America can get away with having restaurants that exist solely to exist and generate revenue that aren't good, have no plans on being good, never will be good, and yet still succeed. Blows my fucking mind. Who the fuck can't cook their own beans?
People have *no* idea what they are buying. Even if a restaurant has 'fresh' ingredients, it really doesnt matter since most of the stuff is cooked and thrown into the walk-in until they need it.
Reheated food.. and during a 7pm rush, sometimes microwaved.
Every place you go to is just another shitty kitchen trying to pull off a 4 star dining experience.
They try to diversify the menu to a fault ~ none of these items KEEP very well.
New menu item at my place: Berry cheesecake. Except it is a berry marmalade kinda deal... which noone preps, so we end up buying 'just berries', and putting 'just berries, that arent moldy as that other package' onto cheesecake you really shouldnt pay 1$ for, but the menu wants 3$.
I mean, what do you pay for a one-bite snack?
The trendier the place, the worse it gets. I worked at an olive garden that took itself seriously ~ the kitchen manager oversaw and quality-assured his line, allllll the time.
I worked at a place over in the gay district, 100+ craft beer taps, 'artisan' bullshit menu.. and we were STUPID laidback about everything. Noone followed the menu prep guides, gloves were only for when state inspection rolled around, nobody wore hats, no nonslip shoes required.
Right next to this place was 'Hedgerow', a place owned by Elon Musk's brother. Put some time in at that kitchen and they have the exact same issues, but their cooking times get a few more minutes because they use real wood burning ovens. All these trendy places look good on the outside, but...
let the buyer beware.