More Conservative As You Age?

You didn't answer the question.
Within 100 years, Republican had 4 major economic crisis under their watch. You can't deny this so you choose to deflect. But you're not Kelly-Ann Conway (and you're not even tryin') so everyone can see what you're trying to do here, everyone can see you're trying to deflect the discussion.

Again, Republicans had 4 major economic crisis happening under their watch in less than 100 years, which means they are either incompetent or targeted by God's wrath
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Staff member
Non-sense ? Really ? So I guess you can prove these crisis did not happened under Republican presidents' watch, can you ? Or maybe you can telle me about other major economic crisis that happened under some democrat presidents' watch ?
Oil Crisis and Iranian conflict underJimmy Carter
Mogadisciu Operation Ghotic Serpent Fiasco, 1st WTC bombing in 1993, the attack on Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia three years later, the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole which all happened during Clinton
Destruction of the manufacturing sector, illegal immigration crisis mismanagement and failed counterterrorism under Obama's presidency. Majority Staff Report 1 10 2019 Final.pdf and
And you wanna tell me that Democrats are competent after that? Please get real.
Oil crisis, fair enough.
Everything else you mentioned does not qualify as economic crisis. And let's not talk about terrorism here, otherwise I'd be forced to mention the dealiest attack ever perpetuated on american soil...
I'd be forced to mention the dealiest attack ever perpetuated on american soil...

All through the 90's, Bill Clinton ignored al-Qaeda, culminating in the 2000 attack on the USS Cole, shortly before the attack on the World Trade Center.

Your obsession with Trump doesn't change history, liar.