It's all coming together now.Look at this. I ask you....is this the look of a woman who is sane?
Remarkable resemblance to this indelibly-embedded historical image:
Coincidence? I think not.
Pledge to ban porn...because the Prohibition did so well with alcohol.
This morning, Iowa’s FAMiLY Leader unveiled “The Marriage Vow: A Declaration of Dependence upon MARRIAGE and FAMILY,” a 14 bullet pledge presidential candidates will have to sign to secure any “future endorsement” from the organization and its influential leader, Bob Vander Plaats.
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minnesota, quickly signed the pledge Thursday, while an aide to to former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman said he never signs any pledges. A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, said the congressman has reservations, while a representative of President Barack Obama’s Democratic campaign committee declined comment.
Today’s pledge seeks to solidify the organization’s reputation as the state’s conservative moral authority, and it reiterates many of the group’s extreme social views and anti-gay rhetoric. If any candidate signs on to Leader’s vows, they will be agreeing to the following radical constructs:
- PORNOGRAPHY SHOULD BE BANNED: Vow 9 stipulates that the candidate must “support human protection of women and the innocent fruit of conjugal intimacy” and protect them from “seduction into promiscuity and all forms of pornography…and other types of coercion or stolen innocence.”
- REJECT SHARIA ISLAM: Vow 11 requires the candidate to reject Sharia law.
this dumb bimbo needs to be gased
there should be a law prohibiting people from Minnesota and Alaska from running for a national office.
Look at this. I ask you....is this the look of a woman who is sane?
this dumb bimbo needs to be gased
there should be a law prohibiting people from Minnesota and Alaska from running for a national office.
ARGH!!! fuck you!!! i hate your state and the politicians you like!!!! /RAGE
just kidding, seriously though, sorry about the Palin thing man, bad joke that went too far...she did alright as our governor minus the whole ditching us to go be a celebrity bit, that wasn't cool. anyway, i'm all in favor of NOT having other people's morals, beliefs and theology imposed on me...actually, come to think of it i'm not in favor of having anything imposed on me, i'm becoming quite the curmudgeon in my young age it seems :dunno:
It's OK. I just signed a pledge to ban Michelle Bachmann.
Obviously never been married!!
Oh no she didn't!
Now she's alienating her own supporters. How many people in the Tea party movement do you think consume porn?
Wait, isn't that sorta like government intervention? You know, the thing she seems to be against?
Careful not to alert the Bachmann mob to your strong, stinging rebuke of her through them.
I know you'll take your chances but chances are they'll come out with more empty venom than a Faux follower who's had their skull likened to scar tissue.:horse:
OK - I can't remember the article but I think it was ans XBIZ piece but it stated that Utah is the biggest per-capita consumer of online porn in the US, followed by Alaska.
Membership to my sites reflect this as does the fact I'm from Utah and I know the closet perverts there well.
But those fucking Mormons are the main push behind banning porn on the internet - vote no to religious zealots!