Andrew, because of what happened back when Mandy was a Cyber Girl for PB, I doubt they'd have her back and I doubt she'd go back. And Murrdawg, even though we would still have all the pics and vids Mandy made before starting her music career, it would be sad that there would be no more new ones and very likely that they would make her take down everything she has out there now
And for D-rock, those twenties Mandy had were from a trip to the ATM in which she withdrew the money from her "pay pigs" accounts (, and the reason there are pics of Mandy with stacks of money on her feet and her rolling in money is because she
is on a list and that list said that because of the work Mandy does, banks shouldn't do business with her or risk repercussions from the government. So Mandy's former bank closed all her accounts and she had to go through an ordeal to get her money out.