:1orglaugh Since this is Dick Cheney were talking about I bet he breaks much sooner than that. I bet Cheney is the sort of person who's inner coward will come out very quickly. People like Cheney like to talk tough when they are in a position of power, but deep down they are pretty pathetic.
I bet Philbert must also think Ventura, a former navy seal, among those he just talked up in very thread, must be a pussy now. It's funny how people that have been actually been tortured in their life, like John McCain, are some of the people that are most vehemently against it.
I wonder how long Philbert would last if I got to torture him as long as I wanted to when he could opt out at any time. (unlike the people we torture that have no choice but to endure it.) I wonder if his inner coward comes out much quicker than he thinks also. I wonder if I then lied and told him I really had no plans to stop at all if he would do pretty much anything I said or said anything I wanted to hear if it thought it would make me stop, whether true or not. Talking tough is easy. I wonder if he would think it was alright after all of that. Somehow I don't get the feeling he would.
WTF are you on about? I thought PMS was only for females...guess I was wrong.
Just where do you come off making guesses how much I can endure? You got no idea or insight what pain is or how someone can transcend it when they need to...I do.
You are amazing...just for fun make comments about me that you have no way of knowing are the truth or not.
Of course John is against torture...he was hung off the ground with his hands cuffed behind him until his shoulders separated...that's torture.
He was beaten repeatedly when he already had broken bones...that's torture.
He spent years of hopelessness and intense pain, but he kept his inner self intact, endured and transcended the agony, even when he was told he could go home ...he refused to go before the others went home too.
J McCain has more balls than anyone can imagine, and is beyond your comprehension. I have endless respect for the man he is, and you have no idea what that means.
What the fuck is "inner coward" anyway? You think surviving is a game of chicken?
I post exactly the same way I talk to people in real life...respect where it belongs and no slack for bullshit or posturing. I
never lie...I hate that shit, and no one scares me enough to make me lie.
You have shown me what a coward you really are...saying things you wouldn't have the balls to say to me face to face, using your keyboard.
I've seen the grey-colored domeshaped messengers of death inches from my face, counted every chambered round, and never plead for my life...you don't have the sound of a brave or tough enough guy to have kept your pants dry.
At least I can say I am blessed with one true thing...I'm not you. And never will be.