MILEY CYRUS Gets TAG TEAMED By Black Man & Batman aND CRIES!!!

Will E Worm

The Oscar-winning 'Ray' actor, 41, lashed out at Cyrus after a listener of 'The Foxxhole' brought up the young star's aged non-beef with Radiohead. (FALSE) He labeled Cyrus a "little white bi**h" for being mildly upset about not getting to meet the British band at the Grammy Awards and advised her to "catch chlamydia" and "make a sex tape and grow up."

:hatsoff: Miley called white b**ch on Foxx show

Billy Ray Cyrus Slams Jamie Foxx

"I have a radio show. We're really the black Howard Stern. We go at everybody. There was a situation with Miley Cyrus, and I just want to say, I apologize for what I said. I didn't mean it maliciously. You know I'm a comedian. You know my heart."

Then everyone knows Richard's and Imus' heart and everyone should forgive them as well.

Will E Worm

Jamie Foxx is 100 times more talented than miley cyrus could ever be.

Never and it is not about "talent" it is about a grown man attacking a sixteen year old girl.
At least Michael Richards' was being attacked and by another man.
What Foxx did is so much worse it makes Richards look like a boy scout.

He's a racist and should lose his show.

Unless Imus gets his show back and people forgive him and Michael Richards.
Never and it is not about "talent" it is about a grown man attacking a sixteen year old girl.
At least Michael Richards' was being attacked and by another man.
What Foxx did is so much worse it makes Richards look like a boy scout.

He's a racist and should lose his show.

Unless Imus gets his show back and people forgive him and Michael Richards.

How is Jamie a racist? He said nothing about her race!

To Jamies defense, he never wanted to talk about Miley. Some caller and his friend said those things about Miley being a "white bitch". He could have just ended the conversation, but proceded to add in some jokes(which were pretty funny).

The negative side about the jokes was that Jamie said she should do drugs and make a sextape like every pop diva celebrity. Miley gets put in a catagory which is totally unfair.

This is no where near of what Micheal Richards said! He brought that on himself by making racist jokes.


According to Chris Rock black people hate anyone that is "white."
He also said they don't have time to break everyone up into other cultures. If you're "white" Chris Rock said black people hate you because you're a "white" person. Go to youtube and listen to him say it and people applauded his statement.

I'm not saying all black people or anyone hates someone else, but he did use that blanket statement and people applauded him for saying it.

The Klan does hate and are racist. They even say they hate.
I heard one Klan member at a rally, I believe it is on youtube, say. "I don't have to have a reason to hate them. I hate them because they breath."

Go look that up. :hatsoff:

You still don't know what you are talking about.
You claimed on the last page that anyone who hates anyone else is a racist.

Let me use this example to show how foolish you are;

Pretend I hate BlueBalls. I hate him so much. Not because of his colour, but because he's a smartass.

Then, BlueBalls comes forward to claim he is black... You think that makes me a racist to continue hating him? Even though my hate for him had nothing to do with colour?
Yeah but you gotta admit she looks like shes 18.

And this would save you in court how, exactly? "Well, your honor, she *looks* 18..."

I just completely lost all respect I had for Jamie Foxx.

But then again, I didn't have any respect for him to start with and now I remember why I can't stand any of his shows.

He's actually a pretty good actor, and he's done some fantastic work (his portrayal of Ray Charles was great!), so this tasteless, tactless garbage doesn't make much sense to me, even if I can't stand Miley.

What makes me cry is when people mix uppercase and lowercase letters throughout a sentence when they're not supposed to.

Hee hee.... Grammar nazi. :crash:

16 is the age of consent.

Not everywhere it isn't. Age of consent (at least here in the US) ranges from 14 to 18.

This topic smells like emo. I advise you all to run.. or put a tampon in your holes to stop the bleeding drama you're dripping all over this thread.

Funniest thing I've read all day. :glugglug:

How is Jamie a racist? He said nothing about her race!

To Jamies defense, he never wanted to talk about Miley. Some caller and his friend said those things about Miley being a "white bitch". He could have just ended the conversation, but proceded to add in some jokes(which were pretty funny).

The negative side about the jokes was that Jamie said she should do drugs and make a sextape like every pop diva celebrity. Miley gets put in a catagory which is totally unfair.

This is no where near of what Micheal Richards said! He brought that on himself by making racist jokes.

Is it really? SHe has allreay had racy photo's of her floating around, not to mention the whole chinese thing she did. Looks like she is the racist one, not Jamie.


milf n' cookies
If you saw were I made the inference that Ms Jordan was not racist because her mother is White please quote me.

