Michele Bachmann will not seek reelection in 2014


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Well, he doesn't care whatsoever about whatever issue is being discussed so much as he cares about baiting you. To be fair, you are a rather attractive man. He simply can't help himself.

It's the burden of having good looking parents, I suppose. I'll try to be less enticing. :D

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I have met Laura.

Good. Hopefully you enjoyed the experience.

And what the hell are you rambling on about trying to explain to me about something Michele said? I said FDR was a socialist and many believe that he was.

Do you have an update on the price of tea in China today? Since that also has nothing to do with Hoot-Smalley (or Smoot-Hawley), that would be just as applicable to the topic. Well, that's not exactly true. The socialist, Roosevelt, is the one who signed the bill which killed Smoot-Hawley.

We don't need a recap of your post from yesterday. And so my sweetie Pelosi is corrected about the 500,000,000 comment and she just buries her head and keeps bulldozing forward. What's the fucking difference?

I don't know. Seems like yet another recap might be needed. So your defense of Bachmann basically rests on the Democrats having a turd in the punch bowl which roughly compares to Michele? And what you're saying is that while Michele is admittedly far from being the brightest kid in class, she ain't the dumbest either. We're gonna grade her on the curve, huh? Hey, fine with me.

I know you like to position yourself as the consummate Libertarian around here and because you really don't have a vested interest in either party it is easy to come here and take pot shots toward the discussion and then move on until tomorrow. Which is basically all you do.

That is somewhat true: in the bifurcated world of U.S. and FreeOnes politics, I have no interest in playing for the Blue or the Red team. I'm sincerely sorry that you *think* that you have a vested interest in either party. I feel sadness when I hear people on the left or the right take pride in their party loyalty. I just haven't seen any evidence whatsoever that either party has the best interests of this republic at its core. It's all about advancing the party, not the nation. And as your posts show, it's also about covering up the incompetence and corruption of the ones on your side by pointing out the same on the other side. As long as everyone is guilty, I guess in your mind, that means your guy/gal is "not guilty"? :dunno:

And for the record, I'm not a Libertarian - that's just another party. There are elements of libertarianism, nationalism, conservatism and progressiveness in my overall economic and social beliefs. But anything that I am wouldn't be capitalized. What is so great about living in that box that you've created for yourself... which requires you to defend someone like Bachmann (or Pelosi or whomever)? IMO, the two main parties are living, breathing examples of what Washington said in his farewell address. The parties and their apologists can't solve the problem... because they are the problem.

Learn to think for yourself. Yeah, it does require more effort than doing the old Sammy Fisher copy & paste or being a Dittohead, but not having to follow a script (written by someone else) is better for the body & soul, I do believe. :hatsoff:


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Everything that I said.
Fucking brilliant. :goodpost:

...on a somewhat similar note, I registered independent when I first registered to vote. In Oregon they send a card every so often (or maybe it's before every election, I don't know) just verifying your details so you're all set to vote. I noticed there that I'd signed myself or been signed up to the Independent Party and moved immediately to correct that. I think it just says 'unaffiliated' now or somesuch...
Good. Hopefully you enjoyed the experience.

Do you have an update on the price of tea in China today? Since that also has nothing to do with Hoot-Smalley (or Smoot-Hawley), that would be just as applicable to the topic. Well, that's not exactly true. The socialist, Roosevelt, is the one who signed the bill which killed Smoot-Hawley.

I don't know. Seems like yet another recap might be needed. So your defense of Bachmann basically rests on the Democrats having a turd in the punch bowl which roughly compares to Michele? And what you're saying is that while Michele is admittedly far from being the brightest kid in class, she ain't the dumbest either. We're gonna grade her on the curve, huh? Hey, fine with me.

