Mom tased during routine traffic stop...

Will E Worm

Mom tased during routine traffic stop, officer abandons the children..

Tased during routine traffic stop

Mom Tasered in front of kids posed no threat.

How does a law-abiding mom driving home with two kids end up being Tasered, handcuffed and arrested — while her children are left alone for 40 minutes in the car, waiting for someone to come get them?

That’s a question that Audra Harmon hopes will be answered by a lawsuit she has filed against the Onondaga County (N.Y.) Sheriff’s Department. In the process, she and her attorney told TODAY’s Meredith Vieira Friday in New York, they hope to spur a debate over whether police should be carrying Tasers at all.


The officer abandons the vehicle and the children are left alone for 40 minutes in the vehicle.

Still think they need tasers? Most of them shouldn't be officers.
If all that turns out to be true about leaving the kids thats worse then the tape.

As I said if true ,he has to be fired,but probably won't be.And they will be paying big also in the lawsuit unless there's something we don't know here.


Closed Account
"Still think they need tasers? Most of them shouldn't be officers. "

the officers that are doing this are a fraction of a percent of the officers out there. most of the tazers will be used to subdue unruly subjects. yes, police need tazers because pepper spray doesn't always work and the last line is the lethal force option.

there will always be instances where somebody uses a tool improperly. that's life.
damn another story with an officer abusing his power and abusing his taser its just sad
omg :(

she was posing no threat. She was just wanting to know wtf she was being arrested for....and her children had to watch that. Absolutely sick.


The One and Only Big Daddy
Man thatis a damn shame what the hell is going on you got these wanna be hot shot ass police makeing more trouble than they are preventing take those taser away they are not using them right.:mad:

Will E Worm

"Still think they need tasers? Most of them shouldn't be officers. "

the officers that are doing this are a fraction of a percent of the officers out there. most of the tazers will be used to subdue unruly subjects. yes, police need tazers because pepper spray doesn't always work and the last line is the lethal force option.

there will always be instances where somebody uses a tool improperly. that's life.

If it was a minority of them, there wouldn't be this many articles on this subject.
It will be the "minority" of officers that are responsible for the cut backs in officers because of all the lawsuits.

Unless that's what you want?

There's another article in this article about a seventy-two year old grandmother being tased. I guess she posed a huge threat...:rolleyes:
If it was a minority of them, there wouldn't be this many articles on this subject.
It will be the "minority" of officers that are responsible for the cut backs in officers because of all the lawsuits.

Unless that's what you want?

There's another article in this article about a seventy-two year old grandmother being tased. I guess she posed a huge threat...:rolleyes:

Start posting articles about cops saving people's lives. Oh wait. That wouldn't fit into your agenda to make every single cop in the world look bad.

Really though. What has there been maybe 100 articles this year about police tazing people? 100 cops out of the thousands and thousands? When you pick and choose which articles to post of coarse it looks like all the cops in the world abuse their power. The cops who do this really are in the minority whether you want to accept it or not.

We should just clone Will E and replace all the teachers, politicians and police officers in the world with his clones. The world would be so much better then. :rolleyes::ban:


Hiliary 2020
Holy Shit........that was bad.
He did tell her to get back in the car several times but like a all too typical bad attitude american women she couldnt just listen and shut up..........but to tell her to get out of the vehicle afterwards was just looking for trouble.
Just give her a ticket and go.
The cop needs to go, excessive force.


Closed Account
Wow, what a privilege and honour to watch our nobler police officers at work. People should be beaten down. They must submit to authority. Especially mother scum with children. Hey, why didn't he just kick her in the ribs? Maybe smack her across the face?

Oooono, wait, that special act is probably reserved for his childrens' mother when he returns home at night.

Thank goodness, anyway, he is setting such a good example. :(

I hope she sues their ass all the way to the ears of the State Governor.

The kicker is, we the people are all but helpless in the face of this onslaught. I hope she wins this case, even if it is on the grounds of this officer endangering her childrens' lives. Anyone care to guess what they feel about police now?
If you're posting this crap for entertainment's sake, go right ahead. If your trying to prove something, then I don't agree at all.

It cracks me up how you're trying to convince people that the Police are bad etc. when everyone in their right mind knows the police officers doing things like this are a small minority. Police officers are human beings that make mistakes and flip out from time to time, just like anyone else.

