Mariah Carey to sue Mary Carey

PR stunt?
No, no, you got it all wrong!

alexios_hellas said:
At what point do tax-paying citizens get to sue the U.S. government for misappropriation of funds?
:thumbsup: I like the way you think! :D
No, no, you got it all wrong! The citizens of the autonomous states are supposed to deny the federal government of any funds from their state.

Take the funds away -- don't send them in the first place! You don't send in the lawyers after the funds have already been sent. Besides, only the lawyers get the money then (don't you guys follow these lawsuits against the state or federal governments? ;) )

I hope to God the American Libertarian party is successful with their "Free State Project" that's generating a bit of buzz. Sounds like the right idea if you ask me.


Lord Dipstick
mariah should just shut the eff up and let mary eat!!
mutual publicity cant hurt?
............mariah should be more worried about how eminem said he "fucked her in the ass w/ KY...yes sir!" on a song off his new RE-UP album!!
......and i do believe him, btw!!!:thumbsup:
That is pretty sad. Mariah I hadn't seen in the media for a while. I guess some people will do just about anything to stay on the front page..


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
This is a little old.