That is somewhat true: in the bifurcated world of U.S. and FreeOnes politics, I have no interest in playing for the Blue or the Red team. I'm sincerely sorry that you *think* that you have a vested interest in either party. I feel sadness when I hear people on the left or the right take pride in their party loyalty. I just haven't seen any evidence whatsoever that either party has the best interests of this republic at its core. It's all about advancing the party, not the nation. And as your posts show, it's also about covering up the incompetence and corruption of the ones on your side by pointing out the same on the other side. As long as everyone is guilty, I guess in your mind, that means your guy/gal is "not guilty"? :dunno:

And for the record, I'm not a Libertarian - that's just another party. There are elements of libertarianism, nationalism, conservatism and progressiveness in my overall economic and social beliefs. But anything that I am wouldn't be capitalized. What is so great about living in that box that you've created for yourself... which requires you to defend someone like Bachmann (or Pelosi or whomever)? IMO, the two main parties are living, breathing examples of what Washington said in his farewell address. The parties and their apologists can't solve the problem... because they are the problem.

Learn to think for yourself. Yeah, it does require more effort than doing the old Sammy Fisher copy & paste or being a Dittohead, but not having to follow a script (written by someone else) is better for the body & soul, I do believe. :hatsoff:

Never heard of Ditto Heads back in 1984 when I proudly cast my first vote in a presidential election for Ronald Reagan.

Ok so you are still hung up on Michele and her Hoot- Smalley episode.

It's looks like she is at least qualified to be VP.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Fucking brilliant. :goodpost:

...on a somewhat similar note, I registered independent when I first registered to vote. In Oregon they send a card every so often (or maybe it's before every election, I don't know) just verifying your details so you're all set to vote. I noticed there that I'd signed myself or been signed up to the Independent Party and moved immediately to correct that. I think it just says 'unaffiliated' now or somesuch...


IMO, especially these days, that's the only approach that makes sense. I have nothing against people who opt to be Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians or anything else. But I do have something against those who are more loyal to their party of choice than the republic. That is a massive contributor to the problems that we have at this time. Because both parties know that they each have a loyal army of lemmings, they know that they are free to go to Washington and act like fools, while the nation falls into decay.

If more people were like you (refusing to be a vote that could be "counted on" by either party), then I'm confident that they'd straighten up and fly right. The rank & file within each party is what gives them the power (and confidence) to drag our nation down, as they do whatever most benefits themselves.

Never heard of Ditto Heads back in 1984 when I proudly cast my first vote in a presidential election for Ronald Reagan.

And I hadn't heard of a RINO back in 1984 when I proudly cast my first vote in a presidential election for Ronald Reagan either. In fact, there were even Reagan Democrats back then. Don't hear much about them anymore either, do ya? We live in a time of extreme bifurcation. And it is not good. I root for Team America... and only Team America. In my view, both Team Republican and Team Democrat can go to hell.

As for your vid clip, the fuck do I care about what Biden says? He's no relation to me. Here again, the best you can do to defend that airhead Bachmann is to display something stupid from a member of the Democrat party. I've never believed in grading on the curve - it never benefited me. In my view, you either make the cut or you don't. She doesn't. Maybe Biden doesn't either. Maybe some others don't. But there is no doubt that, other than at TEA Party conventions, Michele Bachmann is a waste of sperm and an egg.
Ok. Rey. I essentially bowed out of this thread 3 days ago. Bachmann is an idiot and Biden and Pelosi get a pass.

Got it. Go TEAM

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I don't give anybody a pass. I think I made that clear.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I always thought you may have been the hall monitor type in school. :)

BTW do they even have hall monitors anymore?

Nah. I was the kid who wasn't allowed to fight because my mother was a teacher. So in order to beat some ass, I had to search out bullies from time to time. No one cared if you beat a bully's ass. And the bully wasn't going to say anything because... well, he didn't want anybody to know that he got his ass beat. Good times. Yeah, good times... :angels:

Now I'm just a high ranking member of the S.S. (that's what my Six Sigma group was called at a former company). The company that administered the psych exam said that with my disdain for sacred cows and lack of need for a support group, I was perfect for the job. In other words, a degreed puh-sychologist even said that I don't give passes. In the real world, if you're a fuck up, even if you're my best friend, I'm still gonna have you clipped. If the data points to your fuckedupness, ya gotta go. Nothing personal. But there are no passes within the S.S. :)


Official Checked Star Member
Wow, defending Michele Bachman? Is this the same person who said we should get rid of the minimum wage to stimulate the economy? the same one who said that God personally came to her and told her to run and that she would win? The same one who bitches about social programs and is adamantly against ANY and ALL government health care yet she and her husband have been cashing those very checks from the US government for years? The same woman who is a staunch enemy of gay rights yet has a flaming homo for a husband?

wow is all I can say that you would even attempt to defend that moron. there are a lot of book smart people in this world who are great at studying and taking tests. that doesn't make them smart in every day life.


