Miami Vice trailer

No offense guys, but when i think about Miami Vice, i just laugh... i used to watch this in french when i was a kid, the translation was so freaking bad ! LMAO
That was one of the main reasons i've decided to learn english, so i could watch and understand those shows in english, i can't fucking stand watching english shows (or movies) translated in french !
I liked a lot of the 80's TV shows, but this is getting ridiculous. Have we fallen so far as a civilization that we can't even get the creative power to come up with something new anymore. It seems like every movie is either from some book, TV show, or redone movie from long ago. Even the new stuff doesn’t seem as good. I can think of a lot of twelve year olds that could come up with a better storylines than they put out now.:1orglaugh
I saw the trailor when I went to King Kong....

AS another 80's child I was enthrawled by this show as a youngin'... the trailor didn't do it much justice tho, the movie looks real shitty... but I'll still check it out just because...
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It's good to be the king...
D-rock said:
I liked a lot of the 80's TV shows, but this is getting ridiculous. Have we fallen so far as a civilization that we can't even get the creative power to come up with something new anymore. It seems like every movie is either from some book, TV show, or redone movie from long ago. Even the new stuff doesn’t seem as good. I can think of a lot of twelve year olds that could come up with a better storylines than they put out now.:1orglaugh

....and that is the crux of the problem.
You would think that after Sgt Bilko, Bewitched, Dukes Of Hazzard, I Spy & Charlie's Angels film execs would be more wary of which TV show to revieve on the big screen......
D-rock said:
I liked a lot of the 80's TV shows, but this is getting ridiculous.
I totally agree.
While, in retrospect, I have to agree with many on the "groundbreaking" Miami Vice did in the major networks, it was still just another primetime TV show.
I rather tire of the number of TV shows that have gone to movies and added virtually NOTHING of value to the silver screen.

Fewer and fewer good movies are made every year, as so many are targetting the mass market with remakes and sequels only to come up short.
The result?
Movie goers are down 40%, and despite the MPAA saying it's piracy, a lot of it is just dislike of what's out there.
Much like TV ratings came down over the last 10 years -- not just because of the Internet, but because more and more of TV is catering to the niche, repeat audience.

So the content defines that, and only alienates more and more people.

I'd rather fire up my TiVO and watch old reruns of Miami Vice that I haven't seen in almost 2 decades than pay $20 for my wife and I to see what is little more than a long episode.
No joke, and that's what 40% of Americans are saying as well.

D-rock said:
Have we fallen so far as a civilization that we can't even get the creative power to come up with something new anymore.
It seems like every movie is either from some book, TV show, or redone movie from long ago.
Heck, I'll take a good book made into a screenplay today!
But yes, it seems that no one in Hollywood wants to chance anything but a solid brandname -- be it an existing TV or movie title, or a best selling book.
Gone are the unknown blockbusters, the chance is too small, so the studios stay away.
You have only a few, small actors pushing independent content with real dollars.

I can understand remakes of TV shows for TV, that's actually not a bad move.
Especially on the niche content channels, such as SciFi.
But not when I'm paying $20 to go to the movies -- I want something original, something that will either make me laugh in a new way, make me think like I haven't thought before, or just leave me speechless.
I really don't care about seeing a new Hollywood actor play a role that wasn't much of one before.
I don't get off on that, and 40% Americans agree with me.

D-rock said:
Even the new stuff doesn’t seem as good.
I can think of a lot of twelve year olds that could come up with a better storylines than they put out now.:1orglaugh
Actually, you're not far from the truth.
God knows that there are some excellent, low-budget movies coming out from various young adults that challenge many others.
From Blair Witch years ago to Primer in 2004, I've been rather surprised on the amount of creativity that has come out of just a little time and effort.
Imagine if these guys had a budget and a lot more time to perfect their work.
Another factor to consider is - why pay $20 for a one-off showing in a theater when you can wait 3-6 months after the release and buy the DVD, with added stuff, and keep it for life, basically, and it's cheaper than going to the movies in the first place...? DVD sales are killing silver screen attendance, IMO, not necessarily piracy (although that's a huge problem).

It's cool to have the huge screen experience with a killer THX system in a theater once in awhile, but with home theater and large screen TVs more and more affordable, you can get it all in the comfort of your home basically without all the hassle of the theater, plus you can pause and resume whenever you have to use the bathroom, etc. lol
Nightfly said:
Another factor to consider is - why pay $20 for a one-off showing in a theater when you can wait 3-6 months after the release and buy the DVD, with added stuff, and keep it for life, basically, and it's cheaper than going to the movies in the first place...? DVD sales are killing silver screen attendance, IMO, not necessarily piracy (although that's a huge problem).

