Man took snake for walk


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A New York man has been locked up - for taking his snake for a walk.

Curtis Dewberry, 35, was spotted walking down a major road with the 14ft Burmese python wrapped around his body.

He was seen on Montauk Highway, Long Island, by an officer for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals who called the police.

Dewberry has been charged with animal cruelty and failure to protect the public against dangerous wildlife


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The same burmese pythons that they let kids touch at carnivals?

I see no cruelty to this animal whatsoever, he's probably extremely healthy and obviously loved. Cold weather? Snake's are tough little creatures, I'm sure this "walk" didn't do any damage to it at all.

This has pissed me off. Fucking retards.
Damn, this guy probably don't have much brains inside head to want some attention with a snake.

I bet that snake isn't domesticated or something similar...but i think it's wrong just because he's witha snake, but because he's with it at the streets...really people are in danger.

Wanna have fun with a snake, go do it on yr own house, geez.


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Well, they are cold blooded. If it was cold enough outside, the snake would die.

Yes, but like I said, they are tough creatures. Tougher than most think.

It would need to be outside for quite a while, and it would need to be away from any sources of warmth... Such as the human it was wrapped around.
If the temperature was low enough, it wouldn't necessarily take long. I very much doubt the guy walked around naked so that his body provided a sufficient source of heat. I'm no expert, and I suspect neither are you, so I wouldn't rule out the possibility that it was dangerous for the snake just yet.
A cat is warm-blooded, meaning it can regulate its internal temperature regardless of external conditions (save for extremes). A cat is designed to be able to handle fairly low temperatures, a snake is not. And yes, If you endanger your animal, whether a cat or a snake, by intentionally exposing it to conditions that it can't handle, whether intentionally or out of ignorance, you should be stopped.
He was seen ... by an officer for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals who called the police.
Which might as well be the "Society for the Ignorant Judgment of Animals."

I've known too many professionals in my life from the National Park Service to various Wildlife Protection Agencies. They often can't stand 75-80% of the people in those organizations. Too many join thinking they will help animals, but in the end, it's just an excuse for them to hate. And it doesn't matter what scientific background and credentials professionals have, they are just wrong in their mind.

The percentage of hunters is the exact opposite, only 20-25% of them are ignorant. Oh the irony!


I was expecting an article about a fellow who sorta has his snake on a special harness / leash set up.
How cool would that be to walk / slither your snake 'round the block ?

Impossible to engineer such a harness, now that I think about it :o
I was expecting an article about a fellow who sorta has his snake on a special harness / leash set up.
How cool would that be to walk / slither your snake 'round the block ?

Impossible to engineer such a harness, now that I think about it :o

I was thinking the same thing!!!

granted it probably wasn't the brightest idea, but it had to look cool! The guy had to be taking pretty good care of it to get that big, and a short walk couldn't have posed that great a threat to the animal.

I agree with Rhino! what a bunch of retards! Now I'm pissed too!:D
New York... 14 ft Burmese python... failure to protect the public against dangerous wildlife

The animal cruelty charge makes perfect sense (it's winter in New York, you know...) but that's secondary to public safety. A creature of that size would be a match for a fully grown adult, so just imagine what it's capable of if it's hungry and encounters a child. Whenever people hear stories about dogs mauling babies to death, they end up sickened by the actions of negligent/irresponsible owners. How is this any different?

Oh, and if you're in doubt as to what that Burmese Python looks like:
Winter in NY is reasonably warm.

Now if it was in Chicago or Milwaukee or some such place...

But dude's an attention whore.
I was expecting an article about a fellow who sorta has his snake on a special harness / leash set up.
How cool would that be to walk / slither your snake 'round the block ?

Impossible to engineer such a harness, now that I think about it :o

Strange, but I was almost thinking the same thing. I half came here expecting the read about a guy walking his snake down the street on a leash.
Strange, but I was almost thinking the same thing. I half came here expecting the read about a guy walking his snake down the street on a leash.

Then it would read "Man took snake for a slither". :1orglaugh
That is awesome. But clearly that guy was starving for some attention.

Sorry but you must live in a very small world VidKing.

This is nothing unusual except they locked him up :wtf::lame:

As I see this most morning from a couple in the summer, as I walk the dog in the local park. These aren't the only ones too, as I see allsorts of things been walked or just aired so to speak. A skunk is out most morning now on a lead, as is ferrets, stoats, rabbits, cats and even yes and I looked twice a small panther for a couple of months by a vet who was nursing it back to health.

I wonder what they'd do to a public house round here too that has two tarantula spiders roaming free in it. It's gives you quite a shock when playing on the pinball on your first time in the pub and one of them suddenly starts to walk across it.