Why is it that individuals these days are compelled to tell the world how they feel instead of what they think? It it vanity? Personally, (and I'll go out on a limb and say I'm not alone on this) I generally don't give a shit how you feel about your opinions even when I'm more than curious to know what they are and why you hold them. Just as importantly, I couldn't give a rats ass about how you feel about my opinions.
Is this a generational thing or is it an internet thing. I'm an old fart and I wish this trend would go away.
John McCain endured some tough times but you still have to take the man in full. Have a look at this if you have a moment. It's not a bad read.
Is this a generational thing or is it an internet thing. I'm an old fart and I wish this trend would go away.
John McCain endured some tough times but you still have to take the man in full. Have a look at this if you have a moment. It's not a bad read.