Members Poll: How Old Are You? Age/Sex/Location

Brino said:
It's amazing how stupid some people can be. :D
For some reason this thread and another age thread that was posted a while ago weeds them out. There have actually been several that have posted that they are underaged...
I'm the wallflower of the board...
20/m representing the Glove state MI WHUT!?!

On a side note, I find it hard to believe that there are women of the same age as me, that are actually hornier than me. Then again, I haven't been here that much. Damn ball & chain girlfriend. But she's gone now and I can get back to IDing the mountain of unknowns that I let pile up.

Life is good.
foxycougar said:
Oh, as a little incentive for y'all to check it out... the women on that board have no qualms with posting naked pics of themselves, lol.

I am so there.