Man Arrested for Having Sex With Inflatable Raft


StanScratch lives in Ohio...

An Ohio man was arrested on public indecency charges after cops caught him having sex with an inflatable raft, police said.

Edwin Charles Tobergta, 32, was arrested at his home in Hamilton, near Cincinnati, early Sunday after he was spotted in the bizarre act in a nearby alley, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

The owner of the raft told Hamilton Police Officer William Thacker he shouted at the suspect to stop.

"The witness stated the defendant appeared to be having sex with the raft due to the fact that his pants were down around his ankles," police wrote in the report.

Tobergta pulled up his pants and fled with the raft, the report states. Police said he confessed.

"Defendant advised officers that he was doing it but only because he has a problem and that he needs help and please don't send him to prison but send him somewhere to get help," the police report stated.

Tobergta had been arrested at least five times for similar offenses, most recently in 2008, the newspaper said.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
That raft is a tramp and everyone knows it.
Hey! What a man and his raft do in the comfort of their own ... uh .... public alley, is none of our concern. This is just another example of the kind of Orwellian government intrusion we have come to expect under Otrauma.

Gingrich 2012!
Haven't people like this ever heard of jacking off? If no woman wants to have anything to do with you, don't settle for a raft, a car, a donkey, etc. Use your hands!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


For the EMPEROR!!
"Tobergta pulled up his pants and fled with the raft"

:D He must have a real crush on that raft, that he didn't drop it when he ran.
Reminds me one of I read of a guy who was arrested for shagging a traffic cone in the UK a few years back.

Bunch of psycho nutters is what they are!.


My Penis Is Dancing!
That fucking raft is a whore! A fucking whore! It said it and Tobergta were only frien...wait. "Tobergta"? What in the flying fuck kind of name is that? Sounds like a villain from Manos: hands of Fate.

And, that raft is a fucking whore.
That is very interesting, and brilliant. It takes a lot of smarts to have sex with a raft in a public alleyway.
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Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's a lot of fucking in the News this week.
If it was just a regular flat raft, I think it's fucking sick! If it was on of those rafts that are in the shape of a duckie? I can kind of understand.


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