>>> Miss FreeOnes 2012 - Survey


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
It's finally about that time that I have to start working on the 2012 contest. Don't worry, this is 99.9% likely to actually happen in 2012...I'm waiting on some things before the official announcement of the start date of the competition. ;)

In the meantime, I'd like to poll you guys on a few elements of the contest:

1.) In 2010 the contest was 3 months long, 2011 it was a month and a half. How do you feel about 3 rounds in 1 month?

2.) Last year you were alloted x votes in the miss freeones category + x votes in each additional category per day in each round. How do you feel about having x votes per day to use in whichever manner you choose? Either spend them in one category or spread them between all 7 categories?

3.) What would you like to see on the biography page aside from the normal bio info that you would find in the girl's freeones bio?

4.) Did you like being able to vote for all the categories a girl was entered into on the bio page? If no, why not?

5.) We're going to keep all of the categories, except for the best official site since as it was pointed out...unless a fan is a member, there's no objective way to judge an official site except by looking at the tour page. With that being said, what category should replace this?

Please keep in mind it should be a category we can enter at least 30 contestants into.

6.) What do you think the qualifications should be for a girl to be entered into the Best OCSM category? Please keep in mind that a lot of girls are busy so it's not realistic that they're here 24/7. Also, keep in mind that the OCSMs that like to stick to their own thread are still interacting.

And of course, and constructive criticism is welcome. Please keep in mind we're not changing the entire structure of the contest. It will still be Miss FreeOnes + 6 categories in 3 rounds.

Jon S.

Here are my responses to the survey:

1. I wasn't around in 2010, but 3 months seems excessive in deed. Last year @ 1 1/2 months seemed a bit long as well. I believe 1 month, or 10 days per round, is more than sufficient.

2. I believe it should be kept as it...X # of votes per category per day. I believe it is fairest & it better assures participation over all categories.

3. I can't really think of anything/no preference.

4. Yes I did. It makes it easier to vote for someone if you planned on voting for them over multiple/all categories in which they are entered.

5. Since there is an "Euro Babe" category already, have a "North American (USA, Canada, and Mexico) Babe" category open to women from those 3 countries.

6. Quality is all in the eyes of the beholder, and it will come out in the voting process. So, that leaves us with quantity. I believe it a reasonable standard to set the basic requirements at a minimum of 100 total posts lifetime, and an average of 1 post per day as the basic qualifications to be eligible for OCSM of the Year. I would also grant automatic inclusion first to any OCSM that won "OCSM of the Week" at any point over the past year.

Constructive Criticism: Make certain that the women are placed in the categories that are the best fit, including reaching out to the OCSMs themselves to get their input based upon what they actually do in the industry. Last year, I saw cases where ladies who basically rarely if ever do cam shows were included in that category, while ladies who do regular cam shows, and which cam shows were one of their largest sources of income from the industry were not included. Same goes for the "Adult Model" category. I saw cases where ladies who were exclusively, and by their very nature and definition (even by FreeOnes) adult models, who were included in other categories, yet they were excluded from the very category that was, by definition & fact, their very profession in the industry. Honestly, there were multiple cases where there seemed to be little rhyme or reason as to why some were included in categories that didn't seem to fit, while others were excluded from categories that seemed like it was a no-brainer that they should have been included therein.

That's why I suggested getting some feedback from the ladies themselves (and yes, there were some ladies who actually were perplexed as to why they were included in catagories, such as the "cam model" one, when they really weren't and/or didn't really fit in there...and they commented publicly to that effect, even going so far as to encourage people not to vote for them...because they felt so strongly that they didn't belong in a given category), so as to try to better make sure as perfect a fit is attained across all categories.



Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt


I'm watching some specialist videos
1) No longer than 6 weeks overall. I don't think that you would want to cut it down too far as it does attract new users.
2) The voting allocation seemed okay, from what I remember. The only criticism I had was that you had to wait 24 hours between voting, rather than being able to use your vote at any time during each day. I appreciate that there are time difference issues, but if you set it to any one time zone, there should not really be a problem
3) It might be good to see posting statistics for those ladies entered into the best OCSM category so that a more informed decision can be made when voting in this category. In fact it may be an idea to include relevant information for each category that the contestant is entered into. e.g. Cam Model - which site(s) under which name(s).
4) Yes
5) It might be an idea to split the "Best New" category into Model and Pornstar
6) Best OCSM category entrants - At least 100 posts. Has posted during the previous month.

