"Mancow" Water Boarded

I find it funny that the Youtube title is calling Mancow "conservative".I know that's the type of radio program that he has on here in Chicago,but just a few years ago,he was the furthest thing from conservative,being that he and his radio show were a complete ripoff of Howard Stern.I just find his whole schtick a fucking joke.

He's a ratings whore just like a lot of these other radio personalities,and this was just another "stunt" imo.

Will E Worm

The Japanese waterboarded US prisoners and were executed for it.

In a CNN debate with Ari Fleischer, I said the United States executed Japanese war criminals for waterboarding. My point was that it is disingenuous for Bush Republicans to argue that waterboarding is not torture and thus illegal. It's kind of awkward to argue that waterboarding is not a crime when you hanged someone for doing it to our troops. My precise words were: "Our country executed Japanese soldiers who waterboarded American POWs. We executed them for the same crime we are now committing ourselves."


Yeah, it was a stunt - I give him credit for being honest enough to change his tune after tapping out in 6 seconds. If I'm not mistaken, one of the guys who was actually involved in the interrogation of Sheikh Muhammed (sp), the 9/11 mastermind, said that all of the useful information they got from him was prior to the water-boarding, because once they started water-boarding, he just shut down completely.

So much for Cheney's point.

Cheney just wanted to torture people and thinks that we ought to torture people. A lot of people feel that way after an attack, but I believe the experts that say that you don't get any useful information that way - and it makes it more likely that captured Americans would be treated that way - so where's the benefit?
I find it funny that the Youtube title is calling Mancow "conservative".I know that's the type of radio program that he has on here in Chicago,but just a few years ago,he was the furthest thing from conservative,being that he and his radio show were a complete ripoff of Howard Stern.I just find his whole schtick a fucking joke.

He's a ratings whore just like a lot of these other radio personalities,and this was just another "stunt" imo.

The show, despite its emphasis on humor, can be extremely political. While Muller calls himself a libertarian, critics have attacked him as a right-wing demagogue. Although the show routinely satirizes politicians of both parties, Muller takes strong positions on the abortion and right to die debate, and has endorsed Republican candidates.



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
So what if he couldn't take waterboarding?
The tough terrorist was terrified of bugs...so what if he was hard as nails, he must be a wuss?
I'd like to pair you all up with a matching SEAL and laugh while you piss your pants from the pain and fear...
All the talk show hosts are not hard core military men, and your silly tirades about how they can't take waterboarding means less than nothing...if waterboarding was fun it wouldn't be effective.
The whole point is the damage is psychological and not permanent harm... which makes it a good extreme interrogation tool.
An opinion is not based on ability to do the dance...it's someone's rationale on the pro or con of a subject under discussion.

I feel like I'm trying to explain the obvious to a group of children...

Philby....your condescending attitude about stuff like this is uncalled for and gets very tiresome. By your statement, anyone here who doesn't see it exactly your way and who just might believe that waterboarding is torture are like a group of children, huh? We're all just too stupid to understand what is so blatantly obvious to someone with such a superlative intellect like you, right?

It is egotistical and pompous for you to make such statements and I, for one (and, believe me, I am NOT a child) take offense to it. Why can't you simply make your point without being so elitist about it? I mean, after all, is this a discussion board or is it just "The World According to Philbert"?? :dunno:
I bet before the years end were going have story of some kids getting fucked up and dieing while waterboarding each other. Every asshole in america knows how to waterboard someone now. I can wait for the couples to die while having waterboard sex.
Cheney just wanted to torture people and thinks that we ought to torture people.

No. The most likely use of this technique was to coerce some terror suspect to into linking AQ with Iraq and therefore use that/those statements in the case for the Iraq war.

"Interestingly":rolleyes:, the CIA banned water boarding in '07 and it was signed off on by Bush. Which begs the obvious questions; If it's legal, effective and has allegedly saved "thousands of lives"...why in the world would Bush/Cheney allow Hayden to ban it??? Hmm? Hmmm?

Simple answer, it served it's usefulness which was to try and manufacture reasons to invade Iraq. "Mission accomplished" with respect to phonying up that war..so now there's no more need for it.

Failure to see through that is willful blindness IMO.
So what if he couldn't take waterboarding?
The tough terrorist was terrified of bugs...so what if he was hard as nails, he must be a wuss?
I'd like to pair you all up with a matching SEAL and laugh while you piss your pants from the pain and fear...
All the talk show hosts are not hard core military men, and your silly tirades about how they can't take waterboarding means less than nothing...if waterboarding was fun it wouldn't be effective.
The whole point is the damage is psychological and not permanent harm... which makes it a good extreme interrogation tool.
An opinion is not based on ability to do the dance...it's someone's rationale on the pro or con of a subject under discussion.

