MILEY CYRUS Gets TAG TEAMED By Black Man & Batman aND CRIES!!!

Will E Worm

yeah, but michael richards is funny.

just because someone talks about race doesn't make them a racist. and when people joke about racial stereotypes, that doesn't automatically make them racist either. sometimes it's the exact opposite, it's pointing out how stupid people are to either embody or believe in them.

I don't mean Michael Richards. he's a racist asshole, but he's still funny. like tom cruise. I wouldn't invite the guy over for dinner, but I find his loss of sanity to be amusing.

If Michael Richards is a racist because a guy in the audience couldn't shut up or leave then Jamie Foxx is a racist. Foxx attacked a sixteen year old girl for no reason. Richards attacked, and rightfully so, a full grown man who couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Outrageous comments and hatred does not equel racism.

Hatred doesn't make someone a racist? The Klan would love you.

Imus didn't show any hatred and yet he was fired for no reason.
People have to start thinking.
If Michael Richards is a racist because a guy in the audience couldn't shut up or leave then Jamie Foxx is a racist.

michael richards is a racist because he insulted the man because of his race, as opposed to fox insulting cyrus just because he doesn't like her.

pretty simple. if you dislike someone because they are an asshole, then you aren't a racist. If you dislike someone because you don't like thier race, then you are a racist.


Hatred doesn't make someone a racist? The Klan would love you.

Obviously you don't have an actual dictionary. Here, let me help you.

Hate: Intense hostility or dislike.

Racism: A belief that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

Once again, hatred doesn't equal racism. Racism equals hatred. Get it right.

Jamie Foxx said NOTHING about Mileys colour.

Will E Worm

michael richards is a racist because he insulted the man because of his race, as opposed to fox insulting cyrus just because he doesn't like her.

pretty simple. if you dislike someone because they are an asshole, then you aren't a racist. If you dislike someone because you don't like thier race, then you are a racist.

Obviously you don't have an actual dictionary. Here, let me help you.

Hate: Intense hostility or dislike.

Racism: A belief that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

I can agree to disagree. :hatsoff:


I can agree to disagree. :hatsoff:

What the hell? No you can't. This isn't an opinion, it's fact. :rolleyes:

So according to you, if I hate another man I am a racist, no matter if he is the same race as me or not?


Closed Account
Obviously you don't have an actual dictionary. Here, let me help you.

Hate: Intense hostility or dislike.

Racism: A belief that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Once again, hatred doesn't equal racism. Racism equals hatred. Get it right.

Jamie Foxx said NOTHING about Mileys colour.

It is obvious by some of the comments that Spleen & I are the only two to listen to the audio/read articles before we commented. FOXX did NOT make any reference to Cyrus' race whatsoever & even the Fox news article refers to an unknown 'woman'(Claudia Jordan who is proudly Half white)who calls Cyrus a 'White B***ch'(and a caller who immediately took back his statement).

It is obvious that Foxx, who also made mention of Spears,Lohan,etc, displaying his dislike for what HE perceives as spoiled young ,hollywood brats & not an issue of her race.
He should have reprimanded Claudia Jordan however, since it is his show & ultimately will be responsible for it's content.

Will E Worm

What the hell? No you can't. This isn't an opinion, it's fact. :rolleyes:

I just did. :D

So according to you, if I hate another man I am a racist, no matter if he is the same race as me or not?

If you hate someone of a different cultural background then yes.
Foxx thinks he has carte blanche because he is a black comedian.

He doesn't and if people are going to forgive him then they must forgive Michael Richards and Imus.


If you hate someone of a different cultural background then yes.

Alright then, let me put it to you this way:

A white man calls my girlfriend an ugly slut... I'd hate that man. But that isn't racist, because he is white and so am I.

And what if a black guy called my girlfriend an ugly slut. I'd hate him too. But that would make me racist. Even though I had a valid reason for hating him? And it had nothing to do with the colour of his skin?

Damn, wake up Will E Worm, I don't think you have ANY idea what you are talking about.
from my avatar and screen name you guys all know how i feel about that little girl.
by your definition then the kkk are not racist, because according to them they don't hate anyone. they just think that white people are better.

I like coke better than pepsi. but that doesn't mean that I hate pepsi.

no, i'm not defending the klan, I'm saying that your opinions on race are what determines racism, not your emotional responses.

