MILEY CYRUS Gets TAG TEAMED By Black Man & Batman aND CRIES!!!


Torn & Frayed.

Will E Worm

Jamie Foxx needs to shut up and be happy he still has an acting career.

Of course, it's on the WB if you can call that acting. :hatsoff:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Let's have a moment of silence.. for that dead joke.

Let's also have.. a fanfiction brainstorming session about the title of this thread and how it could easily be made into an erotic text. Discuss.

::bows out and waits for Chris Hansen to show up::


Wasn't that funny really.

Not because it's morally incorrect to insult young girls, I'm all for humiliation, it just wasn't that funny.
First link, I flagged it to youtube on the grounds of "Boring as Fuck". Second link, funny, but I wasnt in any risk of soiling myself.

*Smacks OP with a newpaper - Be more funny!*
I just completely lost all respect I had for Jamie Foxx.

But then again, I didn't have any respect for him to start with and now I remember why I can't stand any of his shows.


I just completely lost all respect I had for Jamie Foxx.

But then again, I didn't have any respect for him to start with and now I remember why I can't stand any of his shows.

Yeah, that too...

Not to mention these are all old "middle-level successful" dudes, while Miley is young and has years more to her career; she has been a Disney star for years, and her new movie is making tons of money.
She is a star to millions of young-to-teen girls and boys, and gives them their parent's moneys worth.
She is entitled to the respect a veteran performer deserves for years of hard work and value given to their audience.
She has years and years of high income and hopefully creative growth ahead of her, unlike those bitter and grumpy, resentful dudes publically fighting with a little girl.
What makes me cry is when people mix uppercase and lowercase letters throughout a sentence when they're not supposed to.