first up, I know Marcus better than ANY of you fucking people. What he did is criminal and even though I have always liked him as a person and we have been friends since 1998 and worked together almost 40 times, he fucked up.
And if you say "well at least he admitted it" HOw could he not admit it? lol He didn't come forward, he got caught. He willfully and purposely produced fraudulent tests and forged medical records which is a crime. He exposed other people to a very dangerous disease that has a cure, but please, it affects so much of your body it is VERY bad to catch even if you treat it.
Do not pretend to know what the fuck you are talking about if you are a fan or don't do scenes where testing is involved. Read and post your comments, but please, do NOT fucking speak out like you have ANY concept of the industry because you don't.
Marcus has always been extremely promiscuous off camera and it's the reason I refused to work with him in 2000 and any time he asked me since right up to March of this year. I value my health and with nearly 600 scenes shot in my career I never once got any std of any kind. I was exposed to them many times, including 2 HIV issues with Marc Wallace back in 1999 and then Tony Montana a year later. I didn't work with either but I worked with people who had worked with them. Marc Wallace forged his HIV results and infected people including Kianna Bradley whom I had worked with the month prior for Adam n Eve.
So please, enough with the pretending to have insight and knowledge because you do not. Marcus should be prosecuted and I would imagine he could be sued as well. Without porn the guy is going to be lost. His only shot at anything now is maybe to write a book. His entire life was porn.
As fucked up as it is, the porn industry has nearly zero morals or business ethics so I see him working again soon. It might only be for his own projects and with new unknowing talent, but they won't run him out. You can already see how the FSC is protecting him and trying to make him out to be this honorable remorseful guy, which he is surely sorry but had he not been caught, bet you he'd still be working.