(and also that you shouldn't listen to what the klan has to say, because they are full of shit.)
by your definition then the kkk are not racist, because according to them they don't hate anyone. they just think that white people are better.

I like coke better than pepsi. but that doesn't mean that I hate pepsi.

no, i'm not defending the klan, I'm saying that your opinions on race are what determines racism, not your emotional responses.

racism >noun 1 the belief that there are characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to each race. 2 discrimination against or antagonism towards other races.
I know rainbow, that is how pretty much everyone defines it. Except apparently Will E. I wasn't the one arguing against that definition.

Will E Worm

And what if a black guy called my girlfriend an ugly slut. I'd hate him too. But that would make me racist. Even though I had a valid reason for hating him? And it had nothing to do with the colour of his skin?

by your definition then the kkk are not racist, because according to them they don't hate anyone. they just think that white people are better.

According to Chris Rock black people hate anyone that is "white."
He also said they don't have time to break everyone up into other cultures. If you're "white" Chris Rock said black people hate you because you're a "white" person. Go to youtube and listen to him say it and people applauded his statement.

I'm not saying all black people or anyone hates someone else, but he did use that blanket statement and people applauded him for saying it.

The Klan does hate and are racist. They even say they hate.
I heard one Klan member at a rally, I believe it is on youtube, say. "I don't have to have a reason to hate them. I hate them because they breath."

Go look that up. :hatsoff:
Haha, is Will.E srsly putting what Jamie Foxx did on the same level as what Michael Richards did?

Richards made huge racist remarks about the guy in the audience. The guy may have deserved to be made fun of for heckling or whatever, but what Richards said was way over the line. If you don't want to get heckled, don't be a comedian.

Jamie Foxx didn't say anything about race.

So why should Richards be let off the hook too?
According to Chris Rock black people hate anyone that is "white."
He also said they don't have time to break everyone up into other cultures. If you're white Chris Rock said black people hate you as a "white" person. Go to youtube and listen to him say it and people applauded his statement.

I'm not saying all black people or anyone hates someone else, but he did use that blanket statement and people applauded him for saying it.

The Klan does hate and are racist. They even say they do.
I heard one Klan member at a rally, I believe is on youtube, say. "I don't have to have a reason to hate them. I hate them because they breath."

Go look that up. :hatsoff:

Oh. Chris Rock is the spokesperson for all black people?
According to Chris Rock black people hate anyone that is "white."
He also said they don't have time to break everyone up into other cultures. If you're "white" Chris Rock said black people hate you because you're a "white" person. Go to youtube and listen to him say it and people applauded his statement.

I'm not saying all black people or anyone hates someone else, but he did use that blanket statement and people applauded him for saying it.

Please tell me you're joking?
Oh. Chris Rock is the spokesperson for all black people?

I thought tom cruise was, that's why I mentioned him.

"I know black people. I am Mister Black People. I love black people!!!!"
He wasn't racist some girl that was there called Miley a white bitch which was bang out of order.
The thing that annoyed me was some of the names he was calling her and he is a 41yr old man and she is a 16yr old kid. He has a daughter the same age as Miley and should have known better.

Jamie Foxx has some 'splainin to do after launching into a particularly personal attack on 16-year-old teen queen Miley Cyrus during his satellite radio show on Sunday.

The Oscar-winning 'Ray' actor, 41, lashed out at Cyrus after a listener of 'The Foxxhole' brought up the young star's aged non-beef with Radiohead. (FALSE) He labeled Cyrus a "little white bi**h" for being mildly upset about not getting to meet the British band at the Grammy Awards and advised her to "catch chlamydia" and "make a sex tape and grow up."

But first, the father-of-a-teenage-daughter asked, "Who is Miley Cyrus?" ... "The one with all the gums? She gotta get a gum transplant."
Foxx proceeded to mock the minor, with the help of his riled-up entourage, who helped guide the actor's line of insults. "She's gonna ruin Radiohead's career? The same Radiohead that gets paid a million dollars just to sample their songs?"

"Make a sex tape and grow up," he continued with glee. "Get like Britney Spears and do some heroin. Do like Lindsay Lohan and start seeing a lesbian and get some crack in your pipe. Catch chlamydia on a bicycle seat."
With his crew busting up with laughter, he added "That's what I want."


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
This topic smells like emo. I advise you all to run.. or put a tampon in your holes to stop the bleeding drama you're dripping all over this thread.
