I also have thyme, onion, basil and oregano growing in my kitchen in little vases that I love. When I was in Provence France at this street market they had a hydro stand where you could buy everything in a water bag and take it home and keep it growing in a vase or whatever. I thought that was brilliant. They had fucking melons for pete's sake growing in a bucket! I was talking to the guy and he sad that many people keep an entire garden growing in buckets on their balconies and back porches.
On Sunday I went grocery shopping and bought a rack of baby back ribs. I was trying to decide how to fix them and decided on crock pot. I used a rub on the ribs that I make for pork that is equal parts Cumin, Cayenne, Sea Salt, Garlic Salt & Black Pepper and let it sit on the counter for an hour while I put a layer of several corn-on-the-cob broken into 2 pieces, fingerling potatoes and a sliced Vidalia onion on the bottom of the slow cooker and then laid the ribs on top of all of it and set it for 10 hours. When I got home last night my friend and I had a ridiculously yummy dinner! The potatoes and corn were awesome and the ribs were falling off the bone when we pulled them out of the cooker.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Essentially the same as my spare ribs. My crock won't fit these ribs so I steam them in the oven. Rub is the same except I add onion powder and brown sug@r. No need for you to do that since the corn and Vidalia provide the sweetness. I'll gas up the last few minutes uncovered with a few smears of sauce to finish it off.
yeah i don't put any sauce on my ribs. if they are done right there's no need really (in my opinion)

Today I'm filming at the #1 rated restaurant in Tampa which has a very solid food scene. It's "Al's Finger Licking BBQ" and from what I'm told the food is outrageously good. I'm looking forward to it as it'll be there first comfort food/BBQ place I've featured on my show. Video coming soon! :)
Oh yeah, the filming yesterday SUCKED. The owner is a really nice man (Al) but his wife who had made the arrangements with my assistant didn't tell him anything about it. So we get there and he's clueless. I asked a girl from Instagram to be my guest who has been begging for a year. He gives us 1 rib each and 1 small piece of chicken with a little baked beans and some chicken n rice lol needless to say this video is going to be crappy unless I can save it in post.
photos from yesterday

in front of Al's Finger Licking BBQ Ybor City

After filming at Catrinas in South Tampa

homemade potato chips with bleu cheese drizzle & green onion - AMAZING!
Sunday Breakfast at Mariah's - Today is boat day and one of the girls who is a regular at my Sunday breakfasts is out of town so it was only 4 of us this morning. I bought a 29 ounce prime new york strip yesterday for the occasion.

I made a rub that was ridiculous out of equal parts coffee, garlic powder, onion powder, sea salt, cayenne, black pepper and cumin. I put it in the Cuisinart and blended it and made it powdery. I rubbed it into each side of the steak and let it sit on the counter for an hour to break down the fibers in the meat.

I seared the steak on each side in my cast iron skillet that was REALLY hot then put it on a rack in the convection oven at 550 for 8 minutes. On the rack with the steak I put a couple of sweet peppers that I have fallen in love with lately.

While that was resting waiting to be carved up I cut 2 baked potatoes in half. I also had made some compound butter yesterday with sweet cream unsalted butter, garlic and parsley.

I sliced the steak in thin strips and plated it with a slice of compound butter on top as well as on the potato. I tossed some parsley on it all and the sweet peppers were on the side. Simply outstanding. The coffee in the rub took it to another level and the thickness of the steak was perfect at medium rare in the center and medium on the ends. I topped the steak with a fried duck egg. SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!





Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
i just made a small filet mignon and an egg for breakfast with an english muffin. goes well with a hang over :)

Does it help the hangover?:hybrid::beatinghead::beer:
A little lesson for you in the ways of Italian cuisine. When you say "spaghetti with meat sauce" you are asking for "Bolognese" Unless you are in Siciliy nearly all spaghetti sauce in Italy is brown not red.

here ya go:

..and Bolognese sauce is traditionally served with Tagliatelle pasta, not Spaghetti.
well hold on now good sir.... I went to Trattoria di via Serra which is considered to be the quintessential Bolognese restaurant and they serve it with Papardelle. I also took a pasta class they offered at Trattoria del Rosso and they used Tagliatelle but said any broad ribbon noodle is appropriate.

But as Americans we use spaghetti noodles for everything because we don't know better. Round noodles don't hold the sauce the way a flat noodle does. People like to use Penne but in Italy penne is generally used in baked pasta dishes like ziti.

And don't be confused...I grew up with a Sicilian grandma who cooks her ass off but she's from Brooklyn and their food is NOT traditional Italian. She'd kill me if I said but it's not. When she finally went to Italy she admitted it. Her "gravy" as they call it was totally different than the sauce in Sicily.
The best pasta dish I've ever had was a duck ragu with Papardelle pasta. It was in a tiny cafe in Prato Tuscany. I tried replicating it when I got home, spent hours on it roasting duck legs, shredding the meat, sweating my soffritto off and adding various ingredients over much time. The final result... it was fucking disgusting. I'll leave it to the Italians on that one.


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CRISIS! I'd seen queso fresco in the stores and never knew what it was all about. I buy a pack and taste it. Not knowing what to do with it I look online. Come to find out that if not used in 10 days it will become shit. Rather than crumbling it into soups and salads, there has to be something else to do to get rid of it in a recipe. I'd thought of using it as a substitute for ricotta in lasagna. Other than that I'm lost. Can anyone help with an alternative use for this? I'm pretty sure this type of cheese won't freeze well either.