Jon S.

I agree with Larss about the whole voting re-set issue. It makes more sense to me that voting should re-set at a given time each day (like 12 midnight EST), as opposed to having to actually wait a full 24 hours from the time you last voted. That seems to be more convenient to the voters & still maintains all standards of fairness.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Having a non-rolling 24 hour period is one of the current priorities, if it's possible. I wanted it the last 2 years, but there's a lot of factors that are part of the equation which overrule the "want" part.
1.) 3 months just isn't long enough for me to make such important decisions. I would advise you to make the voting process and rounds far longer. Say, 6 months.

2.) I feel that you are putting entirely too much responsibility into the hands of the general populace. My advice would be, if you truly want this contest to be successful, is to make this as administration inclusive as possible. The plebeians can't be trusted to work these things out on their own.

3.) A detailed family tree, with both breast and penis sizes for each and every member of the family.

4.) I have no idea what you're talking about.

5.) Best Allman Brothers tribute act.

6.) If she's seen lemonparty more than 5 times during her stay at FreeOnes, then she's eligible for entry into the best stage hand category at the Grammys.

Or whatever this is...


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
1.) 3 months just isn't long enough for me to make such important decisions. I would advise you to make the voting process and rounds far longer. Say, 6 months.

2.) I feel that you are putting entirely too much responsibility into the hands of the general populace. My advice would be, if you truly want this contest to be successful, is to make this as administration inclusive as possible. The plebeians can't be trusted to work these things out on their own.

3.) A detailed family tree, with both breast and penis sizes for each and every member of the family.

4.) I have no idea what you're talking about.

5.) Best Allman Brothers tribute act.

6.) If she's seen lemonparty more than 5 times during her stay at FreeOnes, then she's eligible for entry into the best stage hand category at the Grammys.

Or whatever this is...

And the poll wouldn't be complete without your imput. Bless you.


persona non grata
And here I took it seriously! :facepalm: Guess I forgot where I was for a minute or two. ;)
It´s a pornstar popularity contest. Anyone who takes it seriously should get their head examined for possible serious brain damage.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
1) I like the idea of three rounds in one month.

2) X per category

3) Meh

4) Yes

5) Have the women submit a one-minute video in which they say why they should be voted Miss FreeOnes. The best one-minute video would be up for an award. In the video, anything goes.

6) OCSMs need to be members for a certain period or time and have posted on at least more than one sign-in. There has to have been some commitment by them to be a member other than the initial registration.


Closed Account
Referring to question #1-One month should be fine
Referring to question #2-I liked how it was spread last year
Referring to question #3-I can't think of anything
Referring to question #4-I went through each category and voted (I was a newbie)
Referring to question #5-That is a truly valid point. I can't think of another category
Referring to question #6-As far as qualifications, most Freeone members know who is regularly here provided they themselves are active. I can see an amount of posts as a requirement.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
1.) How about a week? Or a day? Or we could just draw names out of a hat.
2.) Irrelevant, I don't vote.
3.) Tits or GTFO!
4.) Seems like a good idea... I wouldn't know.
5.) Um... I heart boobs.
6.) The girl must be active outside of her own thread. So pretty much Spexy or Alisa. Toss a coin.

I hope I was the least helpful respondent. :D

No offense to all people that put in the hard work on the contest here at FO, but I'm not fan of it at all. Sorry, just my opinion. Please don't beat me.
It's a pornstar popularity contest. Anyone who takes it seriously should get their head examined for possible serious brain damage.
This, FTW!
You should Defiantly call some girls up and get them together for a group freeones photo shoot!

That way you can make some posters an such to promote the gig! It will give the contest a cover, and when its all over you can still sell them!
1.) In 2010 the contest was 3 months long, 2011 it was a month and a half. How do you feel about 3 rounds in 1 month?