Official Checked Star Member
Remember Bachman blatantly lying to Anderson Cooper claiming Obama is spending $200 million a day on a trip to India when it was around $50 million for the entire trip? That story was originally written by some Indian blogger who came from an "unidentified source" and then repeated by this moron and the rest of the right wing talking heads like it was fact. Dan Rather was fired because he reported something that wasn't vetted but was later proven to be 100% accurate yet these people sit and lie over and over without a single thing coming back on them.

this interview proves how absolutely incompetent this moron would be for president. Every single statement in this video was proven to be flat out lies.

Oh Hi Mariah!

Use this thread to get everything off of your chest that you would like.

You've been right about everything and I was wrong.

Gotta run

Have a good day!

ps. post more food. You're a great cook!


Wasn't it someone else who claimed Romney hadn't paid taxes for 10 years?
What punishment did he get? He's still there...
Wasn't some top Obama campaign exec found to be behind the story that Romney "killed" some guys wife, and perjured herself as well with no consequences?
Wasn't Obama found out to be lying about knowing Ayers and knowing Rev Wright very well? Wasn't he doing various illegal drugs often when he was a radical racist anti-government college boy?
Why so much angst about Michelle?
She at least shows up for votes, and takes a position. NOT "present" like some other political hacks we know.
You are so obviously partisan nothing you say so passionately can be taken as useful info, just basically a rant.

About Dan's source...
Burkett had received publicity in 2000, after making and then retracting a claim that he had been transferred to Panama for refusing "to falsify personnel records of [then-]Governor Bush",[18][19] and in February 2004, when he claimed to have knowledge of "scrubbing" of Bush's TexANG records.[20][21] Mapes was "by her own account [aware that] many in the press considered Burkett an 'anti-Bush zealot,' his credibility in question."[22]

Please post a link where the info in the forged docs was proven 100% accurate?


Official Checked Star Member
I think pointing out Obama's drug use is a laughable attempt, especially considering HE doesn't deny it like Clinton did and let's not forget GWB snorted coke, smoked weed and drank himself silly for years while at a school his dad's name got him into where he barely got by with a C average.

Michele Bachman is everything wrong with the republican party. she is an extremist religious zealot and once again another hypocrite bitching about government programs all the while she's cashing government health care checks.

I never heard anyone say Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years. I know he only paid about half of what an average middle class person pays. He himself said he pays around 12 - 14% because he gives to his cult.

Published on Sep 21, 2012
"Mitt Romney paid $1.95 million in taxes on his 2011 investment income of $13.7 million, his campaign revealed on Friday, making good on Mr. Romney's promise earlier this year to eventually release his full returns for that year. Mr. Romney, who made millions by running Bain Capital, a private equity firm, paid an effective federal tax rate of 14.1 percent in taxes, primarily because most of his income was in the form of capital gains that are taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income. Mr. Romney has said that he has paid at least 13 percent in federal income taxes in each of the last 10 years..."

This thread is about Michele Bachman and I provided a litany of lies she told straight to a camera and was caught red handed. but even on video you guys will not own it or admit it. I changed parties because I was willing to look at the issues the lies the corruption and hypocrisy instead of being a hardcore party line person.

Amazing that even with video evidence you can't acknowledge fault in one of your people. I know I know, you were disappointed in Bush but who the fuck wasn't other than those in the oil industry, Haliburton and billionaires?


Official Checked Star Member
Hey republicans, did you ever hear of "Stericycle" ? its a medical waste removal company that was bought and managed by guess who? Bain Capital during the Mitt Romney yearsl. Guess what one of their services was? The removal of aborted fetuses from abortion clinics.

I'm going to guess that you're going to say he didn't have any way he knew about this and it's no big deal. right?


Official Checked Star Member
Michele Bachman supported Paul Ryan's "Sanctity of Human Life Act" which means that a rapist could sue his victim to prevent her from aborting a baby as the result of a rape. Bachman was behind this and actually campaigned for the bill.


