Matt Damon Says The Smartest Thing Ever...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS

This link is to a 2 minute video clip where Matt Damon shares his thoughts on Sarah Palin. In all seriousness, he says exactly what every single person is thinking but doesn't have the balls to say. It's funny but it's also very, very true.

I want Matt Damon to run for president and I'll even give him a slogan that he can use...

Matt Damon: He sees through bullshit and he tells it how it is.
I saw this yesterday and I completely agree.

Unfortunately most people aren't intelligent enough to see that Palin is nothing more than a political smokescreen. We may very well be calling this woman Mrs. Vice President soon.
YES!!! Love the part about dinosaurs and the nuclear codes!
It was the funniest shiz I've heard in a long time and it's made more sense too. Yeah, both the "bad disney movie" and the dinosaur bit were hilarious.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I see now why Sarah Silverman was fucking Matt Damon.

I mean I've always liked his work, and especially his productions..(Feast was interesting.) despite the overwhelming urge to assume he's like every other prick in hollywood. But many of them are actually alright people.. people we never get to see on the news being themselves or talking about actual issues.

to be fair to Sarah Palin; she apparently never said anything at all about dinosaurs. The fictitious quote was made on some weird website and people ran with it.

Fair? Palin? She scares me. I really, really dont want Palin to be president, vice president, or even mayor of a damned town. What Damon said is perfect, simple and true. She abused her power as a mayor and left the city in complete debt.. she injects far too much religion into politics, and she shot to the top of the political food chain with a chance to win it all. A glaring, obvious.. ACTUAL chance at being president. McCain is old, he's sick.. and choosing a nobody like Palin only magnifies the mental illness that must be going on in the McBrain. (heh heh..McCain.. brain.. ::snort, snort::)

What scares me more is that people are actually going for it. Does anyone know what 'national security' is? It's choosing a president who doesnt have a chance of dying halfway thru his first damned term! It's choosing a vice president who isnt going to make America a bigger version of a tiny backwater(frozen water ::chuckle::) town in FRIGGIN' ALASKA!

::slaps hand onto forehead and groans:: If she's actually elected with McCain.. I will go door-to-door recruiting revolutionaries to subdue the new administration. I will trek up to Alaska and off everybody in that damned town. I will bring Cleavon little back from the dead to be President!
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if damon is so smart why is he friends with ben affleck?


Hiliary 2020
Oh yeah he's a freakin genious......
The smartest thing ever?
Is he predicting that McCain would probably die within the next 4 years , 3 months?
He has concerns, thats legit, but as far as experience goes can he tell us what Obamas done in his years in politics?
I doubt it, selective criticism.
At least this woman governed a state, what has his boy ran besides a smooth campaign?
Here's my response to the boy genious.
300 million people and these are the best we could come up with?:helpme:
^Giuliani is a douche bag to the 'enth degree.

BTW, fifteen senators have been elected to the presidency, including John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. So it's not like Obamas trying to pull off something that's never been done.

(WTF, the FO system turned L. Johnson into a link to some porn chick on this post. I didn't do that.)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Oh yeah he's a freakin genious......
The smartest thing ever?
Is he predicting that McCain would probably die within the next 4 years , 3 months?
He has concerns, thats legit, but as far as experience goes can he tell us what Obamas done in his years in politics?
I doubt it, selective criticism.
At least this woman governed a state, what has his boy ran besides a smooth campaign?
Here's my response to the boy genious.

I don't think it was selective criticism. He was just saying what everyone is thinking. Plus, that wasn't the whole interview, so he might've had more to say on different political subjects. Who knows?

Either way, everything he said was completely true. Palin has no business being a VP candidate. She's been governor for a little over a year and a half and we expect her to be able to help run our country? I don't think so.
At least this woman governed a state, what has his boy ran besides a smooth campaign?
Here's my response to the boy genious.

Beside the US Senate, Obama was a constitutional law professor at the prestigious University of Chicago Law School for 12 years and was a state Senator for 8 years.

Palin was a member of the PTA and mayor a very small town with a population of 5,000 at the time. For less than 2 years she is the governor of a state with a population of less than 700, 000 which is less than all major cities. And oh yea the state borders Russia so she has foreign policy experience.

Which one has more gravitas and who are you calling boy.