Cobert did a good segment on Bachmann. I couldn't find it on youtube to post.
Yeah... good luck on that happening bitch.
:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaughI wonder how much they had to pay to get that extra 'm' inserted in the middle :1orglaugh
and yet there's a bunch of right-wing nutjobs on here like meesterperfect who will still vote for her. dittoheads
Cobert did a good segment on Bachmann. I couldn't find it on youtube to post.
Glad you changed your siggy. I was extremely disappointed as you were coming off as someone COMPLETELY committed to bending the facts to support your position with that.
The first thing I noted was how you cited only the public debt held in Jan 2009 at $6.3T but then (conveniently) cited the total debt at $14.3T for June 2011 in an apparent attempt to exaggerate the pct. increase.:nono:
FTR and for anyone interested in the complete facts, in Jan 2009 the total debt was $10.6T and in Jun 2011 it was $14.3T for an actual pct. increase of 35% which is still not as bad as Reagan's 38% increase over the same period of time (since that's apparently where you were trying to go with this).
lol...cut and paste error. Fortunate mistake I made while multitasking.
The fact that you accuse me of intentionally trying to distort the numbers is proof that you don't get the point. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE COMPARISON. It is relatively meaningless.
I care about the morons who are so focused on the support of their candidate and the defeat of the opposition that they are not doing the right thing.
So, I'll apologize to FreeOnes for not giving them the respect of checking my numbers, the mistake actually flushed everything out.
Not checking your numbers, Monica....tsk tsk. Not good. Number errors are not trivial.
The other error you are making is that you are forgetting that you can't teach a pig to fly. You will only frustrate the instructor and really piss off the pig.
A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, said the congressman has reservations
oh, that great friend of liberty !
Michelle Bachmann has as much of a chance outlawing porn as the democrats have outlawing guns in this country.
We're now a nation of 350mil+ and the antiquated notion of "every man, a musket" Banning guns LITERALLY protects society.
Cobert did a good segment on Bachmann. I couldn't find it on youtube to post.
Wanting to "ban" pretty much anything is against my personal and philosophical beliefs.
She's a moron who like her retarded cousin Palin will never sniff the White House.
Next topic! :nanner: