So, if she no longer has the vagina she was born with (sex change), is skeleton thin, and sold her children into slavery in Mozambique, you're okay with that? Hey, as long as you can sleep at night, that's all that matters...
why do you have to get married? Some chicks will fuck you without a ring. I think it started when Nixon was in office.
man ffs where you live? Go pay for it! If your in the uk save your money if you need too, Book monday, tuesday off hit amsterdam. Ride the fuck outta some hookers come home on sunday with a bounce in your step....Phone some lads hit the clubs and pubs and do it again for free!
Not necessarily on them days but you get general idea amiright? amiright?
I dont get the connection Greg.
The funny thing is that "escorts" still violate my sense of morality. :1orglaugh I wouldnt feel right paying for it. I'd feel like my pride was too badly violated.
I was pondering a marriage ad:
How's this:
18-30, born with a vagina that you still have, not obese, no kids? You are qualified! Please contact me.
I am close to going postal from sexual frustration man.
I dont *have* to get married. I just reasoned that since I have so little luck with the ladies of late [honestly cant work out why, I'm ok looking, smart, decent etc], I may as well aim as high as possible, however OTT it may be. :eek:
The funny thing is that "escorts" still violate my sense of morality. :1orglaugh I wouldnt feel right paying for it. I'd feel like my pride was too badly violated.