Most Loved & Most Hated Star Wars Character

one of my fave quotes

JAR JAR BINKS makes the fuckin ewoks look like shaft!

Spaced - check it banana
I never saw any the movies.

Just Kidding........

Favorite Character:Han Solo
Least Favorite: Nein Nubb (the babbling fool sitting next to Lando in ROTJ)

Jar Jar IS annoying, but ill take him over the Ewoks any day, whom i currently enjoy slaughtering in Star Wars:Battlefront (on Xbox and PC, I have both versions)

Qui Gon Ginn is also a kick ass character, wish he would have lived beyond Episode 1
best: vader, darth maul, han, chewy boba fett, prinsess leia especialy in the scene with jaba in that nice outfit... oh the memories. the storm trooper that almost gets knocked out in ep 4 banging his head in one of the fight scenes that should have been edited out.
worst: jar jar jaba's freind with the tail on his head, and that little thing with jaba.. hell the whole jaba team. jar jar, c 3 po, cant stand him anikin in ep2. that should have been me making out with amidala. and the bad aliens from ep1.
ckjedi66 said:
Just Kidding........

Favorite Character:Han Solo
Least Favorite: Nein Nubb (the babbling fool sitting next to Lando in ROTJ)

Jar Jar IS annoying, but ill take him over the Ewoks any day, whom i currently enjoy slaughtering in Star Wars:Battlefront (on Xbox and PC, I have both versions)

Qui Gon Ginn is also a kick ass character, wish he would have lived beyond Episode 1

yeh but dude....ewoks slaughting a shit load of stormtropers and a few AT-ST's.....yeh....the iraq war is easy by comparrison!


they could have at least put qui gon in as a ghost like obi wan in 5 and 6


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lordraven said:
if only in SW:epI jarjar had been hitby the federation transport... how much better things would have been

hell he caused the damn clone war with his voting of no confidence!!
not only that, but by giving all power to senator palpatine/the emperor, he is effectively single handedly responsible for creating the republic in the first place. so, there's an even bigger reason to loathe him with an undying passion.

best: solo
worst: binks
SovereignAxe said:
not only that, but by giving all power to senator palpatine/the emperor, he is effectively single handedly responsible for creating the republic in the first place. so, there's an even bigger reason to loathe him with an undying passion.

best: solo
worst: binks

Although Star Wars is primarily intended for children, some characters stand out more than others in this respect. When I first saw Jar Jar on the screen (I hadn't read any reviews/previews, so I knew nothing about him or the movie), it was painfully obvious to me that he was only there to appeal to the kiddies (and to generate added sales for the merchandising department). As I understand it, he was supposed to be a key figure in Ep. II and III as well, but due to his extreme unpopularity with the audience Jar Jar's role got significantly scaled back. Personally, I believe the part of the Ep. II where Jar Jar becomes partially reponsible for the rise of the Empire was purposely written in as a means of throwing the audience a bone.... ie. you enjoy hating Jar Jar? Well here's more reason to hate him!
parker.. great minds must think alike... I too suspected the " bone thropwing" incident of JAR Jar in the second movie...
i can see the jar jar hate. But why so many people hating on Jabba and Salacious crumb (The monkey lizard of jabba's)
Best: Boba Fett by far, followed by Admiral Ackbar and Bib Fortuna.

Worst: J A R J A R B I N K S...


been playin battlefront loads last couple of days, only complaint is it was way too easy, but loads of fun :D