^^ Because since the death of Senator Kennedy, Dems only have 59 votes and it takes 60 to break a filibuster, so the President needs to pick up a couple Republican votes.
The anti-reform, pro-business, pro-insurance forces are spending tens of millions lying, scaring people and trying to intimidate Representatives to support a public option even though 70% of Americans support a public option.
It wasn’t so sad it would be hilarious. A vocal minority would much rather keep a system where thousands of people die every year because of a lack of health insurance so people like the CEO of United Health Care can make $57,000 an hour by denying sick peoples insurance claims.
Yes the side that doesn't want it is lying, or ignorant. And where is the 70% from? Did that come before or after the caveat--even if you end up paying more for health care than you are now? Suddenly people want to rethink things.
I wonder if we can force companies to insure the unisurable in order to maintain their business license. I wonder if we can break down state barriers so that residents of New Jersey can get their plan from a company in Texas etc.
I do not want the government to be running healthcare, as I see that as a doorway into even further aspects of our lives. If you look at what amounts to Health and Human Services in other countries, they are extensive and agenda driven.
Let's say you're a social liberal and a harsh conservative is elected, this guy turns on a dime and starts using this vastly enlarged H&HS to push an agenda that's frightening to you and enriches his buddies. It's suddenly not so nice, especially when you consider YOU are paying for it.
Or it could be like what happens in New Jersey. A reform minded Democrats runs for election and the N.J. Democratic machine scares people with "He's going to take away your healthcare" to make sure they vote for the status quo.
It's a doorway to machine style politics. It goes on in New Jersey, it goes on in Chicago, it led to the humiliation of New Orleans and it will happen to us. If you are a progressive who respects the rights of others to disagree with your ideals, than you should be wary of this plan almost as much as libertarians and fiscal conversative are.