3 rounds in one month is perfect, each round needs to be no longer than 1 week, otherwise the contest just seems to drag on and on and on

plus... what person can wait 3 months for the winner to be selected

2.) Last year you were alloted x votes in the miss freeones category + x votes in each additional category per day in each round. How do you feel about having x votes per day to use in whichever manner you choose? Either spend them in one category or spread them between all 7 categories?

i think there should be the exact same number of votes as there are categories and allowing people to vote each day is fine, but each member would only be able to bote in each category once, so if they didnt vote in a category on a certain day, that vote would gone forever

3.) What would you like to see on the biography page aside from the normal bio info that you would find in the girl's freeones bio?


4.) Did you like being able to vote for all the categories a girl was entered into on the bio page? If no, why not?

yep. made it quick and efficient

5.) We're going to keep all of the categories, except for the best official site since as it was pointed out...unless a fan is a member, there's no objective way to judge an official site except by looking at the tour page. With that being said, what category should replace this?

what site has the best tour

Please keep in mind it should be a category we can enter at least 30 contestants into.

6.) What do you think the qualifications should be for a girl to be entered into the Best OCSM category? Please keep in mind that a lot of girls are busy so it's not realistic that they're here 24/7. Also, keep in mind that the OCSMs that like to stick to their own thread are still interacting.

the ocsm's should log into there freeones board account at least once a week and they should have to make a certian number of post per week

And of course, and constructive criticism is welcome. Please keep in mind we're not changing the entire structure of the contest. It will still be Miss FreeOnes + 6 categories in 3 rounds.

i think it would be cool if there was a category for the ocsms to vote inn who they think is the best freeones memeber
ill answer these as a new arrival to FO.
1. i think 1 month is long enough to keep the contest going. that is a good time frame
2. would be cool if we could spread our votes where we wanted them to go.
3. extra information would be nice to see for sure
4. my answer is yes
5. not sure what category to replace it with. unfortunately my creativity isnt at work right now
6. the main thing i would like to see in qualification is how fan friendly are they. If an OCSM is appreciative of her fans and interacts with them when she has time to and she has qualities beyond looks that are appreciated.

i know a little bit about the Miss FO contest cause i have been a LONG time follower of one of the OCSM's around here


I love big booty too!
1.) In 2010 the contest was 3 months long, 2011 it was a month and a half. How do you feel about 3 rounds in 1 month?

2.) Last year you were alloted x votes in the miss freeones category + x votes in each additional category per day in each round. How do you feel about having x votes per day to use in whichever manner you choose? Either spend them in one category or spread them between all 7 categories?

3.) What would you like to see on the biography page aside from the normal bio info that you would find in the girl's freeones bio?

4.) Did you like being able to vote for all the categories a girl was entered into on the bio page? If no, why not?
don't understand this question

5.) We're going to keep all of the categories, except for the best official site since as it was pointed out...unless a fan is a member, there's no objective way to judge an official site except by looking at the tour page. With that being said, what category should replace this?

6.) What do you think the qualifications should be for a girl to be entered into the Best OCSM category? Please keep in mind that a lot of girls are busy so it's not realistic that they're here 24/7. Also, keep in mind that the OCSMs that like to stick to their own thread are still interacting.
interacting, not only responding, but also engaging in discussions

Jon S.

It´s a pornstar popularity contest. Anyone who takes it seriously should get their head examined for possible serious brain damage.

I meant that I took my responses to the survey seriously, not the "contest" as a whole...I never said that I was certifiably INSANE!!!! Ha ha ha!

Now, after reading some of the responses, I would point out again that I believe a QUANTITATIVE requirement is the only way to go about making a qualification for OCSM of the Year.....the voting process is what was designed specifically to address the QUALITATIVE element. I mean, there could even be quite a bit of interaction that takes place through PMs & I believe it is best to let those in the know, through said interaction, to decide what value they put on the interaction through their votes. Raw numbers is plenty enough to determine if someone is actually active enough to be placed in to consideration for the "title". :2 cents: