Medical mystery: Woman wakes up with foreign accent

First time i see something done for the television about it.

I remember two cases like that happening in Canada in the past years - nothing more than articles in newspaper as coverage.

Very weird and rare syndrom!
Could it be that languages are secretly decoded in our brain?
Impossible. Total nonsense. No way this is real. How could you just suddenly develop an accent? Even people who study a foreign language for YEARS sometimes can't sound like they are from the region they are trying to learn the language of. I am calling B.S. on this one.
how about the alien autopsy that was shown on FOX TV. ya think that was real?
Yeah, I remember a British woman who went into a coma woke up with a Jamaican accent, which when she was interviewed for the news sounded incredibly false but this is a condition so I shouldnt make fun.

Will E Worm