I feel like I'm trying to explain the obvious to a group of children...

I can almost promise that if I had you to wring information out of, and you understood clearly the bad times would stop when you gave up the info we wanted, you'd want to share.
And if you clearly understood that, after verification, if you gave up false info, the bad times would continue and get even more unfun, you'd think very hard about lying or misinforming. You just have to believe that, it doesn't have to be actually true.
That's a known fact to experienced interrogators, and when severe measures are deemed necessary they know how to get the facts they need to get. BS is useless...

Enough with the locker room-style boasts.

Those who know say otherwise:


Anybody see the various you tube segments of former navy seal Jesse Ventura on the talk show curcuit this week? As part of his training he got waterboarded like that guy who founded Delta Force he thinks the information it yieds is a crock.

His money quote goes along the line of....give me a Dick Cheney, a waterboard and an hour and I'll have him confess the Sharon Tate murders.

Responses to this post should be aimed toward ventura

:1orglaugh Since this is Dick Cheney were talking about I bet he breaks much sooner than that. I bet Cheney is the sort of person who's inner coward will come out very quickly. People like Cheney like to talk tough when they are in a position of power, but deep down they are pretty pathetic.

I bet Philbert must also think Ventura, a former navy seal, among those he just talked up in very thread, must be a pussy now. It's funny how people that have been actually been tortured in their life, like John McCain, are some of the people that are most vehemently against it.

I wonder how long Philbert would last if I got to torture him as long as I wanted to when he could opt out at any time. (unlike the people we torture that have no choice but to endure it.) I wonder if his inner coward comes out much quicker than he thinks also. I wonder if I then lied and told him I really had no plans to stop at all if he would do pretty much anything I said or said anything I wanted to hear if it thought it would make me stop, whether true or not. Talking tough is easy. I wonder if he would think it was alright after all of that. Somehow I don't get the feeling he would.
So what if he couldn't take waterboarding?
The tough terrorist was terrified of bugs...so what if he was hard as nails, he must be a wuss?
I'd like to pair you all up with a matching SEAL and laugh while you piss your pants from the pain and fear...
All the talk show hosts are not hard core military men, and your silly tirades about how they can't take waterboarding means less than nothing...if waterboarding was fun it wouldn't be effective.
The whole point is the damage is psychological and not permanent harm... which makes it a good extreme interrogation tool.
An opinion is not based on ability to do the dance...it's someone's rationale on the pro or con of a subject under discussion.

I feel like I'm trying to explain the obvious to a group of children...

i would love to waterboard your punkass. i think i would keep going until your dead
So what if he couldn't take waterboarding?
The tough terrorist was terrified of bugs...so what if he was hard as nails, he must be a wuss?
I'd like to pair you all up with a matching SEAL and laugh while you piss your pants from the pain and fear...
All the talk show hosts are not hard core military men, and your silly tirades about how they can't take waterboarding means less than nothing...if waterboarding was fun it wouldn't be effective.
The whole point is the damage is psychological and not permanent harm... which makes it a good extreme interrogation tool.
An opinion is not based on ability to do the dance...it's someone's rationale on the pro or con of a subject under discussion.

I feel like I'm trying to explain the obvious to a group of children...

Rollercoasters scare some people, waterboarding is a state of fear from drowning to death. It is very effective regardless...



:1orglaugh Since this is Dick Cheney were talking about I bet he breaks much sooner than that. I bet Cheney is the sort of person who's inner coward will come out very quickly. People like Cheney like to talk tough when they are in a position of power, but deep down they are pretty pathetic.

I bet Philbert must also think Ventura, a former navy seal, among those he just talked up in very thread, must be a pussy now. It's funny how people that have been actually been tortured in their life, like John McCain, are some of the people that are most vehemently against it.

I wonder how long Philbert would last if I got to torture him as long as I wanted to when he could opt out at any time. (unlike the people we torture that have no choice but to endure it.) I wonder if his inner coward comes out much quicker than he thinks also. I wonder if I then lied and told him I really had no plans to stop at all if he would do pretty much anything I said or said anything I wanted to hear if it thought it would make me stop, whether true or not. Talking tough is easy. I wonder if he would think it was alright after all of that. Somehow I don't get the feeling he would.

