**<Member of the Week 2006>**

Make that 7 votes. Jacksson for me as well.
Make that 8 votes for Jacksson!:thumbsup:
Make it 9 for Jacksson


It's good to be the king...
Correction - make that 10 votes for Jacksson.........:D
My vote goes to Maxell!

LMAO OK, OK I know that wasn't very funny....but it WAS a joke! My REAL vote is for Jacksson which makes it 11 now right?! He deserves the honor!
icerfan said:
Yoooooooohooooooo, it's Thursday!

I just got done scanning my list of people who've been MOTW, and I just found a great member who's never worn the crown.

I hereby nominate Jacksson_77! :wave:

There are actually several members that have been around awhile and never won MOTW...;)

Make it a dozen votes for Jacksson! :)
well.... hmm, this week is gonna be tough.

i have narrowed it down to two members... one of which displays the right "stuff" as in characteristics, attitude, overall posting etiquite. the other member is a loud mouthed son-of-a bitch who takes no crap from anyone...

who am i kidding... there was never any doubt.

the winner and member of the week is...


Congratulations, Jacksson!!!! :glugglug:
:jump: Congratulations :jump:



:glugglug: ¡¡¡ Well Done and Deserved !!!



It's good to be the king...
Congrats on MOTW Jacksson, well done!

