Legalizing marijuana has not solved drugs issue but made things worse. For instance, Hildago the worst socialist mayor of Paris has implemented shooting rooms where drugs are available and this has brought drug addicts and low-level people onto the streets.
Because paying our taxes our whole life for a criminal with a possibility of him being freed for a good conduct and given a second chance is not going to give the victim's family justice. Once again who abolished the death penalty in France? A socialist called Robert Badinter. We all know how much socialists or centrists are appreciative of justice and have the sense of justice in France.
Because Democrats are good principled people ? You gotta be kidding. Have you voluntarily forgotten about the Dixiecrats?
We know the song everytime you criticize Obama or his minions, you are labelled as racist by democrats. What about anti white racism or even antisemitism? Just look at Ihlan Omar and Rachid Tlaib , two of the worst antisemites from the democrat party. Wanna talk about hypocrites then why don't you point the finger on Jerry "the Old Brat" Nadler, Adam "the Pencil Neck shifty" Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine "Low IQ" Waters, Andrew Cuomo or Gavin Newsom? We know what kind of democracy it is under democrats...