I think pointing out Obama's drug use is a laughable attempt, especially considering HE doesn't deny it like Clinton did and let's not forget GWB snorted coke, smoked weed and drank himself silly for years while at a school his dad's name got him into where he barely got by with a C average.

Michele Bachman is everything wrong with the republican party. she is an extremist religious zealot and once again another hypocrite bitching about government programs all the while she's cashing government health care checks.

I never heard anyone say Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years. I know he only paid about half of what an average middle class person pays. He himself said he pays around 12 - 14% because he gives to his cult.

Published on Sep 21, 2012
"Mitt Romney paid $1.95 million in taxes on his 2011 investment income of $13.7 million, his campaign revealed on Friday, making good on Mr. Romney's promise earlier this year to eventually release his full returns for that year. Mr. Romney, who made millions by running Bain Capital, a private equity firm, paid an effective federal tax rate of 14.1 percent in taxes, primarily because most of his income was in the form of capital gains that are taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income. Mr. Romney has said that he has paid at least 13 percent in federal income taxes in each of the last 10 years..."

This thread is about Michele Bachman and I provided a litany of lies she told straight to a camera and was caught red handed. but even on video you guys will not own it or admit it. I changed parties because I was willing to look at the issues the lies the corruption and hypocrisy instead of being a hardcore party line person.

Amazing that even with video evidence you can't acknowledge fault in one of your people. I know I know, you were disappointed in Bush but who the fuck wasn't other than those in the oil industry, Haliburton and billionaires?

WTF? Are you on Uber Valium? Harry Reid announced that Mitt was a tax evader from the Senate podium, that he had 10 years of unpaid taxes. Thus he was immune from slander lawsuits.
No one ever had proof of GWBs drug use, like Clinton's many rapes and sexual assaults.
Obama wrote about it, yet it was not mentioned during the campaign by the pet press.

Finding Mitt somehow responsible for one function of a company (do you think it would be better if they just threw aborted fetus's into a garbage bag and into a dumpster?) is like finding Obama responsible for Rev Wright's racist rant or for the deaths of Mexicans and US Border patrol agents from the Fast and Furious gun running scheme of the AG (With)Holder.
Oh, wait...
More partisan bias on your part, going after those religious right Repubs 'cause their wrong stuff is sooo much worse than the good intentioned Christian but secular pres and his posse.

Where's my link to the 100% correct story Danny boy was fired over? You seem to know it was proven later to be true, how about sharing with us the viewers?

I mean, he unaccountably destroyed the originals but only made copies to turn over for a book deal and a meeting with the Kerry campaign (and some cash). Sounds on the up and up to me.


Official Checked Star Member
Clinton RAPED people??????????? lol He was an adulterer and cheated on his wife but rape? who said that Rush? Hannity? Glen Beck? roflmao it was accused but never given an ounce of credibility.

I didn't say no one said he evaded taxes, I imply said I didn't HEAR it said and didn't say it.

The press didn't bring it up because it wasn't being disputed. I heard Hannity say it many times. I heard Rush say it even though he is a scum bag drug addict.

And I KNEW You would dodge the blame on the Romney issue. He was the head of a company that was disposing of aborted fetuses and making money from it. So now he couldn't possibly know every little thing going on lol but Obama should have know about Benghazi though right?

come on dude, put down the kool aid and think for yourself.

and the GWB drug use was WIDELY known. people from Yale said so. he lived in an era of rampant drug use in colleges and among America's wealthy elite which he was certainly a member of. Bush even refused to admit being an alcoholic lol he just says he was "drinking too much" he even had a DUI conviction

In Fortunate Son, Bush biographer Hatfield quoted several anonymous sources regarding allegations of Bush's cocaine use. Hatfield reported that Bush had been arrested for cocaine possession in 1972 and that his father pulled strings to have records of the arrest expunged. Bush campaign spokesperson Mindy Tucker called the allegation "absolutely untrue". Bush repeatedly refused to state whether he had ever used cocaine. Bush did say in 1999 that he could truthfully answer "no" to the then-standard FBI background check question of whether he had used any illegal drug in the last seven years. He later stated that he could have passed a background check under a policy that his father had instituted as President in 1989 that extended the background check to 15 years. This would have checked back to 1974, two years after the alleged 1972 arrest.