I hated the wizard of Oz and To Kill a mockingbird and every alfred hitchcok movie and...
I'm just kidding. you guys have shitty taste in movies. I understand the over-budget big explosion small acting movies being on the hate/love list, but some of the movies that a lot of people here hate are just objectively good. the writing is good, the acting is good, the special effects are good, the scene timing...etc. I think it's just people that like a movie just for what it's about or don't, and don't pay attention to anything else. hey, you're entitled to like whatever you want to.. and I wonder just what the hell movies some people on here DO like. If you just hate movies in general, I don't think that is a fair comparison in this category.
as for my tatse.. I'll say casino royale. altough hate was a strong word. I'd just say I didn't like it. And i'll tell you why:
The casting was good.
The action was good.
The special effects were good.
It's standing as a sequel and continuity among james bond movies was bad. The characters were flat and lacked dimension. The acting was mediocre. The plot was boring and unbelievable. The camera work and cinematics were stale and generic. I don't even know how the cuts were, which says that they weren't anything worth remembering. The timing and spacing was bad, the movie had too many scenes that dragged on, and too many others that were cut short. The first half of the movie was all climax, and then the second half was all falling action leading to an abrupt and unresolved ending- Which pretty much invalidated the whole movie and when the sequel comes out and it's summed up in the first five minutes you'll understand why.