WTF are you on about? I thought PMS was only for females...guess I was wrong.
Just where do you come off making guesses how much I can endure? You got no idea or insight what pain is or how someone can transcend it when they need to...I do.
You are amazing...just for fun make comments about me that you have no way of knowing are the truth or not.
Of course John is against torture...he was hung off the ground with his hands cuffed behind him until his shoulders separated...that's torture.
He was beaten repeatedly when he already had broken bones...that's torture.
He spent years of hopelessness and intense pain, but he kept his inner self intact, endured and transcended the agony, even when he was told he could go home ...he refused to go before the others went home too.
J McCain has more balls than anyone can imagine, and is beyond your comprehension. I have endless respect for the man he is, and you have no idea what that means.
What the fuck is "inner coward" anyway? You think surviving is a game of chicken?
I post exactly the same way I talk to people in real life...respect where it belongs and no slack for bullshit or posturing. I never lie...I hate that shit, and no one scares me enough to make me lie.
You have shown me what a coward you really are...saying things you wouldn't have the balls to say to me face to face, using your keyboard.

I've seen the grey-colored domeshaped messengers of death inches from my face, counted every chambered round, and never plead for my life...you don't have the sound of a brave or tough enough guy to have kept your pants dry.
At least I can say I am blessed with one true thing...I'm not you. And never will be.
I can almost promise that if I had you to wring information out of, and you understood clearly the bad times would stop when you gave up the info we wanted, you'd want to share.
And if you clearly understood that, after verification, if you gave up false info, the bad times would continue and get even more unfun, you'd think very hard about lying or misinforming. You just have to believe that, it doesn't have to be actually true.
That's a known fact to experienced interrogators, and when severe measures are deemed necessary they know how to get the facts they need to get. BS is useless...

So the guy who just said that, is now asking this???

WTF are you on about? I thought PMS was only for females...guess I was wrong.
Just where do you come off making guesses how much I can endure? You got no idea or insight what pain is or how someone can transcend it when they need to...I do.
You are amazing...just for fun make comments about me that you have no way of knowing are the truth or not.

I gotta say, that's rich!

Of course John is against torture...he was hung off the ground with his hands cuffed behind him until his shoulders separated...that's torture.
He was beaten repeatedly when he already had broken bones...that's torture.
He spent years of hopelessness and intense pain, but he kept his inner self intact, endured and transcended the agony, even when he was told he could go home ...he refused to go before the others went home too.
J McCain has more balls than anyone can imagine, and is beyond your comprehension. I have endless respect for the man he is, and you have no idea what that means.
What the fuck is "inner coward" anyway? You think surviving is a game of chicken?
I post exactly the same way I talk to people in real life...respect where it belongs and no slack for bullshit or posturing. I never lie...I hate that shit, and no one scares me enough to make me lie.
You have shown me what a coward you really are...saying things you wouldn't have the balls to say to me face to face, using your keyboard.

I've seen the grey-colored domeshaped messengers of death inches from my face, counted every chambered round, and never plead for my life...you don't have the sound of a brave or tough enough guy to have kept your pants dry.
At least I can say I am blessed with one true thing...I'm not you. And never will be.

No one scares you enough to make you lie?
How do you account for McCain lying to his interrogators, giving them the names of a bunch of football players? Was he scared - or smart - or unwilling to sell out his country, with truthful info?
I think supporters of torture (and McCain has said over and over that waterboarding is torture) are the ones who think surviving IS a game of chicken...

We're on an internet forum. Nobody really knows anything about anyone here. It's entirely possible that all of your humble (haha) tales of bravery and heroism (yaaaaaawn) are just words you tapped out. It could be lies or it could be childish boasting.

In any case, we're not in a bar, so your "I've seen the grey-colored domeshaped messengers of death inches from my face, counted every chambered round, and never plead for my life... you don't have the sound of a brave or tough enough guy to have kept your pants dry" assertions are merely macho posturing. (Well, they're also fairly hilarious, but that's beside the point...)
Of course John is against torture...he was hung off the ground with his hands cuffed behind him until his shoulders separated...that's torture.
He was beaten repeatedly when he already had broken bones...that's torture.
He spent years of hopelessness and intense pain, but he kept his inner self intact, endured and transcended the agony, even when he was told he could go home ...he refused to go before the others went home too.
J McCain has more balls than anyone can imagine, and is beyond your comprehension. I have endless respect for the man he is, and you have no idea what that means.

Excellent point! So certainly a man who as you point out was tortured ought to know what "torture" is....(makes sense right?)

So when McCain says here that, "water boarding is torture, period"...it sounds like with all the respect you've just shown him for what he's gone through and your acknowledgement of his experience with torture you would by extension believe he's a credible source on the issue of water boarding. No?


Somehow I sense a burst of tortured logic coming....
Meinkow really really deserves the afficial analbumkover treatment !

whatta mouthy lil razkal indeedie ! :D

Translation: I was for "Mancow" before I was against him.:rofl2: