms of careless fluid swapping going on.
Now that we have done a rough run through of some of the genetics involved, we can get to the socioeconomic and cultural shit which is
THE largest contributor to the spread of HIV and other STDs amongst black Americans, black Africans, and just about everyone else. Economics plays a large part in the spread of any form of disease, sexual or otherwise. The world over, developing nations and nations in the third world are the areas hardest hit by total cases of STDs. Bottom line, when you are poor, your access to quality health info. and prevention is scarce. As far as black American STD infection goes, there are many factors that come to play ranging from cultural stigmas about health care(they use medical care and treatment less than whites i.e. they don't get tested often) to the high incarceration rate of black American men.
Pick your poison and you will see that a lot of these things just add more fuel to the fire by supplementing an already shitty situation. There is more than one force at work, but they all seem to work together to create on hell of a problem. It's like a symphony of death.