Mariah Carey to sue Mary Carey


I eat redheads for breakfast

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Singer Mariah Carey has threatened legal action against porn star Mary Carey to stop her trademarking her similar-sounding stage name.

The singer believes fans could get the two performers confused if Mary Carey's trademark application is successful.

However, the adult film actress, whose real name is Mary Cook, has said she will not be intimidated by the singer.

"I'm ready to battle Mariah over this because I've been Mary Carey for a long time," she told Reuters.

"It's kind of funny because I'm a porn star and I've been being myself for a long time. I think she's being silly."

The actress started using the stage name Mary Carey in 2002 and ran for California governor against Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Grammy-winning Mariah Carey is particularly concerned by the possible confusion in the names because the actress wants to trademark the name for audio and video recordings.

But David Beitchman, a lawyer for Mary Carey, said he believed Mariah Carey stood little chance of winning a court battle over the names.

"My first thought was, does Mariah Carey realise what her lawyer is comparing her to and are they seriously concerned?" he said.

"Do they seriously think the fans are going to be confused?"
How can she sue? What if her birth name happened to me Mariah Carey? I am sure there is another M. Carey out there slobberin' some dicks.

This reminds me of Garth Brooks, or Warren G, one of them was sueing the other for the font used on the letter "g".


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Reminds me of an impending court case where in Florida, someone rented a cougar for their lil girl's birthday. She snuck up on the trainer and the cougar.. and it tore her a new asshole, it did!

After an.. ::sigh!:: investigation, the animal didnt have any rabies and it was declawed. The family is seeking legal action.

Now.. someone has to step up and say something. I elect Carlos Mencia.

Something like this: "You dont sue a cougar for being a cougar. You smack the human for being FRICKIN' STUPID!!!"


Member, you member...
"It's kind of funny because I'm a porn star and I've been being myself for a long time. I think she's being silly." - I have to agree with this quote.
It seems to me that one of her entourage or lawyers was watching a porn flick and Mary Carey was in it and a little light turned on - "Oh wow, she has a name that sounds like Mariah Carey! It does not matter that she's had that name for years now, let's see what we can do!"

So, is the California governor next? There's some porn guy named Arnold Shwarzenpecker.
Oh c'mon, it's just a way of Mariah Carey to get some media attention. Heck she's probably going to announce she's release some new album as soon as she leaves the court house, wether she wins or not.

We're the dumbasses because we pay attention to it.


Closed Account
If she wants attention, why not just another mental health breakdown? we need more of that from her... And less music.
she is definitley dumb if she thinks having that name for a while entitles her to the use of it. she got joke votes from pervs in california. nobody was seriously going to vote for her to the governor. "whatchoo talking bout willis" had a better shot of getting serious votes.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Welcome to America! Land of the law suits!

Maybe I could sue Bill Gates for getting me hooked on porn, and spending countless hours jacking off thanks to this internet thing he started!

See makes just as much sense! Fuckin bullshit I say, just like most lawsuits!

I love Mariah Carey, but she's absolutely out of line in this one. It's a name, for crying out loud - you can't copyright similar-sounding names. If we did, we'd have a lot of lawsuits surrounding people named John Smith. And how can anyone confuse Mariah with Mary? One's a Grammy-award winning songbird, and the other's a pornstar. It's not like Mary is gonna confuse anyone in thinking she's Mariah.
this doesnt mean shit. dumb bimbo. the wwf was the wwf for years and years. they were forced to change their name. and vince mcmahon is much more powerful than mary carey.

That was in the UK. I don't think the World Wildlife Fund would have won the case if it were tried in the US for exactly that reason. Some of the copyright and burden of proof stuff is a little funny over there. Which is why they tried the case it in the UK.

The case seems to not have a very strong legal footing from my point of view. One of the reasons is that she did have it for quite some time, was well known by that name during that time, and Mariah didn't take any action because of it. Another one is that it is stretching it a little to say the names are that close. It can definitely be reasonably seen that Mary Carey would be a not to strange of a name somebody might pick out for it's generic quality. It isn't like you named yourself Schwarzenegger or anything like that where it is hard to see where you are not copying Arnold. Third, it would be hard to confuse the two like they are claiming.

Then again who knows, this is America and our judges sometimes have a tendency of doing some stupid non-impartial things that don't fall within the law or constitution when it fits their agenda.