It's cool to have the huge screen experience with a killer THX system in a theater once in awhile, but with home theater and large screen TVs more and more affordable, you can get it all in the comfort of your home basically without all the hassle of the theater, plus you can pause and resume whenever you have to use the bathroom, etc. lol

Just remember, don't buy the first or second edition of the dvd, just rent it, and then a year later when the triple dipped, deluxe gold platinum silver unrated director's cut is released with that 1 extra deleted scene and that new trailer for that outstanding sequeal, then finally you will have the experience of the true movie the way the director dreamed of always making before he even made it.
Ahh, yes, the George Lucas "triple cash-in" style. What a consumer/fan rip-off. Fuck them in theaters first, release a DVD 2nd, then get suckers to buy added scenes and new CGI versions with a few deleted Ewoks and other little creatures strolling through a scene, bumbling around, and fuck them a 3rd time for another $15-$20 for the super duper mega-dork collector's edition. lol That boxed set of The Matrix crashed and burned. I loved the 1st 2 Matrix movies, and the third was a shitty end of the trilogy, but can you believe they made a 7 or 10 disc box set with a Keanu doll for collectors? lol How dumb can people be...? lol

Death_blooms08 said:
Just remember, don't buy the first or second edition of the dvd, just rent it, and then a year later when the triple dipped, deluxe gold platinum silver unrated director's cut is released with that 1 extra deleted scene and that new trailer for that outstanding sequeal, then finally you will have the experience of the true movie the way the director dreamed of always making before he even made it.

Anyone seen the Miami Vice movie? What are your opinions? I'm going to watch it, because I loved the tv show and I'm curious.

:hatsoff: Jackson

I just got back from seeing it. I thought it was pretty good actually :) very slick, but then Michael Mann movies always are in my opinion. Sometimes Colin Farrell slipped with his accent. Jamie Foxx was good, very understated as always. The plot was a lil' confusing at times, in the first hour anyway. Liked the cars. Loved the guns.

To me it was everything Miami Vice should be: Slick, dark, gritty and witty:D
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I watched it this evening. It was a good movie, but nothing better than average. Not comparable with the original. That certain something that I liked about the tv series was missing. Maybe I'm biased because I don't like Colin Farrell, but that's my opinion. Jamie Foxx was quite good, I liked him as Tubbs.
So, if you're a fan of the original, you might get a bit disappointed.

:hatsoff: Jackson
I loved it.

And I'm a fan of the original, but.....I didn't grow up with it. So, I kinda see the campiness to it.

Basically, MIAMI VICE the movie is a re-imagining of the show. It's totally serious, hardcore, and really really deep. Don't expect BAD BOYS III or something to explode every 10 minutes. It's not an action film. It's a Crime Drama. I think if you look at it from that point of view going in, you'll enjoy it better that way. Lots of cursing, and enough sex to probably count as a softcore porno too.

I thought Farrell was great as Crockett and Foxx was great as Tubbs. Good casting overall, and a pretty damn good movie I think.
yeah basically all that it has in commmon with the TV show is that it's about undercover cops in Miami. ok yeah so, but if they hadn't called it that, people would be like "you know, this is kind of like that old show Miami Vice.." but they wouldn't really think that it was neccesarily supposed to be a movie version fo the TV show, or associate it with it other than in a general way.

like it was said it didn't have the look or the feel of the show. I liked it because it was a crime drama, I always thought that the show was cheesy.
Well, the show was really a thing of it's own time. If they had done it like the show, it would have been a joke.

I think if there's anything everyone can agree on, is that MIAMI VICE did something didn't make fun of the show. ALOT of the remakes done of old shows are spoofs.....and Vice is really the first one I can think of that was a serious remake.


Retired Moderator
I saw the movie a couple of nights ago and It surprised me.

It was a lot better than I thought it would be.

I most certainly had the Miami Vice feel to it.

Dark settings and the music themes fit the movie.

Both actors did a fine job and were believable in their portrayals,

but was it just me or did the focus of the movie lead towards Tubbs and not Crocket?

To me it seemed like Tubbs was the main character,

unlike the TV series where Crocket lead the show?

P.S. I personally would have love to hear the original theme song at the beginning of the movie.
I had to watch it twice to fully appreciate it.
The first time I felt it was anti-climatic and a little boring for such potential.
The second time I got into it much more and I loved it.
SerphiM I agree Tubbs was more of the focus and seemed to be much more of the "leader" out of the two.


but was it just me or did the focus of the movie lead towards Tubbs and not Crocket?

To me it seemed like Tubbs was the main character,

unlike the TV series where Crocket lead the show?


That was the one thing I was surprised at too. It did focus a lot on Tubbs a lot.