"Mancow" Water Boarded

Why is it that individuals these days are compelled to tell the world how they feel instead of what they think? It it vanity? Personally, (and I'll go out on a limb and say I'm not alone on this) I generally don't give a shit how you feel about your opinions even when I'm more than curious to know what they are and why you hold them. Just as importantly, I couldn't give a rats ass about how you feel about my opinions.

Is this a generational thing or is it an internet thing. I'm an old fart and I wish this trend would go away.

John McCain endured some tough times but you still have to take the man in full. Have a look at this if you have a moment. It's not a bad read.

Why is it that individuals these days are compelled to tell the world how they feel instead of what they think? It it vanity? Personally, (and I'll go out on a limb and say I'm not alone on this) I generally don't give a shit how you feel about your opinions even when I'm more than curious to know what they are and why you hold them. Just as importantly, I couldn't give a rats ass about how you feel about my opinions.

Is this a generational thing or is it an internet thing. I'm an old fart and I wish this trend would go away.

John McCain endured some tough times but you still have to take the man in full. Have a look at this if you have a moment. It's not a bad read.


Okayyy..hmmm....In reading that I'm struck by two things, It's clear America made the better choice with Obama and no where in there did it challenge McCain's consistency that water boarding was torture....(Which BTW, is the issue at hand in this thread.)

As far as your impression of McCain, the man overall maybe you or Philbert ought to start a thread to debate that one..:dunno:
I live close enough to Chicago to get WLS-AM 890 on the radio and listen to Mancow and Cassidy when I get the chance. I think it was pretty ballsy just to volunteer to get water boarded.

I've read articles where government officials have said even hardened terrorists were able to with stand it for a minute or longer. I'm sure the sensation is terrible and it's suppose to be -- it's a motivator. I personally think that drugs would do a better job of putting people in the right state to give up information.
Have you ever ... ? (poorly judging McCain)

John McCain endured some tough times but you still have to take the man in full. Have a look at this if you have a moment. It's not a bad read.
Have you ever been tortured for 7 years straight in the Hanoi Hilton?

McCain came home, like most officers who spent years in the Hanoi Hilton completely changed in the early-to-mid '70s. When you are stuck like that, you're not merely just happy to be alive, but you want to experience everything in life again, everything you missed.

McCain was no longer the husband and father he was before he left. He was irresponsible. He was without a cause. He was just ... well ... trying to live again. And it took him a few years.

Yes, he disregarding his family. But he met a new wife and she got him under control again. Thus, from the mid '80s on-ward, he found his responsibility again. He became a politician and moved on.

And despite all the travesty in his life, and the garbage and attitude he brought back, he moved on and regained himself. And he went one step further, he opened the doors to Vietnam, despite what they did to him. Just like only Nixon could go to China.

Don't judge McCain for about 7-10 years of his life where he tried to regain a grasp of himself. He moved passed it. Yes, he expensed a family in the meantime, but understand he spent just as much time in the Hanoi Hilton as he did being reckless directly afterwards.

Most people don't touch it because he did finally meet a woman who put him back in his place.
I live close enough to Chicago to get WLS-AM 890 on the radio and listen to Mancow and Cassidy when I get the chance. I think it was pretty ballsy just to volunteer to get water boarded.

I've read articles where government officials have said even hardened terrorists were able to with stand it for a minute or longer. I'm sure the sensation is terrible and it's suppose to be -- it's a motivator. I personally think that drugs would do a better job of putting people in the right state to give up information.

Huh??!?? How was that anywhere near "ballsy"?? Clearly, it was agreed upon that as soon as he sputtered "shhtopp!" or gave the safety signal the guy doing the pouring would cease immediately.

Obviously, there's a huge difference between that and being tied down by an enemy (or someone who considers you to be the enemy), who could or might just kill you if they get the urge, who will waterboard you until THEY want to stop. REAL waterboarding doesn't involve safety words or considerate people who will stop doing it when you scream.

This was merely a simulation of the far, far worse real thing. And this dude lasted all of 6 seconds and still called it "absolutely torture".

I believe that there are some psychos who would never concede that it's torture, even if it was done to them to the point where they actually drowned (and thus, died). That only proves that some people have egos that outsize their integrity by a great deal. They'd rather die than admit that it's torture, to maintain the illusion that their team is better than the other team.

Hey, anyone seen Philbert??? :dunno:

Hey, anyone seen Philbert??? :dunno:

Hmm, I'm thinking there needs to be a few more posts, a few more days and we're gonna forget about the one he's supposed to respond to then he'll probably respond to some other post in this thread on the basis of some other issue than the one at hand.;)
Re: Have you ever ... ? (poorly judging McCain)

Have you ever been tortured for 7 years straight in the Hanoi Hilton?

You didn't read the link did you. Fair enough. You are probably quite busy spending your days asking irrelevant questions to strangers because you feel compelled to defend famous people that you admire. Good for you.

