Just google "mass shootings" or "school shootings" and you'll find plenty of historical accounts from around the world involving people going crazy and murdering a bunch of people. My point was that these events are not only recent. But if you really insist on me providing more details, here you go:
(In order from the examples I posted above)
1. Used a shotgun.
2. This was fire. But so what? It's still a massacre.
3. This was a 43 year old man armed with 4 hand guns.
4. 3 Palestinian terrorists. They used grenades and automatic weapons, killing 22 children and injuring 28 children.
5. Can't find that one again, sorry.
6. Charles Whitman. He purchased a Universal M1 Carbine, 2 ammunition magazines and 8 boxes of ammunition, telling the cashier that he was using it to hunt wild hogs. Then he drove to a gun shop where he bought 4 more carbine magazines, 6 boxes of ammunition, and a can of gun cleaning solvent. Then he went to Sears and got a 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun and a rifle case. Back home with these items, in his garage he sawed off the barrel of the shotgun, packed it with a remington 700 6mm hunting rifle into his locker, which also held a 6mm bolt-action hunting rifle, a .36 calibre rifle, a .30 calibre carbine, a 9mm Luger pistol, another pistol and a revolver, and over 700 rounds of ammunition, 3 knives, a machete, and other items such as vitamins and crap. The massacre took place as he sniped out a number of students from the top of a tower at the University of Texas.
7. This took place in the New Mexico State Penitentiary. It was a hostage situation in which case inmates took officers hostage, inmates killed inmates, inmates raped and beat each other. I suppose this doesn't necessarily fit in with one single person going on a mass killing spree or a school shooting, but nevertheless, it was terrible. And it was 30 years ago.
8. The man had a revolver and a knife. Some of the people were found to have been killed by an Uzi, so it is suspected that some of the murders were by police officers.
9. Took place in Australia. The man reportedly told his neighbor, "I'll do something that will make everyone remember me." He used a Colt AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. The main part of the massacre took place in a restaurant where he sat down, ordered food, commented, "There's a lot of wasps in here," to no one in particular, then moved to the back of the cafe, set up a video camera, and within 15 seconds he fired 17 shots, killing 12 and injuring 10. He then killed 8 other people around another side of the cafe and wounded 5, blah blah blah, I'm not telling this entire friggin story.
10. First spree, he killed 21 people with an axe. His second spree, he was armed with a stolen police rifle, 50 rounds of ammunition and an axe. He just started killing people. Within 10 hours he shot 10 men, 8 women, 8 children, killed 5 men with the axe, burned 2 women and a child, and strangled a teenage girl.
11. Well I couldn't find he above incident again (the page I'm looking at has TONS of massacres listed), but I did find another one in the same year where an American man killed 44 and injured 58 in a school in which he was the treasurer for. First he killed his wife and then he set his farm buildings on fire, which served as a distraction as he bombed the school. So no, not guns in this situation, but it doesn't fucking matter. It's absolutely terrible and it happened 85 years ago.
12. This man killed his wife and 4 children, then in town he set fires and shot 20 people. Shot here meaning he had a gun.
13. I'm tired of researching these people again. This guy:
Alright like I said, I'm tired of re-researching these people just to prove a point to someone who is doubting me, which is doubting history. And since when did this become just about America? There are crazy people all over the world, not just in America, and you didn't say anything about America only when I mentioned the Holocaust and WWI and other wars. It doesn't matter. This shit isn't recent, it is recorded throughout history all over the world, nothing has changed. Nothing that matters in this instance in any case. Sure, things have changed over time, such as blacks no longer being slaves and granted the same rights as everyone else, America getting it's first black president, porn being more widely accepted and sexuality progressively becoming more openly expressed and less inhibited, women becoming more independent, etc. But seriously, why are you looking for a reason as to WHY these things are happening? What's it matter? It's always happened, it will continue to happen because psychopaths will never cease to exist unless someone miraculously discovers a cure for craziness.