I'll pose this one question to you and I want you to really think about it, maxell:
To what ends did lying about that picture accomplish? I mean, I understand that you want to fit in, but something like this was not the way to accomplish that, guy. I'm not trying to make you feel any worse than you already do, but you do realize how foolish this stunt was, right?
I truly respect you for coming forward and owning up to your mistake. It takes a big man (or woman) for that matter to admit when they're wrong and I for one see no reason why you should be banned. You made a mistake, you got caught, you apologized... end of story as far as I'm concerned.
If you REALLY want to fit in and be an integral part of this Board, all you have to do is just be YOURSELF first and foremost, post quality threads, help other members out when they need it, and just in general, be the type of member you think YOU should be.
Form your identity on this Board. God knows we've had our fair share of rather odd individuals who've come and gone. Just be yourself, man... that's all anyone could ever ask.
As far as I'm concerned, it was a prank gone wrong. It's over, done with, and I don't think you should be banned for this. Teased? Oh yeah... I'm sure you'll have your fair share of teasing from here on out. You better be prepared!!!
:hatsoff: :thumbsup:
So... you ready to start fresh?