Most Addicting Game Ever

Any of the Sim City games.While you might be complaining about how dumb it is,you'll look up and notice that you've been playing for hours.

The first and second Tony Hawk games are the most addictive that I've ever played.They completely changed my sleeping patters while I was playing them.I would wake up early on weekends and end up playing until midday without going to the bathroom or getting anything to eat.

Plus,everything that I saw on the street in the real world,I thought about how I could skate it in the video game.


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IMAO, tetris. kidding aside, Gladius for PS2


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i remember when i was in middle school i was addicted to mario brothers 1 and 3
i used to play that games for hours and hours and hours
Game I love to play and actually still play is Mario Kart starting w/ SNES mario kart all the way too the current Mario Kart Wii. Balanced out with some Burnout Paradise on the 360
For me... Colin McRae '05... beating your best times on each stage is more addicting than crack + meth + heroin. If you love to RALLY that is... That game is fucking INSANE.

Anyone feel even close to this? I still think it't the best game ever made :thumbsup:

By the way, I really like the actual variety of responses this thread got, it's quiet unusual!