What were you referring to then? Why even bring up that she has a white mother? What does that have anything to do with this? I did not bring this woman or her mother into the conversation. I didn't direct any comment towards her at all.

Although I don't agree, I will except that you don't see any racist remarks in what this guy had to say.


Closed Account
What were you referring to then? Why even bring up that she has a white mother? What does that have anything to do with this? I did not bring this woman or her mother into the conversation. I didn't direct any comment towards her at all.

Although I don't agree, I will except that you don't see any racist remarks in what this guy had to say.

I brought up the lovely Claudia Jordan because it was SHE & Not Jamie Foxx who made reference to Cyrus' race,called her a B***ch,(along with a caller), etc....(Why is is so difficult for you/others to even acknowledge or understand this:dunno: It was not Jamie Foxx although he should have reprimanded/admonished Ms Jordan immediately as he will ultimately be held responsibele for what is said on his show)
People here are making strong accusations against a man about something he never said .

I brought up Ms Jordan's White heritage(which she is very openly proud of) as a way to put some perspective on very strong knee jerk accusatons made by some here. Hopefully at least they can make a more informed opinion instead of the wild accustations they have been making so far.

Torre82 was right about this subject:wave:

Will E Worm

How is Jamie a racist? He said nothing about her race!

Please learn to look at other comments.

I have posted this already. I guess in your fervor to protect a racist you overlooked it.

Miley called 'white bitch' on Foxx show

It is his show and he should know better than to let this be said on his show.

It is how he feels about her. So, now either Imus gets his show back and everyone forgives Michael Richards or Jamie Foxx has to lose his show.
An eye for an eye, not a double standard.

Because you all know if this had been said on a "white" program the media would still be talking about it.
to me it isnt about race creed or color we all bleed blue no one should be treated any different then the next guy .

what bothers me is she is underage arnt we suppose to protect our kids and youth of america since when is it funny and cool to make fun of underage kids.
Please learn to look at other comments.

I have posted this already. I guess in your fervor to protect a racist you overlooked it.

Miley called 'white bitch' on Foxx show

It is his show and he should know better than to let this be said on his show.

It is how he feels about her. So, now either Imus gets his show back and everyone forgives Michael Richards or Jamie Foxx has to lose his show.
An eye for an eye, not a double standard.

Because you all know if this had been said on a "white" program the media would still be talking about it.

Quit misusing the word racist and maybe I'll understand you better. Though, I don't know if I'll ever understand what you're trying to say.

Jamie was saying those things about Miley because she seems to be one of those typical celeb girls(Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney), which she is not. He didn't say those things because she was white. What Jamie said was harsh, but not racist.

Also, you sound hippacritical about saying "I'm protecting a racist", when here you are, defending Micheal Richards. :1orglaugh

Will E Worm

Quit misusing the word racist and maybe I'll understand you better. Though, I don't know if I'll ever understand what you're trying to say.

Jamie was saying those things about Miley because she seems to be one of those typical celeb girls(Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney), which she is not. He didn't say those things because she was white. What Jamie said was harsh, but not racist.

Also, you sound hippacritical about saying "I'm protecting a racist", when here you are, defending Micheal Richards. :1orglaugh

If Imus and Richards are considered racists then so is Jamie Foxx.
Foxx attacked an underage girl. The other two didn't.

I forgive Richards for what he did. I could forgive Foxx if he admits he was wrong, stops using excuses, and asks for people to forgive the other two.

I'm tired of this double standard.


milf n' cookies
It was not Jamie Foxx although he should have reprimanded/admonished Ms Jordan immediately as he will ultimately be held responsibele for what is said on his show)

Instead he laughed it up and carried on with the woman. So it's ok to laugh at a racist comment or joke as long as your not the one saying the racist comment or telling the racist joke? You not really a racist if you only laugh?

I just don't agree with you.
If someone can give me a valid argument, that Jamie was making those comments purely on Mileys race, then I can see the point that Jamie is a racist.

Jamie was saying those things because of the radiohead incident, not because she was white. Thats what seperates Jamie from Imus and Richards.

Will E Worm

If someone can give me a valid argument, that Jamie was making those comments purely on Mileys race, then I can see the point that Jamie is a racist.

Jamie was saying those things because of the radiohead incident, not because she was white. Thats what seperates Jamie from Imus and Richards.

There are many valid arguments, look at MILF man's comment, but you already have your mind made up.

So, agree to disagree. It's a double standard and Foxx is a racist and what he did is worse than what anyone did before him.