Will E Worm

If you're posting this crap for entertainment's sake, go right ahead. If your trying to prove something, then I don't agree at all.

Crap? Do tell?

I had to pick up the slack. Facial King was posting these. ;)

Well, then these "officers" need to be weeded out they are making the other "good officers" look bad.

But, then again when someone with a high IQ wants to join they won't let them. Hmmmm

Police reject candidate for being too intelligent.

Judge Rules That Police Can Bar High I.Q. Scores

So, I have the right to call them what they are mind controlled and stupid.

They do what they are told to do like sheep.

The Nazi's used that as an excuse and it didn't work, it's not going to work for these simple minded people either.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
This issue keeps popping up, police & their unnecessary use of this lethal weapon, others argue its an effective safe alternative to actually using a firearm, I whole heatedly disagree, cops don't know if a suspect has heart issues or seizure issues or some medical condition, where if they are tasered it could be a lethal incident.

I say pepper spray, or a good wrap in the knee's or legs with a baton or a heavy duty flashlight is sufficient enough, and a decent form of containment other than having to use a potentially lethal taser as their 2nd option instead of using almost certain lethal force when using their guns.

Clear as day, that video shows that tasering of a mother in front of her 2 kids was excessive, unwarranted abuse of power, she never lunged toward the cop, she wasn't waving her arms erratically, she wasn't excited, and from what it looks like on the video, it didn't look like she was yelling or swearing @ the officer, she seemed totally civil and calm.

The officer is a bully, let him be tasered for asking to see video evidence of some false accusations, I am sure he wouldn't be very happy either if it was him being tasered for NO fuckin good reason. fire the bully cop, who shouldn't be a cop if he can't handle a law abiding mother... I hope the state & that agency lose allot of $ for that hideous example of untrained, abuse of a lethal weapon. :mad::thefinger:cussing::2 cents:


Staff member
I would have beaten the officer with baseball bat and broke his fingers so he would know what suffering and harming an innocent person means. Sometimes it makes me wonder how cops are recruted.
This issue keeps popping up, police & their unnecessary use of this lethal weapon, others argue its an effective safe alternative to actually using a firearm, I whole heatedly disagree, cops don't know if a suspect has heart issues or seizure issues or some medical condition, where if they are tasered it could be a lethal incident.

I say pepper spray, or a good wrap in the knee's or legs with a baton or a heavy duty flashlight is sufficient enough, and a decent form of containment other than having to use a potentially lethal taser as their 2nd option instead of using almost certain lethal force when using their guns.

Clear as day, that video shows that tasering of a mother in front of her 2 kids was excessive, unwarranted abuse of power, she never lunged toward the cop, she wasn't waving her arms erratically, she wasn't excited, and from what it looks like on the video, it didn't look like she was yelling or swearing @ the officer, she seemed totally civil and calm.

The officer is a bully, let him be tasered for asking to see video evidence of some false accusations, I am sure he wouldn't be very happy either if it was him being tasered for NO fuckin good reason. fire the bully cop, who shouldn't be a cop if he can't handle a law abiding mother... I hope the state & that agency lose allot of $ for that hideous example of untrained, abuse of a lethal weapon. :mad::thefinger:cussing::2 cents:

Then people would complain about cops using their batons. Cops can't win. Apparently cops are supposed to ask you to refrain from whatever you're doing, gently hold your hand and bring you to their car. Then they are supposed to stop at a drive thru, pick up some food for you, let you take a shit, wipe your ass and suck your dick.

If a cop asks you to do something, just do it and shut the fuck up. Is it really too much trouble to give the cop 5 minutes of your time?

I know there will be times when the officer is looking for trouble and it just can't be avoided and I agree, cops like that should be fired and thrown in jail. But how many of these incidents could have been prevented if the asshole, stubborn citizen just listened to the cop, did what he said and got on their way? Why give the cop a hard time for nothing? Oh I know why. Because they listen to people like Will, who never stop preaching that every single cop is a piece of shit. :crash::crash::crash:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I looked around a bit...

Here's a newspaper article about the whole affair

It is pretty clear that that police officer, still a bit new to his job (4 years as an officer) did make several serious mistakes. He is ten inches bigger than her, and how come he had to resort to the next-to-last resort and tasered her?

If he can't control the situation with a soccer mom, he should change his job to attend car-parks.

But one foul apple doesn't make the whole basket rotten, unless it is left in there.

And according to the article, he is off his duties as a road officer already.