Re: Busty Merilyn Sekova / Sakova

ltfms, that is Anya/Merilyn 100%

You have the chance to chat and communicate with one of the greatest models if not No1!!!!Anya/Merilyn is one of the sweetest careing persons i can confirm this she happened to help me with some serious issues i had in her home country spending her precious time and money and i am so greatfull to her. As for her English , yes it might not be perfect but she tries and she tries a lot .Before 1 1/2 years when i met her by accident she could not speak well but now she is very very improved thanks to some friends of hers (she knows who they are;). Guys once again we have the chance to have here No 1 model just show some respect. As for the rest of the bullsit some people write about her thats just bullsit and their fantasia.

We your friends love you Annouska and will always love and support you because you are sweet and beautyfull person inside and outside;)

Sorry podruga but i could not resist i had to answer to the bullshit they accuse you.
Poka poka xoxoxo your durachok:)
Re: Busty Merilyn Sekova / Sakova

Um, she DID show us a picture... with a HAND-WRITTEN note.

I'm an expert in Photoshop, magnified the picture and came to my own conclusions. It has definitely NOT been doctored.

Dude, come on - don't be ridiculous. Swallow your pride, stop being so bitter and confrontational just because your pride has been bruised. Be happy she at least took the time to prove herself. How many models like Mer would even consider it?

If you're going to bitch at her, at least have some proof to back up your claims.

Who knows, "ltfms". Who knows her real motives. Maybe she just wants to have fun. Maybe she wants to improve English. Maybe she is studying the requisite history of English keyboards and wants to understand the origins of QWERTY.

She probably won't answer you since the first words out of your mouth to her (and nearly every other message) were insulting and rude. Learn some manners and you may get a response.

Who the fuck cares "why" she's here? Quit being rude and just enjoy, man. :glugglug:

You've never seen a sign generator and you're a "photoshop expert"? The pic is clearly a fake in my opinion. I wish it wasn't, I'm a huge fan of hers, but let's be real here. You're buying that she took the time to write a note, take a pic of herself, upload it and post it, but she can't be bothered to do it again with something more specific than a generated note in order to shut people up?? That makes zero sense.

I think Marilyn Sakova has better things to do than fill up pages on a porn talk forum, "prove" she's real and send Private Messages to strangers. It's funny to see the "new poster" come out of the woodwork as well.

Anyway,lastly, I've heard her speak English and her actual English is a whole lot better than what I'm reading on this thread.

The finger!!!:D


Closed Account
Re: Busty Merilyn Sekova / Sakova

ltfms, that is Anya/Merilyn 100%

You have the chance to chat and communicate with one of the greatest models if not No1!!!!Anya/Merilyn is one of the sweetest careing persons i can confirm this she happened to help me with some serious issues i had in her home country spending her precious time and money and i am so greatfull to her. As for her English , yes it might not be perfect but she tries and she tries a lot .Before 1 1/2 years when i met her by accident she could not speak well but now she is very very improved thanks to some friends of hers (she knows who they are;). Guys once again we have the chance to have here No 1 model just show some respect. As for the rest of the bullsit some people write about her thats just bullsit and their fantasia.

We your friends love you Annouska and will always love and support you because you are sweet and beautyfull person inside and outside;)

Sorry podruga but i could not resist i had to answer to the bullshit they accuse you.
Poka poka xoxoxo your durachok:)

i love u too chris :):nanner:
Re: Busty Merilyn Sekova / Sakova

You've never seen a sign generator and you're a "photoshop expert"? The pic is clearly a fake in my opinion. I wish it wasn't, I'm a huge fan of hers, but let's be real here. You're buying that she took the time to write a note, take a pic of herself, upload it and post it, but she can't be bothered to do it again with something more specific than a generated note in order to shut people up?? That makes zero sense.

I think Marilyn Sakova has better things to do than fill up pages on a porn talk forum, "prove" she's real and send Private Messages to strangers. It's funny to see the "new poster" come out of the woodwork as well.

Anyway,lastly, I've heard her speak English and her actual English is a whole lot better than what I'm reading on this thread.

The finger!!!:D

Thank You
Re: Busty Merilyn Sekova / Sakova

Wow, this pretty rough and disrespect of you merilyn. Don't you hate when people wrote that about you and claimed that they have sex with you.Give them the finger too :fight::fight:

It's fucked up. I found that while doing a search a few months back. The blog itself seems somewhat legit, so I didn't know if that was some kind of a joke or if somebody in the industry was pissed and wanted to slander Merilyn.

I have no idea who to send the link to so it can be taken down with a cease and desist. Anybody with a brain would know that it's bullshit, but it's still not fair to Merilyn.


Closed Account
Re: Busty Merilyn Sekova / Sakova

It's fucked up. I found that while doing a search a few months back. The blog itself seems somewhat legit, so I didn't know if that was some kind of a joke or if somebody in the industry was pissed and wanted to slander Merilyn.

I have no idea who to send the link to so it can be taken down with a cease and desist. Anybody with a brain would know that it's bullshit, but it's still not fair to Merilyn.

Relax i writed to Petra and admin for thay delte my profile Hope thay will make it fast Ciao
Re: Busty Merilyn Sekova / Sakova

I understand you only chatting on the internet now, where do i have to go for a nice chitchat with u. it would be a bummer if you delete your profile here. 99% of the people here are also cool and funny, we will stand up for you because we do respect you.
Re: Busty Merilyn Sekova / Sakova

You've never seen a sign generator and you're a "photoshop expert"? The pic is clearly a fake in my opinion. I wish it wasn't, I'm a huge fan of hers, but let's be real here. You're buying that she took the time to write a note, take a pic of herself, upload it and post it, but she can't be bothered to do it again with something more specific than a generated note in order to shut people up?? That makes zero sense.

I think Marilyn Sakova has better things to do than fill up pages on a porn talk forum, "prove" she's real and send Private Messages to strangers. It's funny to see the "new poster" come out of the woodwork as well.

Anyway,lastly, I've heard her speak English and her actual English is a whole lot better than what I'm reading on this thread.

The finger!!!:D

Yup, photoshop expert. And, as has been proven through video, she is not a fake.

Ha... the issue is now officially at rest. No doubt all of the doubters will now be crawling back with their tails between their legs.

Well, I humbly take the generated note comment back. This still feels very fishy to me.

At least you have acknowledged being wrong and that gets points, unlike most others who have a stubborn inability to swallow their pride. :glugglug:
Re: Busty Merilyn Sekova / Sakova

Yup, photoshop expert. And, as has been proven through video, she is not a fake.

Ha... the issue is now officially at rest. No doubt all of the doubters will now be crawling back with their tails between their legs.

At least you have acknowledged being wrong and that gets points, unlike most others who have a stubborn inability to swallow their pride. :glugglug:

I absolutely was wrong and I really thought it was an obvious fake. So I need to work on trusting my own judgement.

But I'm not sure how that video proves anything. She didn't address Freeones or the fact that people doubt her. To me it seems like she is commenting to somebody named Merilyn Monroe and commenting about how she isn't wearing makeup.

She's wearing a bra in the pic and a fleece in the video. It really doesn't make any looks like this took place during a webcam session unrelated to freeones.

But I'm not being stubborn, I'd truly love to be proven wrong (again). Merilyn is amazing and that video proves that she's stunning even without makeup or cleavage.