Matt Damon Says The Smartest Thing Ever...

Celebrities like Matt Damon and Barack Obama really need to stick to doing what they do best: being celebrities. They should not be commenting on politics.:rolleyes:
^she scares me too. But I don't think she should be judged for something that they apparently never said.

She wants Creationism taught in schools...enough said. I just wonder if she's willing to let all religions have their stories of creation taught.
I'm very happy Matt Damon came out and said what he did. Thanks to leftist extremism ... more and more people are flocking to the McCain / Palin ticket. now has McCain / Palin ahead of Obama / Biden in the electoral vote as of today. Obama has given up his "50 State Strategy" ... he's lost Florida and if he loses any ONE of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Colorado, or New Mexico he is sunk. And he WILL lose at least one of those.

For all the Sarah haters out there ... do you think all of this is the result of a Hocky Mom Pitbull? No it's not. It's the result of Liberals pulling the "nuclear option" to besmirch her character even before she spoke at the RNC. I want to thank Liberals and the Main Stream Media for making Sarah Palin bulletproof. Even if something legitimate is found on her ... American's won't believe it or won't care.

McCain and Palin are headed to the Pennsylvania Ave! And there is NOTHING Obama can do about that. Put a fork in him - he's done. He's a celebrity in "crash" mode going against a new celebrity in "launch" mode. Obama's time has come and gone!
Matt Damon's opinion is as valid as anyone else's. And yes, he simply seems to sum up in his own words what a lot of people are thinking. :dunno: