More Conservative As You Age?

I did change my mind, many times, on many issues.

"... for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind; for the doubter, being double-minded and unstable in every way, must not expect to receive anything from the Lord."

Yeah, man. Maybe God stuff isn't for you.
I don't expect to receive anything from God, neither from Santa, the Easter Bunny or the tooth fairy.


Staff member
I did change my mind, many times, on many issues.

I used to think legalizing marijuana would be a terrible mistake. No I'm for legalizing it.
I used to be a christian (roman catholic to be specific). Now I consider myself an atheist
I used to support the death penalty for the most horribles crimes (terrorism, pedophilia, hate motivated murder, etc...). Now I'm 100% against it
I used to thhink Republicans were good principled people. Now I know they are racists, hypocrites and that they would gladly give up democracy for tyranny if the tyran share their views.
Legalizing marijuana has not solved drugs issue but made things worse. For instance, Hildago the worst socialist mayor of Paris has implemented shooting rooms where drugs are available and this has brought drug addicts and low-level people onto the streets.
Because paying our taxes our whole life for a criminal with a possibility of him being freed for a good conduct and given a second chance is not going to give the victim's family justice. Once again who abolished the death penalty in France? A socialist called Robert Badinter. We all know how much socialists or centrists are appreciative of justice and have the sense of justice in France.
Because Democrats are good principled people ? You gotta be kidding. Have you voluntarily forgotten about the Dixiecrats?
We know the song everytime you criticize Obama or his minions, you are labelled as racist by democrats. What about anti white racism or even antisemitism? Just look at Ihlan Omar and Rachid Tlaib , two of the worst antisemites from the democrat party. Wanna talk about hypocrites then why don't you point the finger on Jerry "the Old Brat" Nadler, Adam "the Pencil Neck shifty" Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine "Low IQ" Waters, Andrew Cuomo or Gavin Newsom? We know what kind of democracy it is under democrats...
What does it mean to be conservative?
Is being conservative just believing what the Republican says to believe?

I've long objected to that term being applied to modern day republicans. They're not conservative, they're extremist fanatics who want to force their regressive views onto the entire country. They don't care about democracy, the rule of law, or the constitution that they love to bleat about. All they do care about is holding power over others. That's why trump is their man.
I'm Generation X.

I think, collectively of every generation after the "Greatest," there's been a kicking-the-can-down-the-road. We shouldn't be having the same issues simmering and boiling over time and again. Every issue we face today is from not dealing with it 20, 40, 60 years ago. Conservative or liberal, I think the greatest threat is entrenchment of beliefs, and that's how we're polarized.

Trying to step away from my own biases, it's taken a long time to realize this. Maybe my understanding will still evolve.


Light one for Me
Legalizing marijuana has not solved drugs issue but made things worse. For instance, Hildago the worst socialist mayor of Paris has implemented shooting rooms where drugs are available and this has brought drug addicts and low-level people onto the streets.
Because paying our taxes our whole life for a criminal with a possibility of him being freed for a good conduct and given a second chance is not going to give the victim's family justice. Once again who abolished the death penalty in France? A socialist called Robert Badinter. We all know how much socialists or centrists are appreciative of justice and have the sense of justice in France.
Because Democrats are good principled people ? You gotta be kidding. Have you voluntarily forgotten about the Dixiecrats?
We know the song everytime you criticize Obama or his minions, you are labelled as racist by democrats. What about anti white racism or even antisemitism? Just look at Ihlan Omar and Rachid Tlaib , two of the worst antisemites from the democrat party. Wanna talk about hypocrites then why don't you point the finger on Jerry "the Old Brat" Nadler, Adam "the Pencil Neck shifty" Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine "Low IQ" Waters, Andrew Cuomo or Gavin Newsom? We know what kind of democracy it is under democrats...

You went from marijuana to 'shooting rooms' pretty quickly there😁

Criminalization of cannabis is an indictment of any modern Government. The pros are scientifically proven to outweigh the cons.
You went from marijuana to 'shooting rooms' pretty quickly there😁

Criminalization of cannabis is an indictment of any modern Government. The pros are scientifically proven to outweigh the cons.

President Trump protected your stash from Jeff Sessions, and his hardon for the pot. Yes, I know that the President is extending the status quo of previous administrations, but Jeff wanted your Durban Poison, he always hated the pot.
President Chronic, yo.



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
What does it mean to be conservative? We all probably have a different view, but it is broadly defined as "a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics."

We look back at the founding generation (1774 - 1789) and use them as the base for conservatism. They were liberals/radicals who wanted to upend society. Since then there has been an almost constant battle to expand the radicalization (i.e., rights for women, African-Americans, Native Americans, et al.). Post-war conservatives have not been monolithic: Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41 & 43, and Trump.

