Re: Busty Merilyn Sekova / Sakova
Have you guys ever heard of photo shop? Guess not.
“For Merilyn Monro with big balls and hairy legs. The finger”
What a characterture of a Russian by an English speaker.
If you’re really Merilyn, show us a picture. Something that we have never seen. Something that would leave no doubt.
Um, she DID show us a picture... with a HAND-WRITTEN note.
I'm an expert in Photoshop, magnified the picture and came to my own conclusions. It has definitely NOT been doctored.
Dude, come on - don't be ridiculous. Swallow your pride, stop being so bitter and confrontational just because your pride has been bruised. Be happy she at least took the time to prove herself. How many models like Mer would even consider it?
If you're going to bitch at her, at least have some proof to back up your claims.
So why are you here "Merilyn"
Who knows, "ltfms". Who knows her real motives. Maybe she just wants to have fun. Maybe she wants to improve English. Maybe she is studying the requisite history of English keyboards and wants to understand the origins of QWERTY.
She probably won't answer you since the first words out of your mouth to her (and nearly every other message) were insulting and rude. Learn some manners and you may get a response.
Who the fuck cares "why" she's here? Quit being rude and just enjoy, man. :glugglug: