Something has got to be missing from this story???
That's what puzzles me.The Crown prosecution Service vets all prosecutions for a) whether the case has a reasonable chance of securing a guilty verdict and b) whether the case is in the public interest.
At face value the case fails on point b.What would be the point expending time and money (when the court system is creaking with overwork) to prosecute somebody who had no criminal intent and thought he was doing his public duty? Particularly as handing in the weapon WAS in the public interest.
I don't know all the facts of the case, but I will play devil's advocate.
The implication in the story is that when he rang the Chief Superintendent, he told them what he was going to do. He didn't. If he had they would have told him to leave the gun alone, granted him a temporary license and sent someone to retrieve it. Also remember, British police, especially in places like Surrey, don't see a lot of guns. So from their perspective, a man walked into a police station with a gun.
He should have kept his big mouth shut, thata way he would have a handy blaster for when the islama-shit-hits the fan day comes.... till then, he's reduced to a butter knife if those are still legal by the time he gets out of jail.I don't think it was reasonable of the jury to find Mr. Clarke guilty for turning in the weapon the way that he did, but he should have been a little smarter about the situation. He definitely should have just called the police and had an officer take care of it. Just another example of how the justice system is far from perfect.
He would probably have just got about 200 hours community service...........
For those interested in keeping up with events this is a good source.
So he is going to get community service for handing in a firearm? he should get a pad on the back for doing the police's job. Maybe that is why he was arrested, he embarrased the police.
Former soldier finds a sawed off shotgun with two rounds in his backyard, turns in into the police, then he gets arrested and after a 20 minute jury deliberation, that's right 20 minutes, is convicted and might face a minimum of 5 years in jail for doing the right thing. Gotta love those lovely gun control laws.:thumbsup: Britian, can't wait till it happens to us Yanks.