Is being conservative just believing what the Republican says to believe?

The only thing modern conservatives want to conserve is the privilege of rich white men. Their appeals to religion are as fake as they are hollow.
The only thing modern conservatives want to conserve is the privilege of rich white men. Their appeals to religion are as fake as they are hollow.

Yeah. If you're a conservative = RAAAYYY-SUUUSTTT!

Jesus said that. Well, Omar, Tlaib, AOC - they said it, and that's good enough for the idiot morons!
Has anyone noticed that, for the last 100 years, every major econimy crisis happened when a Republican was in office ?

1929, Black Thursday : under Herbert Hoover's watch
1973, Oil Crisis : Under Richard Nixon's watch
2008, Subprime Mortgage Crisis : Under Georges W. Bush's watch
2020, Covid19 Crisis : Under Donald Trump's watch

Either Republicans are deeply ineffective or they've drawn God's wrath on them...
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Staff member
The only thing modern conservatives want to conserve is the privilege of rich white men. Their appeals to religion are as fake as they are hollow.
The only thing modern democrats are pushing is blame all on the white guy for what happens to the other and thinking implementing that a social system based on nordic/scandinavian system works everywhere it doesn't. Want a good education and good healthcare, work and pay for it.
The only thing modern democrats are pushing is blame all on the white guy for what happens to the other and thinking implementing that a social system based on nordic/scandinavian system works everywhere it doesn't. Want a good education and good healthcare, work and pay for it.
I'm not saying the scandinavian model would work anywhere, I'm not saying it would work in the US. But how can you be so sure it wouldn't without even trying it ? The current US system doesn't work, a different system needs to be implemented.

Also, we're not talking about copy-pasting the finnish healthcare system, the swede school-system, the danish welfare system, etc. to America. W're talking about look at why they work, find a way to adapt this into american society
The current US system doesn't work

You're talking about the world's lone superpower, and the nation that sets the world's agenda. When the dainty, fatmouth, feminine nations stop asking for us to defend and protect them (why, even the Germans are pissing down their legs that the mighty US is leaving them to the invaders 😆), maybe they'll be in a position to recommend "systems" 🤣

Nah, son. Our system's working just fine.
The last time a nation asked America to defend it was about 80 years ago. Since that day, America started countless war on her own many of them leading to a disaster (Viet-Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq...).
And we all know 1944 wasn't about saving Europe from the nazis but about not letting Europe fall into the hands of Stalin. The US entered the European front of WWII not out of good will but for political and strategic reasons. They knew they needed to prevent nazi scientists such as Werner von Braun to be recruited by the soviets, they knew they needed them.
The last time a nation asked America to defend it was about 80 years ago. Since that day, America started countless war on her own many of them leading to a disaster (Viet-Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq...).
And we all know 1944 wasn't about saving Europe from the nazis but about not letting Europe fall into the hands of Stalin. The US entered the European front of WWII not out of good will but for political and strategic reasons. They knew they needed to prevent nazi scientists such as Werner von Braun to be recruited by the soviets, they knew they needed them.
Hush, sweetheart, and just let the waves of North African Muslims wash over you. The US isn't coming to save you, and Germany's been put on notice, too; the US has no use for bitch nations. Better keep cozying up to your Chinese saviors and protectors 😂
If I were to guess I'd be right of center now. Not sure though. Over the years I've become more moderate but cynical. The party political systems are just interested in consolidating power and grabbing more of it when they can for their own interests.


Staff member
Has anyone noticed that, for the last 1000 years, every major econimy crisis happened when a Republican was in office ?

1929, Black Thursday : under Herbert Hoover's watch
1973, Oil Crisis : Under Richard Nixon's watch
2008, Subprime Mortgage Crisis : Under Georges W. Bush's watch
2020, Covid19 Crisis : Under Donald Trump's watch

Either Republicans are deeply ineffective or they've drawn God's wrath on them...
Keep talking nonsense


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Keep talking nonsense

Non-sense ? Really ? So I guess you can prove these crisis did not happened under Republican presidents' watch, can you ? Or maybe you can telle me about other major economic crisis that happened under some democrat presidents' watch ?
Non-sense ? Really ? So I guess you can prove these crisis did not happened under Republican presidents' watch, can you ? Or maybe you can telle me about other major economic crisis that happened under some democrat presidents' watch ?
Republicans freed the slaves, defeated the communists, and bitch-slapped the panty-pissing EU for sucking Iranian dick (as you idiots try to dig out from under your hordes of hostile, non-assimilant Muslims).

Republicans made this country great, and we'll continue to show the punk ass, also-ran nations how it's done.

But yeah, keep flapping your uniformed, US-hating gums. Oui oui.