**<Member of the Week 2006>**

Thank you all so very much! Thanks for all the nomination and feeling that I deserved MOTW!

All I can say is...

You like me...you really like me!!! ;)
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keep posting RogueWolf ! :hatsoff:

I also forgot pussy+dickdenice last week, so congratz for both of you :glugglug:
Congrats RogueWolf
I would like to nominate -KING- the reason is that he has been on this board for only a week and has blended in right into the crowd, he has also recieved 28K+ in his first week
I stick to Gordar.

:dunno: why we don't consider juballs himself. He keeps this thread going, isn't it? Poggy can be voted to be POTW. This time let us nominate juballs for MOTW. If no more nomination comes up, we should ask juball to make "juballs" the MOTW.
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I'm nominating "Sandee2004" Westgate, :thumbsup: an "Official Star Checked Member", she's online, allmost everyday, answering questions. Dedication to her fans!!! Wooooo Hoooooo!!! :nanner:
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(Starting a chant...)


Come on people...Fox has been a member for nearly a year...is an extremely prolific and thoughtful poster...and has never MOTW???

Sure, he's a thorn in the side sometimes...but who among us isn't at some point or other?!?
(No offense buddy! :D)
:dunno: why we don't consider juballs himself. He keeps this thread going, isn't it? Poggy can be voted to be POTW. This time let us nominate juballs for MOTW. If no more nomination comes up, we should ask juball to make "juballs" the MOTW.

Is a former winner of the title.

(Starting a chant...)


Come on people...Fox has been a member for nearly a year...is an extremely prolific and thoughtful poster...and has never MOTW???

Sure, he's a thorn in the side sometimes...but who among us isn't at some point or other?!?
(No offense buddy! :D)

I totally agree here. Don't always agree with Fox or like some of his posts. But thats why he should be MOTW. He speaks his mind and is not afraid to do so.


Retired Moderator
Bunker for me this week.

(btw, I've already been MOTW)

Oh, I haven't known you've been, my friend! I totally agree with you on Bunker - he seems not to be a very well known member, but I think he deserves it very well thanks to his admirable identification work. Let Bunker have my nomination too!
hmm. im gonna bump this up and let a few more votes flow in!
fox deserves it, every post he makes is thoughtful and he obviously gives alot of time and thought to his posts, we need more members like him