Done it today in a couple of stages this time, a few votes at a time.
Worked fine, as before.
All's well, apart from receiving this error message below:
X Something went wrong! Critical error, 100,000 of your freeones credits have been deleted for no reason. This error is so severe, there will be no evidence of it being shown on the system, so please contact a freeones team member for your replacement credits.
I hope this isn't the real contest so far as the contestants go. Because some of them are crap! Inactive, retired, and some of them have only two or three links, all are BS, like youtube, facebook, twitter, etc.
Will we have a "Beta" Miss Freeones???
[B][URL=" said:Ari Dee[/URL][/B], post: 7335136, member: 498873"]Did anyone else get a blank email about Miss FreeOnes 2013 today?
I'm curious what info it was supposed to have.
Is there any way us OCSM's can be sure our registration went through?
It is my understanding that the Best Adult Model category is reserved for solo models who have never done any boy/girl content in their career? But currently there are at least 2 models in that category that have. Am I missing something? :dunno:
[B][URL=" said:Ari Dee[/URL][/B], post: 7335136, member: 498873"]Did anyone else get a blank email about Miss FreeOnes 2013 today?
I'm curious what info it was supposed to have.
Is there any way us OCSM's can be sure our registration went through?