
FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Looking amazing MM. One question... wtf is 'white cheddar' . Cheddar in the UK is characterised by strength, generally 1-6. Where I live now is about 50 miles from Cheddar itself. Never fucking heard of this 'white cheddar' thing ever.

From what I understand cheddar is white until it gets its characteristic yellow/orange colouring. They usually use a natural colouring called annatto. So, essentially there is no difference between yellow and white cheddar as far as taste.
Cheddar made in Cheddar I suspect in terms of taste is a million miles away from what you are familiar with (USA people). A decent mature cheddar will essentially take the skin off the roof of your mouth. One thing that has always annoyed me on my many trips to the USA is everything is referred to as cheddar whether it's radioactive yellow processed cheese or the devils spunk also known as squeezy cheese.

A world apart.

My favourite cheese while on the subject of cheese - Mrs Kirkham's Lancashire cheese. Try it if you ever get the chance.


Official Checked Star Member
Cheddar made in Cheddar I suspect in terms of taste is a million miles away from what you are familiar with (USA people). A decent mature cheddar will essentially take the skin off the roof of your mouth. One thing that has always annoyed me on my many trips to the USA is everything is referred to as cheddar whether it's radioactive yellow processed cheese or the devils spunk also known as squeezy cheese.

A world apart.

My favourite cheese while on the subject of cheese - Mrs Kirkham's Lancashire cheese. Try it if you ever get the chance.

Say cheese ;-)

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Chopper3000 again.
At dinner with my friend and hero Cristina Zenato. This woman is incredible. Born in Italy, raised in the jungle of the Congo where her father was an engineer. Speaks 5 languages...6 if you include "Shark" She was the first person to ever discover the connection of a fresh water cave with an oceanic saltwater cave. She constantly brings awareness to try to stop the slaughter of over 100 million sharks a year. I love this woman. I tell her about every 4 sentences lol


showing off my braids :)


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I would have liked to have dinner with the both of you!, Have a great time :thumbsup:
Well if you were to visit the area you would realize that simply isn't true. Its a small beach community where things are simple and its all about the fresh fish and the sunsets. This is a family restaurant and a place where girls can be comfortable in a pair of shorts and bikini top for a good meal. Its a seafood restaurant, in its purest and most simple form. As much as I love Indian food, it has it's place and this simply isn't it.