good morning everyone. holy shit am I hung over lol had a great night out on the island....i went with my friend and her boyfriend and at the end of the night he took her aside on the island and proposed to was so romantic and so sweet...she was crying and so happy. I am so pleased that I will always be a part of that memory for them because it was my birthday party. a very special thing to share that I have never been a part of before.
I am up for a few hours to get some things done then it's back to bed so I'm not wrecked for tonight
thank you EVERYONE who has sent me emails and private messages for my birthday. I am overwhelmed and so blessed to have so many people who are so special and so sweet. thank you thank you thank you!

I hope you throw me a vote for my birthday!
Nikki Nova you are so special and so amazingly beautiful I am honored to know you and call you my friend. Thank you