Apparently, those who wish to perhaps know a teensy weensy bit about the people who want to sit in the Whitehouse and make the big decisions are only permitted to do this after spending seven years in a foreign jail. This took me somewhat by surprise. I'm guessing that after this interval it is then OK to offer up a criticism of John McCain. (Something that I did not do. I only pointed interested parties to an article that examined some salient passages from his life.) For instance he really was a crap student: finishing 894th out of a class of 899. Or if you are a glass half full kind of a guy, in the top 99.5%

The article goes on and on, outlining the ways that his money and family connections continuously opened and held open doors while his performance was usually mediocre at best. It doesn't have too much to say about his character either, but I feel bad saying this not having spent seven years in the Hanoi Hilton. If only this linked article opened talking about John Dramesi a veteran of the Hanoi Hilton. You know the John Dramesi I'm on about: the one who didn't break down under torture and got two air force silver crosses. Oh hang about a minute I think it does. Let me try and recall how it goes...............................

McCain says his life changed while he was in Vietnam, and he is now a different man," Dramesi says today. "But he's still the undisciplined, spoiled brat that he was when he went in."

So the jury is in then. From the only people who can have a valid opinion in these things.
Oh, the conservative sadists, the torture-lovers, are tying themselves up in knots over this (pun intended). Now they're developing pitiful conspiracy theories. I guess Mancow conspired to.... make himself look very wrong, look even more like an idiot than he did before???

Not really "weird" if you know what I mean. ;):D

Also, I love how "Mancow" says on Olbermann, he got a call from Hannity and the first thing out of Hannity's mouth was, "it's still not torture".

I can't lie...what a ninny assed, whimpering puss Hannity is.

hannity's the biggest pussy hypocrite. he said he would be waterboarded but still hasn't done it but he can tell us about it
isnt this the same guy who tries to uncover roswell shit and argues aliens do exist and visit all the time???
isnt this the same guy who tries to uncover roswell shit and argues aliens do exist and visit all the time???

I don't know. I only heard of the guy from being on Fox slamming Democrats, parroting GOPer spin and agreeing with Hannity on everything (except in this case, water boarding).

But even if what you say is true, does that mean he can't get water boarding on t.v. and from that recognized that it's obviously torture?
isnt this the same guy who tries to uncover roswell shit and argues aliens do exist and visit all the time???

Well, it's not like any of that will or can keep you from getting a job as a radio talk show host.... or TV "news" show host.... or a high-ranking and powerful job in the government.

Limbaugh believes a lot of crazy and moronic shit, too (for example, that it's all but impossible for humanity to destroy the planet). Yet he remains quite influential and is treated seriously by many in power (primarily Republicans). Cheney looks to Limbaugh as a leader more than he does Colin Powell.
Limbaugh believes a lot of crazy and moronic shit, too (for example, that it's all but impossible for humanity to destroy the planet)
And yet there are plenty of people that are also willing to take a true statement out of context.

Even George Carlin points out the obvious ...
The planet will be fine, but the people might be a different story

That's what many (not just Limbaugh, and not just on the right) keep referring to. People talking about "climate change" not knowing an ounce of history.

Half of Florida and over a quarter of Carolinas are under water, and have been regularly flooded -- along with New Orleans and other areas -- until the US Army Corps of Engineers started filling in areas over decades in last century. Then people encroached on those areas and pushed into more and more. So every now and then nature lets humans know where they are. ;)

Duh, of course it's going to be flooded! It's under water! If you get a storm front that overflows the limits of the protections ... again ... duh!

Just don't get me on the Gulf cycle and the west and east north Atlantic temperature cycle. I know that bores people to death, but 10 out of 10 cases of people I've talked to outside of the southeast US where we care about hurricanes, no one has ever heard of it before.
And yet there are plenty of people that are also willing to take a true statement out of context.

Even George Carlin points out the obvious ...
The planet will be fine, but the people might be a different story

That's what many (not just Limbaugh, and not just on the right) keep referring to. People talking about "climate change" not knowing an ounce of history.

So, are you making a point about "people that are also willing to take a true statement out of context" by... taking a statement out of context?

The right has frequently adopted Carlin's comment (from a stand-up show) and tried to twist it for their own purposes, which largely revolve around a just-keep-digging, to-hell-with-the-consequences approach to the sustainability (for humanity) of various human enterprises.

If we're killing ourselves in the process of destroying the planet (anyone here enjoy eating fish? Let's talk in 30 years - especially if current practices continue as is), then perhaps that's a good reason to stop fucking over the environment. You know, in addition to enjoying clean air and water and healthy, uncontaminated food, I also enjoy taking in a landscape that offers something other than Wal-Marts (or empty Wal-Mart buildings after they've "upgraded" in Whatever-town) and pavement and plastic trash and oil stains.
Even George Carlin points out the obvious ...
The planet will be fine, but the people might be a different story

I tend to agree. In simple terms, man probably couldn't destroy the earth literally...However, it's obvious we have the ability to make it uninhabitable for many of her species including ourselves.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
It was a publicity stunt. Plain and simple. Props to the guy for getting people talking about him again. I've never listened to him and probably never will but he's got to be pretty smart to get both sides lining up to vilify him.
It was a publicity stunt. Plain and simple. Props to the guy for getting people talking about him again. I've never listened to him and probably never will but he's got to be pretty smart to get both sides lining up to vilify him.

So you don't like "Mancow's" "publicity stunt"? How about this guy's? I guess Hitchens is making up his reactions too.:rolleyes:

The complete video;
