Miller Genuine Draft vs. Budweiser

If you were in a bar of only these choices, which would you choose?

  • Miller Genuine Draft

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • Budweiser

    Votes: 21 70.0%

  • Total voters
yeah I lived in europe for three years while in the military. me and three buddies would take our vacations and travel to different contries taste testing beers...
I have been to over 300 different breweries throughout western europe.
Togath said:
yeah I lived in europe for three years while in the military. me and three buddies would take our vacations and travel to different contries taste testing beers...
I have been to over 300 different breweries throughout western europe.

wicked mate, class :D :cool:
That Czech Bud is called Budvar if I'm not mistaken. They serve it in a couple of places in Liverpool. Good stuff, comes in bigggg bottles.

I'm actually getting into Bombardier at the moment...
i'm with nightfly. if i had to pick i would go with a miller. although lately, there's been nothing better then an ice cold labatt blue:glugglug:
Hmm.. Crappy beer vs. Crappy beer.
The bud, I haven't had a taste of that shit for years so I don't really remember how awful it is. :)


I'm here to enquire about your spooons...
plaboyxxx said:
sorry but budweiser is the best beer in the world. America has the best beer

pbxxx, you can drink it all. The European beer you don't drink means more for the rest of us. I am an American and I love this country. Our beer sucks.:hatsoff:
:D I see beer has been brought up on here again :D

Heres are beer to the homie Knightfly (Nightfly)

:glugglug: :glugglug:

Im not really here anymore, i stop bye every now and then and check out the threads that interest me. Take care my man main :cool: . See ya on the other side...

Oh yeah , >She< says hi and hopes yer doing good
So if Bud is in fact an original European brew, (by the previous posts) could some of you be possibly degrading some types of European beer (from whence Bud came)? I think its strange to hear ppl say European beer is the best or American beer sucks. Seems a far too broad generalization. I'm of German decent and I think European beer is great and I also like American beer or even beer from Asia etc.. But some of that beer in Europe is downright nasty. As with American. I forgot my point. Anyway - to each his own, and based on the posts, I always had a suspicion most domestic beer drinkers prefer Bud over MGD - maybe they just aren't willing to admit it?? I was just at a wedding and everyone was like - wheres the bud/bud light?? (over mgd and another domestic draft). This post was way longer then i intended. I need another Bud. Wait- this Bud's for you!!!:D :) :hatsoff:
Bud I guess but Molson Export or Alexander Keiths are both a lot better. I think so anyway:glugglug:
Bud is my favorite. I have noticed that most people who choose to drink MGD swill? are people with no clue to what a real American brew should taste like.
I have also noticed..that the MGD drinkers are mostly African Americans. I know this, because I used to Bartend part-time.
Lowenbrau, my friends, Lowenbrau. Here's to good times! Tonight is kinda special, beer will pour. Must say something more some tonight...tonight...let it be Lowenbrau...

But I gues Bud over MGD - besides, isn't MGD called "The Campagne of Beers?" That's kinda sissy...
i will take a budweiser over a miller any day. but my favorite beer is spaten